Glad to see everyone is doing so well - bumps growing and babies thriving according to ultrasound results! I can't believe how big our babies are getting
I gained about 2 pounds a week the last couple of weeks - that's as much in 2 weeks as the whole first 14 weeks sheesh
Hoping that just means baby is getting nice and chubby in there and ready for birth.
Weird question, but has anyone else noticed their colostrum come in yet? I started having sore bbs again about a week ago and then I got this one area that was all red and lumpy on one breast and now when I massage it I see some colostrum (or at least some kind of sticky liquid) come out on that side. I read it could come in anytime after 16 weeks, but this seems awfully early still! Also, what's up with the red lumpy spot? Anyway, just wondering what breast changes you ladies had noticed so far.