Hi all, long time no speak, just wanted to say hi and hope you are all doing ok, i have just this evening got all my house phone and broadband back on after the repairs to the wires the builders damaged have been fixed so i am over the moon at having some communication with the outside world again lol. it was rather difficult with the dongle thing as i never had signal or it would cut of in the middle of posting so i just gave up. anyways sorry i haven't caught up with whats happening with everyone, guess i have some reading to do!! xx
Hey ladies.
How are you all? I've not spoken to any of you in ages.
I would have posted more on here, but I kinda felt left out and awkward being in here and that no one talks to me :/
Hope you are all doing well.
It would be nice to speak to you all again.
Love and hugs xxx
I know I should have posted, but I didn't :/
Harley is doing good thanks, he's getting so big now
How are you doing? xx
Ooh, I actually have a question or three for you (if you don't mind telling me);
what program do you use to make your signatures?
where do you get those really cute frames from for them or do you make them yourself?
what program do you use to make tickers?
Ooh, I hope things are gonna get moving along soon for you
Thanks, yeah I have Photoshop CS2 and Paint Shop Pro and have been making graphics for years but never made any on here and I have always wondered where people on here get the frames from ...I don't think I'd have a clue how to make tickers anyway, but I just wanted to ask, hehe.
BTW, love your sock monkey. I tried making one the other day but it turned out bad. I need to learn to sew properly, haha