I see it too patty woohoo!! when you testing again?
Hi girls how you all doing? I'm feeling pretty s**t today, the bleeding has started and I think its finally hit me that it is actually real and I am actually having a miscarriage, god its hard. On the plus side though we've made a review apt to see a different consultant, he specialises in immune testing, so I feel a bit better knowing that we will be doing something different next time round. It's just a waiting game now. 3rd time lucky eh!!
hiya ladies how are you all? had alot going on over past few days sooo exited we have signed a contract for our own flat today woooop 2 bedrooms so room for a ikkle one and ground floor so easy for buggy etc just gota wait until the 1st april to move in! andd when we got home today our health insurance cards were in the post waiting for us so gonna try get an apt with the lady i need to see next week to get the ball rolling and find out once and for all what n earth is going on with my crazy cycles!
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