girls tested this morning with an ic not a line so going to get some proper test today or tomorrow my cervix is high so just going to see if the witch come are what when i got my bfp in may it was 13or 14 dpo x x x
girls how are you all HAPPY EASTER done the fer this morning no line so just going to wait it out my cycles on clomid are 28 to 33 so if still no af bye then going my doctors x x x
ive had a laid back easter, not really done anything for it
got a lovely week ahed tho
wednesday - healthzone - gonne make crispy cakes,
thursday - payday -
date afternoon, maddox is going to a neighbour for the afternoon - wed/thurs
Friday - Royal Wedding going to a massve party down the gym/field, with big screens and music and entertainment and free wedding breakfast , facepainting the lot
girls hope your all well afm started spotting just hope its not af coming because i never get spotting i just get af straight away funny just chilling today my sons back to school in the morning there only in school 3 days they brake up again x x x
George I'm understanding the boxes situation geez how do we accumulate so much stuff!! stick with it hunny you will eventually get through them and then you can chill and enjoy your new pad . We had a drive up to a rented property today, which looks ok so gonna give it a ring tomorrow and hopefully view in the week and then could be out of here in a few weeks time.
I'm pondering on when to do next ivf cycle. Should we do it as soon as we get back off holiday, when we have the house move and everything else goin on too or should we wait until the month after when everything has settled down. I'm thinking maybe house move and ivf could be a good thing, maybe the stress of the house move might supress my immune system enough to allow the embie to implant. Hmmm decisions decisions!!
girls how are you all afm 1st pill down 1 to go tonight wooppp when back the gym proper today loved it done ever think and a big run feel good hate not working out x x x
hey ladies hope you are all well ? iv no idea hwere i am in my cycle and its drivin me nuts lol never tempd or opkd but had ewcm cramps and sex drive day 14/15 so technicly i could be 11 dpo now have the fs again on thursday to see what the next step for us is after my day 3 bloods came back as progesterone low and the day 21 no ov. been a busy bee this week its only tues and im knakerd with a pounding headache doing a linguista course to learn german and tis bloomin hard playing ahvic with my dyslexia
girls hope your all well asfm feeling very sick today don't no if its off the pregnacare or what been the gym had a good work out came home took dogs round the field and then took my niece docs she full to the brim with hay fever ha my oh has it to feeling sorry for his self like men do x x x
girls well just waiting in for cable to come and fit a new Internet thing so don't think i will be going the gym if there not her for 10 hate siting in doing new we going to do a opk to see if i am o yet i keep having pain in my ovaries so fx not long now x x x
girls i am just waiting to go the gym but i will not be doing a run has i am still full of a cold wish it would just go now fed up done a opk and its dark wooppp x x
girls hope your all well happy friday woopp afm been shopping for food taking my son for his hair chopped then hopeful he will be sleeping his nans tonight x x x
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