Itd soo humid here. Maddox has only had short naps today so hoping he'll sleep ok today. Ive been doing a fair bit of housework, my living room and my bedroom are nice and tidy, kitchen is a wrk in prgress, as are the patios
hey ladies hope ur all well 1 week n 5 days till i go back to my mums for a few days will miss ben but cant wait to see my fam! then day after i get back i have my first appointment with the kinder wunche team so one way of another even if it ends up we need ivf or sumon like that we will be getting our baby as thisplace does it all from simple clomid to ivf i really do have faith in these ladies they will give me my awnsers and my baby!
girls happy Friday wooppp been the gym took the dogs the field now i am chilling for a hour before i go and soak some sun up because it lovely her today x x x
hiya babes this is my link to my bump pics that i had done dont mind people looking at them im quite proud of them including my battlescars(stretchmarks)!!! i love the one with my bonnie puss
on netmums there was a local photographer offering his services and 2 10x8 pics for free in exchange for being able to put them on his profile sweet offer i think
i just sat on sofa watching crispy kick like hell
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