hey ladies hope u are all ok? 3 days till i get to see my mummy and daddy will be weird being back in england especialy alone without ben lol. i found out yesterday that my little cousin 21 next mth is 13 weeks preg wasnt trying and was on the pill so was not a very happy girly lol but then i spoke to her on fb and she gave me major pma by telling me her mum had EXACTLY the same probs as me long drawn out cycle with no ov was put on clomid and after 2 cycles she fell with crystal. i swear shes really my mum lol i take after her in everything, my joints what i have to get checked out, my eye sight, my weight, and now my fertility lol
girls hope your all well afm been food shopping came back took my son fishing it was brill he court loads just come back oh has gone for a run and then off to the chinese when hes back 2 dpo for me woopp x x x
morning girls weather her is lovely today going the gym at 10 come home have a shower go the hairdressers wooppp then come home have tea and then take my son fishing to pass the 2ww symptoms bloated feel a bit sick tender boobs peeing a lot wwwwooopppp x x x
weve been over to the hos for davids pre op assessment ad just gotten bk 1 hos apt - 5hrs out the house! 3 hrs of that driving!!
going to chill for a bit, then maybe head down to the pool this afternoon, davd can occupy lil man while i swim some laps, got a wedding in august to go to and i mst lose at least a stone...
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