Help! Places to Buy Boots!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Any good sites to buy boots girls?

I've just about given up!!! :(
Oh K your just mean - How expensive :shock:

I love:

An theres just no way I have that kind of money right now! :cry:
Lovely but

Is there anything on I haven't looked buut they are the only place I buy clothes from online.
Ooo forgot about that place - Just checked though - Nothing I like but they are pricey too!

I sat up last night swearing I would not use my CC :lol: Its screaming USE ME USE ME :lol: an I think I will! A friend gave me a code as well ...

"15% off all orders with the code "closer" entered at checkout - printed in Closer Magazine. Don't know if there is a minimum spend

amazonbookmark - 10% off"
Cat said:
If your looking for cheap and chearfull how about

Tried all those sort of places! Liked the second on last line:
They are out of stock though & tbh I'd of ended up buying more because I wanted black!

The rocket dog boots are £85 on there too but not quite the same bar that nothing I like - I don't want knee high because of my chubby calfs :oops: :lol:
Do you have to shop online? If not hit the sales, or go to new look. Igot some fantastic cowboy boots from them before for only £35
I've looked in NEXT & New Look & a couple of smaller shoe shops & nothing :oops: :lol:
If you want to take the rick how about ebay? Igot some brand new firetrap heal from there that retail for £80 for only £17! Plus a lot of the stores that trade on their offer returns if they dont fit properly.
Found those boots for £50 on eBay - Always scared they are fakes though.

eBay in general I've been loking on for days now & either not the right colour or not the right size. Already sold 2 pairs of boots I got from there :cry:
Got a fab pair of boots from Ravel before Xmas. I think they were about £70. How much are you wanting to spend?
Dunno Helen - never spent that much on Boots :shock:
Thats it K give me the link & then leave me fighting with my credit card on my tod :gun:

Bit cheaper but worried they are fakes :?
I like those Wobbs, I dont think they are fakes, afterall the seller has a lot of positive feedback, if they were selling a shoddy quality product they would have more negative feedback. They arent so stupidly cheap that I would be sceptical either. I say go for it.
Anyone wanna buy these for me? :lol:
Like Cat says I dont think they are fakes, excellent feedback which is a bonus :D

Too late tho, they r gone :cry:

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