Hi ladies!
How is everyone?
Mannymoo - I can sort of empaphise with feeling guilty for having a healthy pregnancy. Not a full pregnancy, but a lady I work with has been ttc for a long time and having to go through IVF route, we work closely together every day and I think it's hard for her to watch me get bigger, we only talk about it briefly.
Cysttal - hope you're treatment went well?
Mom2chloe - great pic, what a lovely bump you've got coming along!
Janine - sorry to hear you're suffering at the moment, hope you feel better soon!
Sorry I've been quiet for a while - life is pretty hectic at the moment! I started working full time again in September which I might have metioned before but I'm finding that balancing work, looking after a toddler and being 21wks pregnant is bloomin' hard work! I'm sure you girls know what I mean! I'm so tired most of the time. I've had a blood test to check my iron levels as I was saying that i'm often breathless too. Supposed to be working til Feb half term (13th) but kinda regretting not finishing at Christmas now. I suppose there's no reason why I can't still change it but feel like it would mess a lot of other people about and don't want to leave work on a bad note.
Anyway, enough moaning. I have a lot to be grateful for!

I had my 20wk scan on Thursday and it went brilliantly which is such a relief, isn't it?!

The baby was sucking his/her thumb! Too cute!
I'm updating on my laptop today, which is rare so thought I would take the opportunity to join in posting a bump pic (taken today at 21wks) and a couple of scan pics from Thurs - any gender guesses welcome!!