Hi! I'm new(ish). Here's me... TTC #2. :)

Hi all,

Kealz, how did your appointment go? I get what you mean by being unable to participate in most of the activities cos of tiredness. I'm in a similar position as we have friends coming over today. They've never been to Edinburgh and they have lots of tourist things planned, been wondering how I'll make it through without sounding like a spoil sport.*

That being said, it's the memories that matters and I'm sure you had some lovely ones with your boy.

Mannymoo, how are you doing. All the best tomorrow and let's know how you get on.

Mom2chloe, good you're feeling better now. I've heard of the panorama test, it's a non-invasive alternative to amniotic I think? It's not offered here in the UK. You Americans get lots of options including several scans, makes me jealous. I guess it's cos of the difference in health care funding.

The February birth month group is called February hearts, found under pregnancy groups and discussions in the lounge and chatter. I must warn it does move like lightening though. I've only posted 2ce cos I can't seem to keep up with who is who. Plan to make more effort.

Janine, congrats on your scan. Sorry to hear Matthew is ill, hope he gets better soon. I'm also scheduled to have the whooping cough and flu jab, I get the flu jab every year though, because of my health issues and I also had the whooping cough vaccine around 28 weeks while pregnant with Ds.*

AFM, I have my 12 week scan next Tuesday, I'm just very calm about it which is very unlike me. I've had the doppler and gel sitting out on the drawer for over a week but haven't bothered to use it. I guess what will be will be. I'm just surprised by how relaxed I am about it. I need my old paranoid self back.

I might be MIA till our guests leave town. I'll try to check in as much as I can though and will be sure to update on my scan.
My appointment was ok thanks, crysttal, although there were a couple of thing I wasn't happy about - seems I'm hard to please these days!

See what you girls think...

1) After asking about state of mind following previous birth, I explained that when ds was 1 week old we moved into a bigger house and then dh lost his job. I wasn't coping well with the stress so was referred to a specialist nurse who told me I had developed an anxiety problem. The student midwife wrote on my green notes 'post natal depression'. I was never diagnosed with that.

2) I have to use steroid creams sometimes to control my eczema when it flares up. She asked me what meds I had, I told her. She said not to use any in pregnancy. I said I did have to use a bit the other day as I had a skin infection which was incredibly sore although I explained that I used the milder strength one rather than the potent one, which is what I did when pg with ds. She said none at all because if there's anything wrong with my baby they will say it's because I used steroid creams in pregnancy!! :( I just wanted to burst into tears - like anything wrong with my baby will be directly my fault!
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the well wishes. Appointment was good and LO looks great. Nuchel (sp?) was small (1.2mm) and nasal bone was present so I think the risk of DS is low but we have to wait until next week to get proper stats. LO was already sucking a thumb and bouncing all over the place. I tried my best to see between the legs (we decided not to find out gender again) but couldn't quite work it out. Im leaning more towards a girl but also thought Josh was going to be a girl until about 20 weeks when I suddenly had a change of heart. TBH I would love a girl (Im quite a girly-girl) but also love the idea of Josh having a brother so as long as baby is healthy, we are happy with either!

Mom2Chloe - is there a reason why you are having the panorama test? Are you older (like me :)? If our odds come back as smaller than 1:1000 we will do the harmony test which is the RSA equivalent. Im wondering if we shouldn't just do it anyway for peace of mind. Its quite a big expense but at least then you know for certain.

Janine - congrats on your scan. I guess we are now in the second trimester - whoop whoop! Hope Matthew is better now?

Kealz - sorry about the appointment. I would definitely discuss the PND a bit further if it is bothering you. Although in some ways, they might give you some extra attention because of it. Also, I very much doubt that steroidal cream causes birth defects. I would definitely get a second opinion on that as I think you would be fine to continue using it. Very harsh thing for her to say - I would not pay too much attention to her comments! When do you go for your first scan?

Crysttal - yay for scan next week. I know what you mean about being far more relaxed this time around. I have also been thinking what will be will be. Even this morning before the scan, I wasn't nervous at all because if there had been something wrong, we still have our little boy and that gives me so much fulfillment. When Iw as pregnant with him, I was totally paranoid and beside myself all the time that something would be wrong. Saying that - I have used my doppler quite a few times.

Hope I haven't missed anyone out. xxx
Yup we are in the second trimester indeed now. :) seems to be flying already I find.
Matthew is getting better yeah. it doesn't seem to be such a bad cough like he would go in the winter time. It's nearly gone already. Just a problem at night sometimes.
Evening ladies! :)

Janine - glad your scan went well and that your ds is on the mend now. :)

Mom2Chloe - good to hear that you're feeling more human these days! :) I too get a little envious of all the scans and tests that are are offered to you lucky US ladies but, like someone else said (crysttal?), it must depend on the level of healthcare you've paid for.

Crysttal - Lovely to have your 12 wk scan date - good luck for next week if we don't speak to you before! :) Sounds like you'll have your hands full with your guests, hope you find the energy to entertain them like you want to.

Mannymoo - Thanks for advice about midwife appt - I did go back to doc for 2nd opinion yesterday. He said it was wrong and that the strength and amount of steroid used would not even enter the bloodstream let alone cross the placenta! Phew! I will not see that midwife again if i can help it - she's not my normal one, she was a stand in, thank goodness! I will also discuss the PND thing with my normal midwife when I see her, it did cross my mind not to fight it though for the reason you said.

Afm - 12wk scan booked for Tues 2nd Sept! Wahoo! Did try to get it in August but they were having none of it, lol. i will only have been back at work one day and the work girls will start clucking, i just know it, lol. Anyway, I won't care about that when I'm having it. :) I feel the same as you girls - calmer this time round. Perhaps it's the knowing that I have one healthy child already, maybe it's the knowing that my body is able to carry a baby to full term. Although i will be just as excited and relieved when i see our little bean on screen. :D I think i will also be a lot more chilled out when baby is born than the first time - i hear a lot of moms say they are much more relaxed second time around.

Hope everyone has a great weekend - happy Friday! :) x
Hi bearfamily! Thank you. :) Long time, no speak - how are you? Just had a look at your chart... are you nearing testing time now?! :D x
Damn! I had a whole huge reply written and my phone went crazy and deleted it! Ugh. That is so frustrating!! Well I don't have time to redo it or remember what I said so.... I will be back on soon.

Oh really quick- mannymoo: I just did the panorama for piece of mind really. It was totally optional. You may want to call the company that does the test (in the states they are based out of CA) everyone's insurance will get billed a hefty fee for the test, but your only responsible for paying less then 200.00 dollars for it no matter what. As long as you call the company back once you get your insurance bill you will not be responsible for what is really owed. I am not sure how this works in other countries though.

Welcome back bear family! How are you?

Ok talk to you all soon! :)
Crysttal how was the scan? Thought it was today but looking at you last post, I see it was on Tuesday. Hope all was great!!

Hope everyone else is well? Xx
Hi ladies... I hope everyone is well!! I don't know if anyone will see this being its been so quiet here, but I thought you all should know that my Panorama Blood results just came in today. Baby is very healthy and doing well... Also, I am now team :blue: Eeeeeek!!!!!!!!!! Keep me updated on how you all are doing.
Yay mom2chloe! So glad all is good with bubs and that you are team blue!!! So nice to have one of each. Congrats! X
Hi ladies!! :)

Just a quickie as I'm on holiday again (just English seaside with this one but having a lovely time) - didn't want you to think i'd gone awol! Glad you girls are doing well and fab news on team blue, mom2chloe!! Boys are great - so loving! :)

Will write a proper update when I get home but thought i'd just check in! :) xxx
Hello ladies,
Sorry I've been MIA. I had another crisis and was in the hospital for over a week. It literally started the minute I got down from the scan table, and I ended up taken to a&E in an ambulance in the middle of the night. Thankfully scan went great. Fingers crossed this is the last one, as I had 2 in my first tri with ds and the rest of the pregnancy was pain free.

Mom2chloe, good to hear your test came back fine and congrats on your bluebump. I plan to stay team yellow.

Mannymoo, thanks for checking on me. How have you been doing.

Kealz, enjoy your vacation. Hope you have been keeping well.
FX Crysttal that you are out of the woods on having anymore pain issues! I'm sorry you had to go through that again. You are much stronger than me on staying team yellow, I don't think I could do that as curiosity will def. get the better of me.

Kealz, hope your vacation is going well :)
Thanks Mom2chloe, I really hope so too.

On staying team yellow, it was just an idea I toyed with at the beginning but wasn't sure I could stick it out and dh was not on board for practical reasons. But the further along I am, the more convinced I am that I want to be surprised by the gender.

I don't know how possible this would be because I'll be having regular scans every 2 to 3 weeks from about 24 weeks. I feel it would be near impossible for me not to catch a glimpse or a sonographer blurts it out?? Do you reckon this can be avoided
Is any of the 2nd tri ladies still feeling fatigued? I still do! I feel like I should have gotten a break by now but no, I still have occasional nausea, loss of appetite, the horrible metallic taste in my mouth. Urgh!
Hi ladies!

I'm back home now after a lovely holiday - thanks for nice hols wishes. :) I've been very lucky with our getaways this summer and feel like i've had a real break from work, although I feel it looming now. :( You see, after ds I was allowed to drop my hours and work part time on a temporary 12 months contract which I was lead to believe would likely continue. Nope, after 12 months they've said full time or nothing! We can't afford for me not to work at all and getting another part time job in teaching is so hard that I was left with no choice. Ds will start nursery full time on Monday - fortunately he loves it there though. That's why I feel like it's 'looming'. :(

Anyway, back to happier thoughts...

Mannymoo - hope you're doing well and 2nd tri is treating you kindly. :)

Mom2Chloe - Hope you're enjoying planning for your little man. Gotta admit i'm kinda jealous that you know what you're having, lol. :)

Crysttal - So sorry to hear you've not been well again chick! :( Hopefully you'll get a break from it now for a bit, it must be awful for you. That's probably why you're still feeling rough in 2nd tri if your body is healing. Sending hugs your way hun. x

Afm - I feel generally fine although I'm still getting quite nauseous, especially if it's been a couple of hours since I last ate. I've definitely put weight on and feel more solid in the tummy area - can't do jeans up comfortably so dug out past maternity wear on Sunday which feels like heaven! Was so nice on holiday as the friends we went with know about the baby so I let it all hang loose, lol, until i bumped into a parent and had to quickly suck it in again! :/ Got my first scan a week today - so excited!! :D We are staying team yellow too. We didn't find out with ds although i could have easily been persuaded this time, but dh really wants the surprise and it's his baby too so that's what we're doing - deep down I want the surprise too, I just have little patience and get a bit excited, lol. :)
Hi Ladies - sorry I have also been MIA. Its all been a bit crazy on my side as DH is away (again) and looking after a 15month old, a lab puppy and having a full time job really doesn't leave much time to myself. Thankfully I have called in some help and my mother is coming up for a long weekend to help. DH back on Monday - yay! I am feeling like a human being again which is great. Just tired but I guess everyone has that problem. We decided that we need a holiday too (Kealz i think this is your influence) so we are off to Mauritius in 2 weeks time. The best part is my in-laws are meeting us there from Australia so I will have some baby sitters at hand and can really relax. Lucky for me, I have great in laws! We have also decided to stay team yellow - not my choice but I did really like the surprise at the end last time. I will of course have my eyes pealed for a glimpse of anything during the rest of my scans :)

Glad to hear everyones pregnancies are going well.

Crysttal Im so sorry to hear that you landed yourself in hospital again. I really hope that is the last time. We all know being pregnant is hard enough as it is (without all the extra stress that you've had to endure). Hope you are on the mend and taking it easy. Big hugs.

Kealz glad to hear you have had another great holiday. Yay for maternity clothes. I have been in mine for about 2 months already. Not that my tummy is that big yet but I just can't bear the feeling of anything tight around me when I preggers. Although I am starting to pop a bit now… wow. Makes it all quite real! I think you need a ticker so we can all see how far along you are. Looking forward to hearing how next week goes.

Mom2Chloe hope your daughter had a lovely birthday. Hopefully she will be old enough to be a real help when her little brother arrives. In some ways I think waiting a while between children is the way to do it - especially if you have a daughter.

Janine - glad you are feeling good. Have you got an official due date? My OBGYN keeps saying my due date will be around 12th Feb but Im sure that is way too late. He did say because Josh was 2 weeks early, this one would be too. But jet curious what you have been told as we are the same day - only 166 days to go!!!

Bear family, have you settled in to your new home now?

Have I missed anyone? If so - sorry… xxx

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