Hi! New member here :)


husband and my little man
Jan 25, 2010
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Hello, just introducing myself! My name is Kristen and I'm new to baby and bump! Hmm..what else...I'm an American, I'm 24, I live in England with my wonderful husband (he is 29...only for one more month though, hehe), and we're taking the relaxed approach with trying for our first baby. I'd love to make some new buddies (anyone from the Devon area or the UK would be wonderful!) but I'd really love to talk to anyone :). Nice to meet you all and baby dust to all of you!
Hi Kristen and welcome to BnB!
I'm not from Devon area I am afraid but wanted to say hi! My husband and I have been trying for a few months now and it can sometimes be too easy to get obsessive! I am trying not to this month and take it in my stride, but easier said than done!
How long have you been trying? Good luck with it all hun and hope that your stay in the ttc area is short!

PF xx
hi pinkflamingo, thanks for your reply. i dont mind that you're not from the devon area, im just happy to have a new buddy to talk to! i know its hard not to get obsessive or to try too hard, it only makes it more difficult. how do you manage to keep your mind off wondering if this is the lucky month?? i think i've been convinced i was pregnant just about every month anyway, lol so this month isn't really any different. we've only been *officially* starting to try this month and i'm honest (despite what i tell my husband :p) i really am finding it hard to be patient, but the majority of our relationship and marriage up until now we've used the pull out method. we agreed that if anything happened, then that's what nature intended, and that that's just fine with both of us because we have more than enough love in our relationship for a little one. we've also used the pull out method well, because honestly, i've tried five different types of birth control over the years and none of them sat well with me.

i hope your stay in the ttc area is short too and nice to meet you!!
Hi Kristen!


I'm not from the Devon area either - quite far up North actually in Yorkshire! But you can never have too many friends lol :D

I have been convinced I'm pregnant all month lol, only been off the pill for 6 weeks ha ha!

I'm 26 so around the same age as you!

My mum got pregnant very easily with me and my three sisters so I'm hoping I take after her in that department! I'd love a September/October baby as it would be one of the oldest in the school year!

hugs xx
hello nessicle! thanks for the reply :) i haven't been to north yorkshire, i'm sorry, i have been over manchester way before though. i know you all are very nice though (i've got a lovely friend from south yorkshire :) ). i am happy to make new friends though, no matter where they're from!

and i wouldn't worry about conceiving, haha, if your mama had four little girls, i'm sure you won't have a problem either!

i have a small family compared to you :) i only have one sister (i'm a twin), but i don't know if my birth mother conceived easily, as i was adopted a birth by my parents (open adoption, and i know her, and my step brothers) but i'm hoping that if i'm really lucky, i'll have some healthy, happy twin babies too.

i'm hoping for a baby around that time too (a november baby though) for the same reason, but also because i'm a november baby too, lol.

thanks again for the message :) i'm happy to have someone around my age to talk to, too!
hello nessicle! thanks for the reply :) i haven't been to north yorkshire, i'm sorry, i have been over manchester way before though. i know you all are very nice though (i've got a lovely friend from south yorkshire :) ). i am happy to make new friends though, no matter where they're from!

and i wouldn't worry about conceiving, haha, if your mama had four little girls, i'm sure you won't have a problem either!

i have a small family compared to you :) i only have one sister (i'm a twin), but i don't know if my birth mother conceived easily, as i was adopted a birth by my parents (open adoption, and i know her, and my step brothers) but i'm hoping that if i'm really lucky, i'll have some healthy, happy twin babies too.

i'm hoping for a baby around that time too (a november baby though) for the same reason, but also because i'm a november baby too, lol.

thanks again for the message :) i'm happy to have someone around my age to talk to, too!

Aww you're welcome hun! It's always good to have someone to talk to around your age although tbh all the ladies on here whatever their age are fab so i'm pretty sure you'll make some excellent friends soon enough :D

Hey I'm a november baby too and I was born in South Yorkshire! November 3 is my birthday, the only thing I don't like is how dark and cold it can be around my birthday but always had plenty of fireworks on my birthday because of Bonfire Night!

My mum was adopted at birth but her adoptive mother and father died when she was under 16 (although not at the same time, they had divorced and died within 6 years of each other) but she found her birth mother and father by the age of 22. Her birth mother is not a nice lady so unfortunately don't speak to her any more but we see her birth father quite a lot, we've been on holiday etc with them! They're the reason we moved from South Yorkshire to West Yorkshire. Love Leeds, it's a great place to live :)

You should start a TTC Journal - it's a great way to vent any frustrations, update everyone with your symptoms and let us know when you're planning to bd or do any pregnancy tests!

I'll definitely follow your journey!

Vanessa xx
Hi ladies, how are we today?

Hi nessicle, nice to meet you! Good luck with the ttc hun. x

Kristen, I know what you mean about feeling pregnant each month! You start symptom spotting and getting your hopes up and then AF comes along and ruins it all! Last month I felt so 'different' and did believe that I was pregnant. When AF did come it was not like my usual period and it did worry me slightly. I guess it could have been a chemical pregnancy, but we will never know.
I also got quite down about it all last month. We have only been ttc for 4 months but you just assume that as soon as you start trying it will happen! we spend so many years trying not to get pregnant that when we decide the time is right, then surely it will just happen straight away! Nope!! I have PCO too (I have cysts but not really any other symptoms to make the Dr's concerned about PCOS). I saw my GP a few days ago, and she said that as I had the cysts she would see me again in 3 months, and if nature hadn't done its thing by then, she would refer me on. I think that because of the cysts, I have a niggling at the back of my mind that there is a problem, and that is why we haven't conceived yet. At least I don't have to wait until 12 months before I will be referred if there is an issue with fertility. That's one positive for me at the mo!!

Sorry ladies, I have rambled on way too much!!

Hi Pinkflamingo! Nice to meet you too!

Good luck with your ttc as well - I'm getting so excited as there's so many of us ttc and I can't wait to have some bump buddies - which I'm pretty sure will happen for us all really soon :D

I had a cyst on my ovary about 5 years ago, I've never had anything repeated thankfully but I know my right ovary is usually enlarged more so than my left, I don't know if that means anything though or will affect my ttc!

We seem to be around the same time in our cycles. I am due to OV around the 5th so am just a few days behind you! Aren't we going to have a busy week next week?!!

I am sure that millions of women have cysts that they never know about, and who conceive naturally. I think that because I know about the cysts (and there are lots of them!) that it's worse, as then I wonder if that's the reason why we haven't conceived yet. I just need to get my mind on other things really!!!

Are you trying anything 'extra' to help with the ttc? Charting, fertility monitors etc etc?? I have the CBFM, but have stopped using it as I am trying to relax about it all a bit more! Easier said than done though! i don't think I would be any good at charting as i am rubbish in the mornings and think I would mess up my readings on a daily basis!

Hi Ladies!

Kristen- thanks for starting a new thread in this area- I've been wanting to do the same :thumbup:

Nessicle and Pink Flamingo- seems like my cycle is pretty well aligned with both of yours, I am on CD9 of a 29 day cycle.

This is my 9th cycle of ttc but my first charting on Fertility Friend. Is anyone interested in being cycle buddies?

Best wishes and heaps of baby dust to y'all!

~ Jaimie
the thing is my cycle is all over! sooo confusing!

I had a period at around 27 December and then a one day pathetic bleed on 19 January which i thought might have been an implantation bleed. did a test and it was negative but it will have been too early I would imagine!

Depending on which of my cycle's is correct lol I'm either 7dpo or 9 days to ov. I can't bloomin wait to find out! If AF comes this weekend which, based on my last proper period at xmas, then I know which cycle to follow but if AF doesn't come this weekend and I do a preg test and it is negative then I know my very pathetic 1 day bleed on Tuesday 19th was my period.
That sounds very frustrating Nessicle! I hope you get an answer one way or the other soon.
oh my goodness, hello everyone! and jaimie2eyes, it's really no problem starting the thread, i was just hopin someone would respond.

and woohoo nessicle! november babies! and i agree...it can get a bit dark but i loved being a november baby because in the us, it meant pumpkin pie season for thanksgiving :p oh and my birthday is the 15, so it's not too far away from yours. i'm sorry that your mother didn't have a good experience meeting her birthmother, but at least she had some closure, i hope...i don't really talk to mine, even thouh she sends cards and things, just because i don't know what to say and because, even though i'm thankful she gave birth to my sister and me, i kind of feel like that's where it ends because i have my biological parents and i consider them my real parents. i'll start a journal though definitely, that's a great idea, but (and this will sound embarassing) i used all of my pregnancy tests (you know, the ones you can buy a million online for a fiver) because i couldn't take them sitting there (and then scrutinizing them afterwards for evaps and such). are you going to start a ttc journal?? ill follow you too!

and hi pinkflamingo!! im sorry about your spotting...nature can be a bit cruel sometimes. the cyst thing isn't fun either but you're right, i'm sure many women conceive naturally despite having them. and as for trying something extra...wellll, i do, kind of. i have a free application on my phone where i enter my period and it tells me when my next one will probably be, as well as when it thinks i may ovulate and what week ill be at my most fertile. i didn't download it at first with the intention of using it for conceiving, i just wanted to track my periods to see exactly how many days i had between them so they wouldn't "surprise" me anymore, but i'm finding the app more useful now. i don't really completely understand the dpo thing myself so i let my phone do it for me,lol. and don't worry about rambling...its my speciality. are you using a fertility tracker or anything?? if so, do you find it useful? :)
oh my goodness, hello everyone! and jaimie2eyes, it's really no problem starting the thread, i was just hopin someone would respond.

and woohoo nessicle! november babies! and i agree...it can get a bit dark but i loved being a november baby because in the us, it meant pumpkin pie season for thanksgiving :p oh and my birthday is the 15, so it's not too far away from yours. i'm sorry that your mother didn't have a good experience meeting her birthmother, but at least she had some closure, i hope...i don't really talk to mine, even thouh she sends cards and things, just because i don't know what to say and because, even though i'm thankful she gave birth to my sister and me, i kind of feel like that's where it ends because i have my biological parents and i consider them my real parents. i'll start a journal though definitely, that's a great idea, but (and this will sound embarassing) i used all of my pregnancy tests (you know, the ones you can buy a million online for a fiver) because i couldn't take them sitting there (and then scrutinizing them afterwards for evaps and such). are you going to start a ttc journal?? ill follow you too!

and hi pinkflamingo!! im sorry about your spotting...nature can be a bit cruel sometimes. the cyst thing isn't fun either but you're right, i'm sure many women conceive naturally despite having them. and as for trying something extra...wellll, i do, kind of. i have a free application on my phone where i enter my period and it tells me when my next one will probably be, as well as when it thinks i may ovulate and what week ill be at my most fertile. i didn't download it at first with the intention of using it for conceiving, i just wanted to track my periods to see exactly how many days i had between them so they wouldn't "surprise" me anymore, but i'm finding the app more useful now. i don't really completely understand the dpo thing myself so i let my phone do it for me,lol. and don't worry about rambling...its my speciality. are you using a fertility tracker or anything?? if so, do you find it useful? :)
I did buy the clearblue fertility monitor but stopped using it after 2 months as I wanted to stop obsessing about it all! we are trying to let nature take its course for a month or 2 and then if nothing within 3 months, my GP will refer me. It will have only been 7 months of ttc by then, but due to the cysts she will refer me if needed. Let's hope we all get there naturally! I do use mymonthlycycles.com which sounds a lot like the one you use on your phone. It points out the fertile days etc. It has been really quite interesting to learn about my cycle a bit more, and know the timings etc.

I have twins in the family too and my OH would LOVE twins!! Fingers crossed although tough work me thinks!!!

jaimie2eyes...hi!! I would love to be cycle buddies with you! My cycle is about 36 days long. It's a bit of a pain having to wait so long each time AF comes, but I guess it's not as long as some ladies on here have to wait!

Nessicle I hope you find out where you are soon!

FX'd for us all ladies

i dont know exactly how the fertility monitors work...do they take your temperature? do they chart it? do you check how much, um, fluid you have down there or something? i've heard about checking the fluid and about checking to see how high or soft the uterus is but i haven't done that regularly, only once (tmi?), so i'm not well versed in that kind of stuff. i'm a bit concerned about starting to chart and stuff because i have a feeling it will stress me out more and make it harder to conceive. i might end up doing it anyway (my cycles can be between 26-28 days long, according to my phone) because i want to know exactly when i ovulate.

what about you jaimie2eyes? any suggestions? :)

and nessicle, don't stress, i'm sure pinkflamingo is right and you'll figure out where you are soon.

fingers crossed for you two with twins! i don't know how my parents coped taking care of two babies at once though honestly (and i'm starting to understand why they didn't want anymore after having my sister and me :p)
Hey Kristen (that is my sister's name by the way, but she is a "tin" not a "ten" :winkwink:)

I just started charting on fertility friend this month. I can't remember if I said this on this thread or not- I'm on my 9th cycle of ttc so charting has become my new strategy! I'm just tracking my basal temps (BBT) and cervical fluid. I find it rather challenging to check the position of my cervix, but I wouldn't mind getting a handle on how that changes throughout my cycle, so I might track that too. I would definitely give charting a try Kristen- I'm wishing I had been doing it since the beginning so that I would already know my fertility window better. But then again I'm a data geek, so this sort of thing is right up my alley.

Pinkflamingo- would you mind sharing a link to your cycle tracking website? Mine is in my signature :happydance:

Best wishes ladies!
hey jaimie, i'll definitely have to give fertility friend a go, thanks :) i don't know why but for some reason, i have a bit of trouble with the checking the fluid and stuff...it's not really me as much as my husband, but i think charting the bbt temp and stuff like that kind of stresses him out a bit. he doesn't want it to change from being something that's fun and relaxed to something that's complicated and feels more like a chore with me having to write stuff down and check and all that...i understand where he's coming from but i may still try the charting anyway because it would be nice to understand why cycle better as well (and also just because im a data geek, too :))

and i didnt do the cervix thing more than once for that very reason, lol.
hey kristen im jemma im from the devon area im 17 and have an8 month old daughter called courtne i wud love to get to know you and be a buddy and welcome to bnb
hey gals! Can't sleep so thought I would have a peek on here and you are all here too!! yay!!
The monitor I have is similar to using OPK's I guess. It reads the stick, then tells you whether it is a low, high or peak day. It monitors the LH surge. High means that OV is on the way and then peak will show when the LH surge is happening! It's then all hands on deck so to speak!! I rarely check cervical mucus, but have been known to out of curiosity!! I can't say that I know enough about it all to use it as a help to me really.

Jaimie, I don't chart my temps so the only thing that I use the website for is to keep track of my AF dates. It's https://www.mymonthlycycles.com/
I wish I could temp and have given it a try a couple of times, but I wake up quite often in the night and so may not always have the required amount of sleep before you can take your temp. I would love to know exactly when I OV though. I saw on another thread a lady saying that she had a 36 day luteal phase!! I suppose you wouldn't know that unless you temped and knew exactly when you had OV'd.

Oh the joys of ttc!!

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