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Hi. ntnp for #2

Hi FoxMummy, thanks! And welcome, everyone here is really nice. I'm sorry about your loss and I hope you get your bfp soon x
Hi all could I please join in. I've been about for a few weeks looking in TTC, NTNP and TWW and I think this is the right place for me as we are not doing anything just seeing what happens. Although we are ntnp I would love to be pregnant before christmas (that's my goal) good luck to you all!!
welcome xEmmaDx :wave:

well, nearly midweek already and still no sign of af, even though I am due any moment now.

Starting to get really nervous. In TWW and the wait is killing me :(
Congratulations green lady!
Lockandkey, I'm also in the 2ww. Going off previous cycles I'm due af in either 7 or 9 days.
welcome xEmmaDx :wave:

well, nearly midweek already and still no sign of af, even though I am due any moment now.

Starting to get really nervous. In TWW and the wait is killing me :(

Thanks LockandKey :) good luck to you hope you get a bfp!!
:hi: foxmummy and EmmaD

welcome to our little group! :D

:yipee: greenlady! how exciting!! i'm sure your DH will be thrilled when you tell him :D:D, when do you reckon your due date will be?

Still no AF for me today...stupidly took a test this afternoon, not entirely convinced it was totally blank, but i'm also not entirely convinced there was anything there and it wasn't just my eyes :dohh:, why or why didn't i wait until the morning like i originally planned? not i don't think it'd be worth wasting another test in the morning as nothing much there tonight so its not gonna change by morning so gonna have to wait even longer :dohh:

good luck to the other ladies in the 2ww atm! :D xx
Woo hoo! Greenlady! Huge congrats :).... Personally I would wait until after his interview to tell OH, I don't think I could hold to the weekend! I'm sure he'll take the news well x

Hi Fox mummy, Hi EmmaD :)

Goodluck LockandKey, & KimmyB.... I hope you're 2ww wait goes quickly and with a bfp at the end!

I think I have come in to the 2ww recently!.... I think I O'd on Mon or Tue (TMI but my CM was really watery from sat to Tue and it has now gone back to being dry!??)... We only managed to dtd once so I'm not hopeful, but I'm sure I'll still drive myself mad symptom spotting!

Still no sign of AF Caro??..... finger's crossed x
Thanks guys I think we're both in shock that it happened so quickly! He is happy, I didn't tell him until this morning in the end as yesterday was a bit stressy. I reckon I'm due around 6 or 7 June, I don't know when I ovulated annoyingly but I know when I had sex and we dtd once two days before and once the day after o based on average for my average cycle. Not very precise!

Caro ooh I hope that line gets darker. It must be so hard waiting, I found it easy because I was certain it was bfn!

Toms mummy once is enough I'm proof of that! Good luck everyone with the tww!!
Thanks guys I think we're both in shock that it happened so quickly! He is happy, I didn't tell him until this morning in the end as yesterday was a bit stressy. I reckon I'm due around 6 or 7 June, I don't know when I ovulated annoyingly but I know when I had sex and we dtd once two days before and once the day after o based on average for my average cycle. Not very precise!

Caro ooh I hope that line gets darker. It must be so hard waiting, I found it easy because I was certain it was bfn!

Toms mummy once is enough I'm proof of that! Good luck everyone with the tww!!

Haven't been following as well as I should have been :dohh: how long were you and your DH trying before you conceived? If you don't mind me asking
glad DH took it well greenlady! sooo exciting!

af is still a no show here but haven't tested again as think i might have been seeing things yesterday, it feels like its coming!
Thanks guys I think we're both in shock that it happened so quickly! He is happy, I didn't tell him until this morning in the end as yesterday was a bit stressy. I reckon I'm due around 6 or 7 June, I don't know when I ovulated annoyingly but I know when I had sex and we dtd once two days before and once the day after o based on average for my average cycle. Not very precise!

Caro ooh I hope that line gets darker. It must be so hard waiting, I found it easy because I was certain it was bfn!

Toms mummy once is enough I'm proof of that! Good luck everyone with the tww!!

Haven't been following as well as I should have been :dohh: how long were you and your DH trying before you conceived? If you don't mind me asking

Not at all! This was out first cycle off the pill so not very long at all, I never had a proper period after I stopped the pill which was on August 27th. We both thought it would take at least 4 or more months as it took 10 months to conceive flora.
Hey ladies. Sorry to write an intro and disappear. I'm on cd 15 today and didn't bd lt night so I'm going to have to seduce my stressed out oh tonight.... Wish me luck!
good luck hun!!

well think i might have had a chemical, not 100% sure though but the tests have been having the slightest shadow on them and then i've lots of pink watery discharge stuff this morning which will prob lead to AF...onto next month!

how is everyone else? xx
sorry Caro :hugs: hope next month is more promising for you

Still no af here, although I have been getting strange sensations here and there in my lower abdomen. At some point it feels exactly like af cramping like the :witch: will be here any day now, but other times it feels like there is actually something in there pushing against my womb and growing! It's hard to explain, but it doesn't feel normal. Does that sound crazy? I really don't know what to expect now, I am so back and forth about "yes I could be pregnant" to "no I'm not" :dohh: it's so confusing!
Good luck foxmummy ;).... there's nothing worse than trying to seduce a stressed out/grumpy OH!!.... My OH is in a great mood today so I too am hoping to dtd tonight :)

Aww, sorry Caro :hug:... what is a chemical??? When is your AF officially due? They say that IB can happen when AF is due, causing piinkish discharge (eurgh... hate that word!)

Question for you all :).... I think I O'd on Monday, we dtd on the sun so I've been hoping that's enough. I only track my CM (not religiously) and it was ewcm around/before that time. But the last 2 days yest and today I have had really wet cm, and lots of it!! It keeps feeling like I'm wetting myself :blush:... I don't rem this last month (1st cycle)... do you think this is more likely O rather than mon??
ooh fx'ed lock and key!

tomsmummy, um i'm not sure hun, prob best to cover bases just incase!

chemical is basically there was a conception but AF still comes as normal/ very soon after expected i.e. once upon a time before early testing you'd never have known and just thought AF was a little late. Not fully sure that's what happened though but would explain the shadows on tests and late AF, I was expecting AF mon/tues, wed at the latest! The pink stuff has gone again though, nothing there when i wiped and hardly anything on the pad, weird!! i think its too late for implantation bleeding but maybe i'm totally wrong about my O dates...who knows, lol!!
Ok I decided I can no longer take this! I have been moody as hell, weepy all night and day long, fatigued after getting a solid 7hrs of sleep, cramping, and I just had my lunch, and I feel utterly sick to my stomach. So gathering up my things, bringing DD with me to the nearest store so I can purchase a test! Even though I still have a strong feeling it will be bfn, and all these symptoms are just a tease, a big fat mind trick!

Though no sore boobs, and I really thought that would be a solid indicator like with my first pregnacy

well, off we go...
......bfn, as I suspected :( but still no af, and I am very regular, so I don't know what is going on, could be the stress I am going through right now. I made a preconception appointment with my doc on Monday so if AF doesn't come by then I will be asking her, and might just take the other test that came in the pack tomorrow morning, just to be sure

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