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Hi. ntnp for #2

I'm in a grumpy mood today. I just want to be pregnant. *pout*
Yeah short cycle Caro, but my 1st off bc so goodness knows how long this one will be!

Sorry AF showed :(.... Roll on Nov and a summer baby :)

:hugs: foxmummy.... How long have you be ntnp?

I've been getting slight tiingly nipples for past couple days and cramping yesterday. AF not due for another week so hopefully this is a good sign :)
Toms mommy- I was ntnp in June and got pregnant immediately, then I has a mc and got the all clear aug 1... So I guess since then but my body has had 2 really light (not normal for me, mine are usually quite heavy) af's so I dunno if I'm ovulating or when, and my oh was super stressed out when I think I was maybe ovulating so didn't want to bd...but I have Ewcm today so who knows....
It's frustrating because I don't know when to test ever so I just do it randomly about once every ten days lol.
Aww, sorry about your ms :(... I bet that makes you wanna be pg more than ever!.... FX'd it happens soon!! Are you just dtd every few days in order to give yourselves a good chance? I only have a vague idea about when I O'd this month so ni idea whether we caught or not! FX'd :)
Hello! We are NTNP for #2! We have a little boy born christmas eve last year and have decided we are ready for #2! I've only recently come off the pill so just going to see what happens!

I spent a lot of time on this forum when I was pregnant with Joseph so it is nice to be back!

Hi lc.... Goodluck with ntnp :)... I only came off the pill 2 months ago so still think my body is adjusting!... Hope it doesn't take too long!

I'm CD25 today, poss dpo13 not 100% sure but I've just taken an frer on a spur of the moment and it was bfn :(.... If I have the same 27 day cycle as last month then surely it would have shown on an frer by now? I've been getting loads of cramping and tingly nipples but gor that last month so think it's still just my body adjusting to not being on bc anymore :(
tomsmummy :hugs: sorry about the bfn. So wish you could just deicde you wanted another and bam yo'd be pregnant!!

welcome LC, hope its not long before you get another bfp!!

asm been really busy lately, decorating :D, even going to decorate the nursery i think, although just a basic colour then can add details once actually pregnant, so no-one visiting will know its ready for a baby. We did similar with my son's room and meant we literally just added a border and cot etc when I was actually pregnant and the room was ready :D
Yeah toms mummy we just bd a lot lol. But we were sick, and work stresses and blah blah blah and went almost two weeks without so I'm sure I missed it this month, which is funny BC i feel achey and nauseous the past few days so I can't help but hope I'm wrong even though I'm SURE I'm not.
Finger's crossed foxmummy... it only takes one bd!! :)

I have given up this month :(.... I hate testing early! Why did I do it? :( Anyway, my af isn't due until tomorrow I've had no cramping for past day and a half (good thing? :huh:) and I've taken 3 tests over the past 3 days, and fmu this morn on an IC and all bfn :(
Sorry toms mommy. How often are you doing it? Do you know when you ovulate?
Thanks foxmummy.......... I think I'll test again tomorrow if af doesn't show!.... I'm usually pretty regular even after bc! This is only 2nd cycle off bc, the 1st was 27 days so going on that this time but no idea when I O'd! I did bd aound day 11 and day 14 so fx'd! :)
ooh good luck with the test tomorrow tomsmummy! sorry been bfn's up to now :(

hows everyone else? xx
So tired and achey and NAUSEOUS ... But my daughter has a fever and a bit of a tummy bug so I'm guessing we're just sharing that. I was up last night laying in bed feeling so dizzy and nauseous I couldn't sleep.
:hugs: foxmummy, hope you and your lo feel better soon!... Or that the illness is due to pg :)

I'm officially 1 day late :).... still got a bfn this morning though :(..... Going to wait and test on weekend now, unless af arrive 1st! x
hi babyhopes!

ooh tomsmummy hope it turns into a bfp by the wkend!

My LO is sooo grumpy atm, no idea why he's driving me a little crazy, want my happy little boy back!
Hiya. For the past few months me and OH have been NTNP, hoping it'll happen soon, just wanted to say hi :wave: xxx
Got af today. Thinking about taking a break. I'm not sure I'm emotionally ready posy miscarriage... But I want to be pregnant so bad. My heart feels broken.

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