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Hi. ntnp for #2

Got af today. Thinking about taking a break. I'm not sure I'm emotionally ready posy miscarriage... But I want to be pregnant so bad. My heart feels broken.

So sorry hun :hugs: xxx
Hi babyhopes, Hi Nats :)

If it makes your feel any better Caro, my LO tells me repeatedly that he doesn't like me and wants me to go away :(..... I try not to take it personally. I hope you don't too x

:hugs: Foxmummy..... It''s such a hard time this ttc/ntnp! I hope you figure it out soon x

I am now on day 3 of missed af :) But still getting bfns :( Also, I have absolutely no symptoms! Except a tiny bit of tingly shooting in my boobs to my nipples yesterday! :shrug:
:hugs: foxmummy, ttc is such an emotional rollercoaster let alone throwing in having a recent loss too :(

tomsmummy that makes me feel less alone at least, thanks, i'm sure if alex could talk he'd be saying similar but atm it just comes out as 'mummamummamumma waaaa waaa' etc etc!

fx'ed for you hun that the bfp is just taking a while to appear! xxx
Hi babyhopes, Hi Nats :)

If it makes your feel any better Caro, my LO tells me repeatedly that he doesn't like me and wants me to go away :(..... I try not to take it personally. I hope you don't too x

:hugs: Foxmummy..... It''s such a hard time this ttc/ntnp! I hope you figure it out soon x

I am now on day 3 of missed af :) But still getting bfns :( Also, I have absolutely no symptoms! Except a tiny bit of tingly shooting in my boobs to my nipples yesterday! :shrug:

:wave: Hiya Toms Mummy. Aw FX'ed for you getting a bfp soon! xx
Thanks Nats :)

How's everyone doing?

I have become a poas addict! Doing it religeously on IC's every morn!.... 5 days late and still bfns :(
oh how frustrating tomsmummy!

think i've about to Ov so bd is on the cards tonight as we've had family staying all wkend so haven't dtd since thurs :dohh: xx
:rofl: its quite weird to think you tell a load of strangers!!!

any signs of AF this morning tomsmummy?
:haha: Caro!

Nope, no AF yet :).... No sign of it either really! I keep getting the odd cramp every now and again maybe once or twice a day, I go to the loo and there's (sorry TMI coming up!) a big glob of white cm there, my cm is vertually non existant except for these!... My bb's keep going through phases of having shooting pains, then nothing at all! :shrug:

I haven't tested for a few days, getting fed up of bfns :(.... will test on weds, I'll be 1 week late then!

Hope your bding is going well :haha:
Hiii again ladies. So again I havnt been in here much, 3 main reasons, 1. I blame the grotto and xmas. I need to be done buying next month as rd tax is due dec. 2. I have no idea where I am in terms of with my cycle. Im so confused by it all I just want to throw myself to the floor kicking and screamibg. 3. My lo has been switched with a clingy, grumpy, tantrumy lo. I blame his teeth.

Hope u ladies are well. Hello and good luck to the new ladies. I will be better, and in here more once im done with christmas.
Hi DCS, was wondering where you've bene hiding!.... So have you nearly done all your xmas shopping??... I hope youre lo is okay? x
:haha: DCS, that thread is claiming far to much of my hard earned cash too :dohh:

that was my LO last week then this wkend he treated us to 2 lie in's of gone 8am! fx'ed that happens for you too :hugs:

good luck tomorrow tomsmummy, fx'ed!

big news here but a bit non related to this thread is i think LO#s given up bfing! haven't fed him 2 nights in a row, few tears last night but not too much! fx'ed it helps with getting pregnant again :)
Hiii again ladies. So again I havnt been in here much, 3 main reasons, 1. I blame the grotto and xmas. I need to be done buying next month as rd tax is due dec. 2. I have no idea where I am in terms of with my cycle. Im so confused by it all I just want to throw myself to the floor kicking and screamibg. 3. My lo has been switched with a clingy, grumpy, tantrumy lo. I blame his teeth.

Hope u ladies are well. Hello and good luck to the new ladies. I will be better, and in here more once im done with christmas.

:haha: that grotto is lethal!! Hope you manage to get all your shopping done

I'm due my AF on 27th, FX'ed it doesn't appear! xx
Hi! I am also NTNP #2. I was, up until this morning actually, TRYING for #2. However after this month (which was also my first month trying) being so incrediably stressed about temping, charting, cp, etc I have decided to try a more laid back approach. I got pregnant with my DS the first month we NTNP and I am hoping that maybe trying a more laid back approach will be the trick. Plus even if its takes a little longer I will get to enjoy some QT with DH. :)
Caro my DS is 2 and has just started yelling at me to "GO!" all the time. We were at story time last week (our first week there) and he yelled at me to go and started crying because I wouldnt leave. This week we showed up and a mom said "Oh he isnt yelling at you to go this time". I felt awful! I so didnt want to me THAT mom.
Yey Caro, and boo at the same time! :wacko:.... it's so sad when they stop bfeeding but at the same time lets hope this gives you a quick bfp :)

Nats, fx'd for af no show :)..... are you feeling any symptoms?

Hi Lovebug....I hope you get a quick bfp too :).... Also, my LO tells me regularly to go away and that he doesn't like me!!.... I get lots of I love you too so it sorta balances out :haha:
DS can be very loving so it balances out. I just feel like in public he is more inclined to tell me to leave and I hate looking like that mom.

Im hoping this will be a quick BFP but I want to enjoy it. I was temping and I was so stressed I hadnt ovulated. I threw out my thermometer today and I swear I just had major cramping on my left side and my EWCM has increased! Hoping that means I have finally ovulated! I will NOT be temping to check! lol
:hi: lovebug! oh no, how embarrassing! lol. bless them.

eek just seen the time! must go get LO before nursery chucks him out for the night :rofl:

I forgot to say, my boobs have gone from being slightly tingly over the past 5 days or so to quite sore today, esp when poked lol!!.... I hope this is a good sign!
I forgot to say, my boobs have gone from being slightly tingly over the past 5 days or so to quite sore today, esp when poked lol!!.... I hope this is a good sign!

Sounds like a good sign!!!! I am finally cramping so I am really hoping that means I am ovulating!!!! A few days later than normal but I will take it!

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