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Hi. ntnp for #2

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!....... I have just taken a test as when I was writing my other post about sore boobs they were really starting to hurt so I thought sod it!

I just got a BFP!!! Aaaah! :happydance: :)
CONGRATS!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!! Send some baby dust my way!
Thanks!.... I can't believe it!!

I will send lots of babydust to all of you xxx
Yay congrats. I just came on to say hi. And also to remind everyone in all this baby dancing ntnp crazy to take a few minutes ar hours every day to just love on our precious first children. How lucky are we to already be blessed with one!
:yipee: tomsmummy!! congratulations hun! how exciting :D:D. That bfp was a shy one!

foxmummy, you are so right hun, I def treasure him! (mostly ;), unless he's driving me nutty :haha:)
Thanks girls... it definately was a shy one!

You're so right Fox!.... My LO has been so so sweet tonight, I love him to bits :)
Congrats on your BFP!!!!

Yey Caro, and boo at the same time! :wacko:.... it's so sad when they stop bfeeding but at the same time lets hope this gives you a quick bfp :)

Nats, fx'd for af no show :)..... are you feeling any symptoms?

Hi Lovebug....I hope you get a quick bfp too :).... Also, my LO tells me regularly to go away and that he doesn't like me!!.... I get lots of I love you too so it sorta balances out :haha:

Thanks hun, i'm feeling quite tired and am weeing lots, but i've done that before and then had AF come :growlmad: Guess we'll see! Congratulations again xx
thanks :) Aww, finger's crossed!.... I hope all that peeing turns in to a bfp x
I agree! I make sure to set aside special time for my DS each day where I focus soley on him. We read books, go swimming, watch his favorite cartoon, make a craft, or whatever. I never want to take him forgranted. As much as I want a second child I wanted him and I am so very blessed to have him! If I never have another child I will still feel lucky to be his momma.
I just want to add how happy I am to have found this group! A stress free ( or as close to it as we can) group where we are all trying for the same thing! I needed this!!!
Quick question (because I am the newbie), how do I create and add the tickers? I havent done this stuff since I had DS. lol I feel like I am totally starting all over.
Sorry, don't know about tickers but just wanted to say my man just texted me to say that looking at baby pictures/videos of our daughter last night reminded him that this is what he wants and that he doesn't want to take a break from trying. I'm up and down about whether I'm truly over our recent loss but I do know that I want many many babies so I'm ready for it physically and mentally and I'm not sure I'll ever really not be emotional about the mc...so I guess we are really ntnp but definitely trying in that we are going to do it regularly intentionally just not temp and chart! Excited, nervous,etc.
aww that's lovely what your OH said foxmummy! go for it girl :D, we're pretty much the same too! dtd regularly but not charting anything, although saying that i'm keeping a bit of an eye on my cm :haha:

lovebug, I normally see a ticker i like on someone elses signature, click on it and you'll be taken to the site where you can create your own. Then you need the img code (i think), or one of the codes they give you, go to edit signature on here, then copy and paste the code :)
Hi everyone glad to see everyone is keeping this thread alive.

And especially Congrats Toms mummy!!!! You can come join me as a June mummy!

Caro dcs fox mummy and everyone else I really hope to see you all in first tri soon so baby dust to you guys xxx

Hey girls! I am super frustrated right now. I wish I had NEVER started temping this month.
:( According fertility friend I never ovulated. I would be on cd19 today of a pretty regular 28 day cycle so if I hadnt ovulated yet then either I am not going to or I have way too short of an LP. The weird thing is that today I woke up with very sore breasts so now I dont know if I am getting AF early, or if maybe I did ovulate and I am just one of those people who dont show or I did it wrong, or if my body is just really going crazy. Either way I am definitely a little crampy with sore breasts and 10 days before AF is due. If I hadnt done that stupid charting I would be feeling very hopeful and happy today and then only a little disappointed if AF showed up. Instead I am sitting here worried that there is something wrong with me. I threw out the thermometer- I wont put myself through this again.
I got pregnant with my son the first month we stopped using protection and have had very regula cycles. Last cycle was messed up because of stress, but aside from that I am VERY regular 28 days. To the point where in the past 2 years I have only been 2 days late twice and took a pregnancy test both time. lol So I dont understand why this month would be so crazy and why I wouldnt have ovulated unless I just put too much pressure on myself. :(
Ignore this post. I was trying to set up a ticker but couldnt figure it out. lol
Welcome over Lovebug! Thats lovely Foxmommy what your OH said.

I was sure I'd got my AF this mng as had the usual signs for it, went to the bathroom and nothing, now the cramping has gone, I had the same when I was pregnant with Callum so I guess we'll see xxx
ooh fx'ed Nats21, was AF due today? when ru going to test?

lovebug :hugs: hun, deffo throw the thermometer away hun, its not worth the stress, I'm sure you're not broken, much more likely that you just took your temps wrong hun xx
ooh fx'ed Nats21, was AF due today? when ru going to test?

lovebug :hugs: hun, deffo throw the thermometer away hun, its not worth the stress, I'm sure you're not broken, much more likely that you just took your temps wrong hun xx

Thanks hun, its due on the 27th, the cramps disappeared but has come back abit tonight, i'm peeing lots though so i'm really not sure! I've got a test in the drawer so if its not come by the 27th i'll take a test xx

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