• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Hi. ntnp for #2

Thermometer is gone! Yay!

So does anyone know what code I need to copy and paste for a ticker?? And also what do you girls base your O off of? Do you go based on what an app says or cm or what?
yay lovebug :), i see you figured out the ticker thing :)

i tend to do cm and past knowledge cos i find once i've bd'ed cm is a bit more of a guessing game :/, then this month we're going to keep going for a while after i think i should have O'ed.

I think i'm in the 2ww now but seemed to only have ewcm last saturday which is really early for my to O (CD16) so i'm not entirely assuming i did O then so better keep bding for a few more days ;)
Based on cm and cp I think I have already Oed. Im pretty sure I am in my TWW so I will just assume my AF is still due the 3rd and start testing when I am a few days late. Actually thats not true, I will likely start POAS on the 31st. lol At least I bought tests in bulk! lol
Caro are you hoping for a specific gender? We have always said that we dont care what gender our kids are but I seem to be navigating towards a lot of pink and girly things when window shopping. I tried that ring test just for fun (you put your wedding ring on a string and hold it over your wrist and its supposed to predict your kids) and it showed a boy, then stopped, then showed a girl, then stopped. It has done it every time. I already have my boy and we only plan on having one more so it may be right :)
So if I were to get pregnant this month- I Oed on the 17th, then this one would be due right around the time my son was born! How weird is that! My DHs birthday is July 6, DS birthday is July 12, and then this little would literally be due between the 6-12! So weird!
Caro are you hoping for a specific gender? We have always said that we dont care what gender our kids are but I seem to be navigating towards a lot of pink and girly things when window shopping. I tried that ring test just for fun (you put your wedding ring on a string and hold it over your wrist and its supposed to predict your kids) and it showed a boy, then stopped, then showed a girl, then stopped. It has done it every time. I already have my boy and we only plan on having one more so it may be right :)

If I was honest as I've got a boy i'd prob like a girl, but saying that i'll not care at all. We intend to have 3 kids though so i'd quite like 1 girl out of them, but at the same time having all the same gender makes things simpler :haha:

looks like july is a good month for birthdays in your house :thumbup:
I'm about to start the bd whether I'm in the mood or not routine lol. Probably all month just so I can't miss it lol. That's what we did in June when I got pregnant first cycle (ending in mc) so I feel it's a pretty good plan... Plus I tend to be in the mood a lot so its not really a problem lol. I'm on cd 8 of a 28 ish day cycle.... When should I in theory be super bd attentive?
in theory you should Ov on cd14 hun for a 28day cycle, so i'd go from cd10-18!! just to be sure ;), good luck! xx
Haha it'll be more like 8-28 just in case ;) . I'm feeling so desperate to be pregnant...I'm just ready, and there is already more space between them then I'd like. If we get pregnant this month there would be 2 years between them and I only wanted 18-20 months...so not too bad but just ready. I know you all know how I feel on this one.
AF still hasn't appeared but i'm getting cramps like i'm about to have my period, but i'm still peeing lots today, i've been quite tired and am constipated so I really don't know, guess we'll see on saturday if its not arrived by then! xx
I totally feel ya on just wanting to be pregnant. I wish it were as easy as ordering something online! lol I dont mind going through the pregnancy, I loved being pregnant! But the waiting to get pregnant is awful! And this is only my first month!
Start now now now Foxmummy :)

Ooh Nats that sounds really promissing! :)
So I had my first pregnancy dream last night. In my dream when I pushed down on my abdomin I could feel something move towards it. Like when you are pregnant and you can put pressure and you can be it sort of move over towards where you are pushing. It was so realistic. Of course I woke up and had to pee so bad! So I am assuming that the dream was because of the pressure from a full bladder. It was still neat though. I cant wait to fee it again.
aww i remember that feeling a little! the first time wheen i put my hand on my tummy and actually felt a budge underneath, prob wasn't until about 14wks though :cloud9:

good luck tomorrow Nat, hope AF stays away!
OMG congratulations tomsmummy. Wishing u a h&h 9 months.
Well I have no idea when af is due, I think today, but still a no show. Its all stressing me out abit. Especially since los been all over the place, and im worried about how im going to cope. And having the sicknessbug a couple weeks ago scared me because with Dillan I was sick everyday from about 7weeks. And being sick with a toddler is horrible isnt it?
Well I keep buying things for lo and havnt really started much for everyone else. But everyone should b done next month. ... Unless I find anything else Dill needs. Lol.
How are you ladies?
ooh when are you going to test DCS? re. the sickness somehow we'll all get through it!

i;m the same with xmas prezzies, all stuff for alex, nothing for anyone else yet :haha:, his stuff is just so much more fun to buy!
Aww, I hope AF doesn't arrive dcs!.... Yeh when you going to test?

Well, I'm a bit confused today! I toko another test this afty and it came back negative :wacko:..... It was a digi one, like the other day. I also took the one the other day in mid afty and that was pos so not sure what's going on atm!
oh how odd tomsmummy, so they were both digi's? had you had loads to drink today before you took the test? fx'ed your pee was just dilute :hugs: xx

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