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Hi. ntnp for #2

yeh both digi's, the 1st said pg with a 1-2 week conception, and today's just said not preg!.... I'm spotting a little this eve too but we dtd this afty so hope it's just due to that!
i know right? who knew toys were so much fun to buy? oh thout i was crazy for starting so soon, untill i showed him how much it should have cost, and how much i actually paid....:thumbup:

i dont think im going to test yet. going to leave it as long as possible.

how very strange toms mummy. can you get it confirmed ?

actually what is the correct procedure when u get a BFP? with lo i was in shock so went to the drs and i cant quite remember what he said.
oh no tomsmummy i so hope the spotting is due to bding hun :hugs:

dcs i've saved a fortune! got £90 worth of happyland stuff for about £33!! bargain :D

correct procedure is go to the dr's once you get a bfp, they refer you onto the midwife, or at least that's what happens round here! xx
Toms mummy that must be so frustrating!!! I would say test agan tomorrow with FMU. I hope you get another BFP!!!

Caro I have a basement full of Christmas presents for my 2 year old. I cant belive the bargains I have got!

So I just had another weird dream. I ended up falling asleep with my son during his nap and had a dream about my mom. First off- I have not had a pleasant dream about her since she died 8 years ago!!! Second off in the dream she kept snickering and laughing because she knew something I didnt. I hope it means she knows we are going to get our #2 sometime soon. Baby dust girls! If I knew how to add the fun smileys into my post I would. lol
Yeah it is frustrating!.... will buy another test tomorrow and then test the day after.

I've done no xmas shopping yet :blush:... I will do what I usually do and panic a weke before!!! Actually I'm usually pretty good with LO's stuff, it's just everyone elses! :doh:
My little lady is fast asleep, and I'm missing her. Sometimes I'm ready for her to be done napping but that won't be for awhile yet as she's only 15 months. She is just so much fun right now, giggles and hugs etc. I should be working on her halloween costume but I mopped the floor instead because it was getting a little gross and I intentionally mopped myself onto the couch so I'd have to take a break lol. We have a super busy weekend so hopefully oh won't be too tired to bd, maybe we'll just do the quick version (not ideal, but necessary sometimes lol).
Foxmommy what is she being for Halloween? Aiden, my ds, is going as a dragon. He LOVES to roar at everyone!
Hope u get another bfp toms mummy. Let us know how u get on.
Carro- I have a serious problem, iv got Dill £570 worth of toys for £250 but thats inc his stocking, and elf bags. So I need to stop for him. Reeeealy wanted to get. Him shearwood castle, the dino set, and martain moon house but oh had to stop me, because lo wouldnt play with them.
Ohhhh I wish lo would let me dress him up for h'ween. I have to regularly stop him from taking his clothes off. No way would he leave a costume on.
She's being an owl! It's taking forever to make but she's going to be adorable.
Hiya girls. AF still hasn't arrived :happydance: I'm leaving it til Monday and if its not here by then i'll go and buy a test.

As for Christmas shopping, I've done all of Callums but keep seeing lots that I want for him so i'm putting it on lists for family, but I have gone and bought him a couple of extra things as I couldn't stop myself! xx
Just found out my ex sister in law, who I am extremely close to is pregnant. Accidentally. Not super surprising as my four nephews were born in four years and three months so she is obviously fertile. But she is the third close to me pregnant woman and I'm feeling heartbroken.
aww foxmummy :hugs: fx'ed this is your month too though hun!! and wow 4 boy in 4 years is crazy :haha:

nat, fx;ed AF is still staying away hun!!

DCS i've got sherwood castle for LO and the farm set, hoping he'll love them! no idea how much i've spent on stuff but reckon its not more than £100, and am thinking we're pretty much done now as grandparents go crazy! :wacko: and we're meant to be decluttering not adding more!! :rofl:

Think i'm somewhere in the middle of the tww now, but not entirely sure and i kinda like it like that :D. Managed to get a whole day and night off yesterday! went to london for the day and my mum had LO overnight, was lovely not having to get up this morning :)

hope you're all having nice wkends! xx
Ahhhh foxmummy before lo I found everyone around me was getting pregnant. It will be your turn soon.
I really am done for lo now carro, I need to buy for eveyone else still.
I actually have no idea wth is going on with my cycles. I dont know where I am.
Ahhh bet that was a nice break for u carro. So your mum had to deal with the time chnge? Good timing. Lol
So far my weekends been thrown right off, spent yesterday morning down a&e with oh ( second sat mornin in a row, last week was with lo who got into a fight with the radiator because of buzz lightyear) who has broken his hand. Well he broke it on thursday ( which happened to be his birthday) and finally decided to visit the hospital yesterday. And he is now off work for atleast a week. Should have been at work all day today but is home so it doesnt feel like a sunday, my routines gone out the window.
I am done (well I should be done anyways) with DSs christmas. We have also finished buying for a family friend who is like our little brother, and my cousin. Random I know. Aside from that we dont have much else. I dont really plan on buying for a lot of people though. Most family will get an ornament or something made by DS.
Lovebug- I love the idea of giving something made by lo. I cant wait till we can do this. I was going to make cards with him but he hates stuff ( other than food) on his hands. I hope he is abit more confortable with it all next year.
We are doing hampers for everyone, so alot of the goodies are homemade. So not as much as I thought to buy.
We've done hampers for the grandparents the last coulple of yrs. They go down a treat! We have a local honeyfarm so I fill it with hiney, mead and chutneys :)
Well I think I'm back in this section again :(...... I have been getting a period like bleed for the past couple of days, it's stopped now but I tested again this afternoon and another bfn..... I think it was a chemical :cry: I will test with fmu in the morn just to be sure but not hopeful :(
Oh no toms mummy thats rubbish. Hope u get that bfp again tomorrow.
Hiya. Sorry about that Fox Mommy, keep your hopes up though hun, this month could be it for you

:hugs: Toms Mummy, hope you get a bfp tomorrow when you test

I've still not got my period, i'm a day late now, the cramps have gone away and i'm still peeing lots and keep having nauseaus moments but am starving all the time too. I'm hoping to buy a test tomorrow if my period still hasn't shown as i'll be two days late then, FX'ed! xx

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