Honey-Cinnamon Bumps in the Making!

Is it bad if Everlee hasn't pooped in over 24 hours. I have been alternating breast milk and formula so i think that is why. She isn't fussy. I don't think its bothering her, but should I be concerned?
I'm pretty sure my doctor said that was normal. I can't remember when she said it usually starts, but I'm pretty sure right around that age. I'm not sure the difference formula would make with it... I remember the pediatrician saying give it maybe 3 days, especially if she isnt fussing about it, then maybe give a call.
maybe check with your doctor because I don't know what effect formula has but for breast fed babies anywhere from a couple times a week to several times a day is normal as long as the stool is nice and loose. If the babies poo comes out like rabbit pellets, then that is a concern.
I was told that at this age he could poop only a few times a week... if it is more than 3 days, abdo is hard and distended and baby is uncomfortable it is a concern.
Thanks so much! This all just made me feel better. She finally had a poo today! It was thick and pasty and somewhat dark. She hasn't been fussy but I am sure she feels much better. I'll bring it up to the dr. When we go next week.

JM- it's normal hun. Jaz has mainly formula now too but sometimes I use both. Babies can go serveral days without pooing, we have been on special formula for constipation as she was a bit colicy and fussy too, but now she is on Frisolac 1 and all is well. As long as the poo is pastey and brown/green/yellow in color then you're fine. I like to say that the nappy looks like it's been smeared in peanut butter lol!:haha: White poop or black/bloody poop is a problem. Sometimes Jaz goes three times a day then sometimes she doesn't go for 3 days lol! We give her infant tea to help stimulate her bowels and keep her hydrated, works a treat! Our pediatrician has us sending her photos of Jaz's poop by email :rofl: never knew motherhood entailed such graphic pics lol:haha:
Hi ladies

Any news to share?

How is everyone doing?

Do we have a Honey and Cinnamon Mummies thread yet???

It's so quiet on here I wondered if everyone is posting somewhere else now?
Or are we all just busy bees with our honey babies?:haha:

Anyway, hope u r all well.:kiss:
We did start a mommy thread, but people have mainly just been keeping in touch via our respective parenting journals. My link is in my sig and I think most of the other girls' are as well. I will try to find the link to that other thread and we can get it started back up again! I'm on my phone now, so I'll post the link later when I'm home on my laptop! I hope you've been well WB!! :) Jaz is adorable!
Honey & Cinnamon Babies

Here's the thread!!! I really need to update the front page though :)
Hey mamas! How is everyone? I know we r all friends on FB but sometimes easier to catch up in here. Everyone's little babes are getting so big! I can't believe we are all at the year mark or about to approach it. I just wanted to check in and catch up. DH and I are getting ready to sell our house and move 2 hours away. I am a bit as to leave all my family and friends. I am sure it will all work out and I will grow to love it. I guess I'm just a little nervous. In other news DH and I have decided to not prevent having another baby. We decided to just see what happens. :) I'm ready to give everlee and baby brother or sister.
Hey mamas! How is everyone? I know we r all friends on FB but sometimes easier to catch up in here. Everyone's little babes are getting so big! I can't believe we are all at the year mark or about to approach it. I just wanted to check in and catch up. DH and I are getting ready to sell our house and move 2 hours away. I am a bit as to leave all my family and friends. I am sure it will all work out and I will grow to love it. I guess I'm just a little nervous. In other news DH and I have decided to not prevent having another baby. We decided to just see what happens. :) I'm ready to give everlee and baby brother or sister.

Helloooo!!!! Wow sounds like you and hubby are making a big change to your lives, I wish you both happiness in your move and joy in your new home which will be a new home for little Everlee too who by the way is soooo beautiful, you must be very proud! I'm sure you'll adjust to the new location and with the possibility of another buba on the horizon I'm sure you'll be waiting and wondering again soon with high hopes and excitement, sounds like it's gonna be an exciting new chapter for you all :thumbup:

Have you got a theme for Everlee's 1st bday yet? I have just bought loads of minnie mouse stuff lol! Even little ears she can wear lol!

Jasmine-May aka Jazzy is doing good, the only thing is she is a terrible eater and I can barely get 350ml of formula in her a day and she has since given up 3 meals a day, I think she has lost weight because of this but I have to blame alot of it on teething I think, why else would she be off food and milk for soooooo long! I have even had to start giving her two or three night feeds to try and make up on all the milk she refused during the day! She has a beaker now with a straw as she didn't do too good with the usual style sippy cup.

I have recently been for a scan.... don't think I told you guys what happened at the birth... might babble abit here (sorry lol!), so Jazzy was born by emergency c-section as the delivery had no prgress (I never dialated) and the hormones given to induce me were making my contractions too hard and Jazzy's heart beat kept dropping way low and I had to take loads of oxygen on and deep breaths to help her survive. My Obstetrician kept saying that if in ten minutes time Jazzy's heartbeat was still dropping all the time that she would do a c-section, this went on for 12 hours by which point Jazzy had had enoough and I was rushed in for a c-section. When they looked inside they saw that my bladder was in a strange place (weird anatomy apparently) and it was squashing Jazzy and stopping her from going down birth canal. It was also soooo close to the surface that they very nearly cut it open! Anyway Jazzy was hardly breathing when she came out and had swallowed her poop inside me so was put on a ventilator and rushed to a hospital about 20mins away where she recovered and stayed for 5days. Have to add my hubby wasn't allowed in during the c-section, I was alone and they didn't speak to me in english once!!!! Then they took Jazzy away without me seeing her or knowing if she was alive which was even worse! I laid eyes on her for the first time in the nicu 5days later! Anyways alot of other bad stuff happened too and it took me this whole year to get over it!

We are back in the UK now and I have seen a doctor and told her my horror story. I was too scared to get pregnant again incase they cut open my bladder and both me and the baby died. So she sent me for a scan to see if the bladder is in the right place and apparently it hasn't moved from where my doctor pushed it to which is the right position, also my doc wrote to an obstetrician who decided that next time round they would be very careful and monitor me. Basically I was told I can have more children if I like which is great! Of course I have a little while before it's safe to start trying again, but sure enough I'll be back on the honey and cinnamon as soon as it's Okay!!!

Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies! it has been awhile since we caught up last? How is everyone?
Wannabeam so sorry I hadn't gotten back to you. For some reason never saw your post. I think i got busy in the move and all that craziness. I know we are all or most of us are friends on FB, but I thought it would be nice to do a little catch up with each other.

Everlee is getting ready to turn 18 months! I don't know how that is even possible!
She has grown so much and i love her more and more every day. She has quite the silly personality. She has major separation anxiety especially with others are in the room that she isn't used to. It has been very challenging and exhausting at times. It doesn't help that i stay at home with her every day and we live 2 hours from our family and friends. Im thinking about putting her in a school for a couple days a week so she can work on her social skills without me but at the same time I have a hard time letting her go lol. I don't help the situation.
We do love our new home and have met a lot of people down here. It def. has been a great experience. I can see us living here for a long time.
Has anyone started potty training or thinking about starting? I dont know when to start or know how to know when to. Everlee's dr. appt is on the 21st so I imagine her Dr. will talk about it. Just want to get advice for you all first.
DH and I are currently on our 3rd cycle TTC #2. :) I am hopeful that this is the month. Anyone else TTC or thinking about it in the near future? I think Everlee having a sibling will help her tremendously. Can't wait to hear from you all soon!
Hey mamas! How is everyone? I know we r all friends on FB but sometimes easier to catch up in here. Everyone's little babes are getting so big! I can't believe we are all at the year mark or about to approach it. I just wanted to check in and catch up. DH and I are getting ready to sell our house and move 2 hours away. I am a bit as to leave all my family and friends. I am sure it will all work out and I will grow to love it. I guess I'm just a little nervous. In other news DH and I have decided to not prevent having another baby. We decided to just see what happens. :) I'm ready to give everlee and baby brother or sister.

Helloooo!!!! Wow sounds like you and hubby are making a big change to your lives, I wish you both happiness in your move and joy in your new home which will be a new home for little Everlee too who by the way is soooo beautiful, you must be very proud! I'm sure you'll adjust to the new location and with the possibility of another buba on the horizon I'm sure you'll be waiting and wondering again soon with high hopes and excitement, sounds like it's gonna be an exciting new chapter for you all :thumbup:

Have you got a theme for Everlee's 1st bday yet? I have just bought loads of minnie mouse stuff lol! Even little ears she can wear lol!

Jasmine-May aka Jazzy is doing good, the only thing is she is a terrible eater and I can barely get 350ml of formula in her a day and she has since given up 3 meals a day, I think she has lost weight because of this but I have to blame alot of it on teething I think, why else would she be off food and milk for soooooo long! I have even had to start giving her two or three night feeds to try and make up on all the milk she refused during the day! She has a beaker now with a straw as she didn't do too good with the usual style sippy cup.

I have recently been for a scan.... don't think I told you guys what happened at the birth... might babble abit here (sorry lol!), so Jazzy was born by emergency c-section as the delivery had no prgress (I never dialated) and the hormones given to induce me were making my contractions too hard and Jazzy's heart beat kept dropping way low and I had to take loads of oxygen on and deep breaths to help her survive. My Obstetrician kept saying that if in ten minutes time Jazzy's heartbeat was still dropping all the time that she would do a c-section, this went on for 12 hours by which point Jazzy had had enoough and I was rushed in for a c-section. When they looked inside they saw that my bladder was in a strange place (weird anatomy apparently) and it was squashing Jazzy and stopping her from going down birth canal. It was also soooo close to the surface that they very nearly cut it open! Anyway Jazzy was hardly breathing when she came out and had swallowed her poop inside me so was put on a ventilator and rushed to a hospital about 20mins away where she recovered and stayed for 5days. Have to add my hubby wasn't allowed in during the c-section, I was alone and they didn't speak to me in english once!!!! Then they took Jazzy away without me seeing her or knowing if she was alive which was even worse! I laid eyes on her for the first time in the nicu 5days later! Anyways alot of other bad stuff happened too and it took me this whole year to get over it!

We are back in the UK now and I have seen a doctor and told her my horror story. I was too scared to get pregnant again incase they cut open my bladder and both me and the baby died. So she sent me for a scan to see if the bladder is in the right place and apparently it hasn't moved from where my doctor pushed it to which is the right position, also my doc wrote to an obstetrician who decided that next time round they would be very careful and monitor me. Basically I was told I can have more children if I like which is great! Of course I have a little while before it's safe to start trying again, but sure enough I'll be back on the honey and cinnamon as soon as it's Okay!!!

Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh my gosh I didn't realize how scary baby Jazz delivery was. I can't imagine how you must have felt and I don't blame you for staying away for awhile. I am so glad you and Jazz were ok and healthy now. So sorry I hadn't replied to your story. I hope you are doing ok now. It has been several months since you post that. I see on your ticker that you are getting ready to start TTC. :)
Hey JM! I know we sort of keep up on the basics with FB, but I was curious where you were at with TTC! That's exciting! You're on the same timeline as my SIL. She's on her 4th(ish) cycle. Very cool! I'm not the best at coming on her as often, so if you make a special announcement and I don't respond right away, please feel free to message me on FB! :)

We have casually talked about this spring... April at the earliest. The only thing is that hubby was approached by his manager and the HR rep for his company and they are hinting that there may be something in the works that they have him in mind for. In a nutshell, he's a senior training store manager for Caribou Coffee (for those of you not familiar, it's a chain similar to Starbucks... in MN, it's actually almost bigger than Starbucks). It's the highest position available in-store. The corporate headquarters are up in Minneapolis, which is where my family is from and we've always talked about the long-term plan being that we end up up there. Well, this may be happening sooner rather than later, after this meeting! :) Based on that, if we go thorugh the process of a relocation, that may have us waiting a few months longer. I would have to find a new job and you have typically have to work at a place for 12 months to qualify for maternity leave. I wouldn't wait 12 months, but I would feel better not being pregnant and looking. :) Maybe work a few months, then get cooking! Haha!

I've been having fun seeing everyone's little ones growing up on facebook! JM, I get such a kick out of Everlee. She seems to be SO similar to Emilia! I bet they would be good friends!

Hope everyone is well!
Hey! Good to hear from ya JM and Shterr. I'm loving seeing everyone's bubbas growing up on FB too.

JM - no worries hun, I know we don't always check b&b as often as FB. I'm just glad I have you ladies to talk to about it all :). Everlee is so sweet, and I can see her personality in the photos and cute video clips u have posted. Particularly love the ones with your doggies playing with her. We have 3 dogs (well one is mine and the other two are my parents but we all live together at the mo) and our dogs love Jazzy like yours love Everlee. It's so amazing and heartwarming to watch isn't it! Sounds like your move went well... well done, moving with a LO can be hard. I moved house whilst preggers, that was stressful lol! Jazzy can be abit clingy too with other people around. I too have considered taking her to school/daycare to help her get ready for playschool that starts around two years old over here. I also recommended taking her to those play areas with ball pits and slides... there's usually an under twos section. This way she can learn to play with other kiddies at your arms reach but with you encouraging her by staying close by. I do this with Jazzy as well as a mum and toddler group. I sometimes leave Jazzy at one end of the room to go and get coffee at the other end at toddler group and it makes her learn to look up to find me ( useful for crowds if we ever get separated in public in the future) she occasionally cries when she looks for me but she doesn't panic now which is a good sign. Don't worry Everlee will find her confidence as soon as she mixes more... she may even become bossy like Jazzy lol! Oh and goodluck with TTC your 2nd, very excited, keep us posted!:winkwink:

Shterr- Emilia is a real cutie! Loving watching her grow up on FB, lovely pics. You must be very proud of her. Isn't it exciting that some of us might be TTC our second this year! Sounds like your hubby has lots to look forward to this year. Hope it all works out wonderfully for you all. I think your plan to work for abit and the get cooking sounds good.:thumbup: How is Emilia with separation anxiety?

As for me - we were bout to start TTC 2nd this month but we also thought we'd be in our own rented apartment or house by now, but unfortunately money hasn't allowed it. Hubby has worked his socks off freelance. It has taken a long time to start from scratch after moving back to the UK. But finally we hope to move out of my parent's house by March. Then we will think about TTC 2nd. Feeling very broody. And had a look at my scar today and almost couldn't find it. Suddenly realised that finally 18months after my c-section and I feel a lot more healed. Still abit numb and scratchy under my tummy but nothing compared to 6months ago. I've bought those pregnancy vitamins again and will start them this month... heard you should start taking them 3 months before u try.:winkwink: Hoping to take Jazzy swimming lessons this year as well s a movement/music class.

Potty training - well we have a Minnie Mouse potty that cheers when u flush. Jazzy tells me AFTER she has pooped lol. She pats her bottom and says pooped to me. And she pats her tummy when she's seeing. So a good start. I use the extra small pull up nappies at home so I can whip her nappy down in the hope of catching her before she goes. But at the moment she gets angry and says 'nooo' and so I am leaving it for a while until she is less grumpy lol. But when I go too the loo (not overtime lol) I take her in and try to get hereto copy me and signing her potty. But she just says no and grabs our toothbrushesentries to brush RR teeth then mind lol!!!!

Anyways sorry for the novel lol, but I am a aspiring writer lol!

How's everyone else?
Hi Ladies!!!

Wanna- so sorry I also hadn't seen your post from months ago! I didn't realize how traumatic Jazzy's birth was- what an absolutely awful experience! I'm glad your ultrasound shows that things are in a more "normal" position- hopefully next time around you will be much more closely watched!

Shterr- Sounds like you may have an exciting year coming up! Best of luck to your DH!!!

JM- OOOO so exciting- sending you lots and lots of baby dust!!!

Iain is doing really well- just had his 18 Month appt today- weighs 26.5lbs... not too much up from his 12 month weight but he was pretty sick last week and likely lost some then. He is such a little ham- gives the best kisses and hugs, loves to dance and climb. He eats pretty much anything- favourites being carrots, peas, beans and brocolli <- crazy kid!

He has been diagnosed with a speech delay so he doesn't really "say" much, mostly just babble. In the last couple of weeks he has picked up a few new words- he is now up to "woof", "doggie", "kitty", "meow", "moo", "da" said when he wants something, and "mmmm" said when he wants to eat something. Still no mama or dada :( He is getting really frustrated at times and I really don't blame him. Has started hitting out when we don't understand what he wants, that or sticking out his tongue and blowing raspberries at us.

As far as separation anxiety- it really depends on his mood! Sometimes he is fine to go off into a new situation without a look back, other times he clings to me for dear life! He hates it when anyone leaves the house.. just after we moved in the summer he cried when the realtor left! lol

For potty training we have just been really relaxed. A few months ago we started to put Iain on the toilet (with a little toddler seat) whenever we changed his diaper. Now he pees in the toilet about 50% of the time. Poops are pretty hit and miss- some days we get them all in the toilet- other days none.

So great to hear for you ladies!!! :) :) :)
Hi all! :wave:

Great to hear all updates from you guys.

Our big news - I'm pregnant and will have another baby Aug 2014 so Emi and baby will be exactly 2 yrs apart :) (Shhhhh on facebook though! Not ready to say anything there yet as only few good friends and family know)

Emi is a big girl and loves her food. She says a lot of words and understands a ton but is going through oppositional defiant phase right now as well as smacking and biting. Hope it passes soon.

We've been potty training since 6 months and she pretty much always poops in potty now and pees half the time. It's hard to put her on potty to pee as she always denies wanting to pee but will tell me seconds before she pees on the floor :dohh: oh well, we're working on it.

Wanna - sorry to hear you had such a traumatic birth. Jazzy looks beautiful and I'm so happy to hear that you are all clear for baby # 2!

Looks like a lot of you guys are thinking of trying :) this is exciting and we'll have 2nd wave of babies soon!

I'm super busy with new job as old one didn't have a space for me to go back to but that's ok. I haven't told at work yet that I'm pregs but in 2 weeks i'll be 12 weeks and will officially tell management but I have to hear heartbeat first as they don't do scans here at 12 weeks like they do in UK. Wish me luck!
Hey Bugg and Greenpear! Great to hear all is well... massive congratulations greenpear!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxx

Bugg - Iain is gorgeous... seems like he's a veggie lover which is great. And sounds like despite his speech delay he is doing great. I think lots of kids are frustrated at this age with their speech. They understand so much but they can't get us to understand them! Soon they will all be chatterboxes and we'll be saying they talk too much when we've asked them not to lol! And isn't it amazing how long they can blow raspberries for!!! I agree with the whole mood thing with separation anxiety. I have started today doing same as you and putting Jazzy on toilet when I change her nappy.. well I tried but she said 'nooooo' each time and then wouldn't let me put a pull-up nappy back on her:dohh:

Greenpear - potty training since 6months is awesome, well done! Your LO is beautiful, such a pretty face. Bet you're bursting to tell everyone about being preggers again, but for now don't worry your secret is safe with us. Hope all goes well with eventually telling your work too.:winkwink:
Lol just read my long post from a couple of days ago and seen how badly predictive text messed up the end!!! Sorry if it didn't make sense lol :wacko::haha:
So happy with all the new news and love the idea of a 2nd wave!

Emilia updates:
She turned one in August. She didn't really cut any teeth until right before then. Started walking at about 13.5 months and now is full on running and getting into trouble! :)

She's been kind of a picky eater, which is so funny because she was sooo good when we were on purees and early finger foods! Loved her veggies and ate everything I put in front of her. Now I can't seem to get her to eat any veggies unless they are mixed in with smoothies or hidden. She's not so into meat either. She loves hot dogs (blech) and will do lunch meat if it's layered onto melted cheese and bread. She will eat ALL fruits, most breads/pastas, crackers, cheeses, yogurt, etc. Oh well. We weaned of the breastfeeding at 14 months, when hubs and I went on a vacation down to Texas. I eased down to just one evening feed the week or so before we left and she didn't seem to miss it one bit. I was more bummed about it than her by far. Haha.

She just recently started to really relate some words with what they mean. Her first word (other than occasionally babbling mama or dada) was oddly enough, "cracker." She uses it to describe any food pretty much or to tell us she's hungry.

She hasn't really been having seperation anxiety issues, but she is kind of quiet and reserved. A lot of people go straight to referring to her as shy which kind of bothers me. She seems a lot like me and her dad. More into observing and people watching, but still enjoying to be around others. She looooves books and daydare laughs that she'll sometimes bring a stack over to a little chair in a quieter part of the room and sit and look at pictures for like 15-20 minutes.

Anyway, not much else new I guess. She's just a lot of fun and its so cool to see how she changes and grows every day. She's a snuggler and loves to give hugs. It's so fun being a mom! :)

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