Sounds good DS! Hopefully it's s sticky bean for you
So I had no opks to test this morning I buggered up my last one last night and it didn't get any lines arghhhh! Tried to buy more but shop was shut... So did one this afternoon and had a second line! It's the darkest ive had but still nowhere near as dark as the control. It was only 2 hours since my last wee so maybe it's not concentrated enough or I missed my surge... This afternoon I have gotten extremely bloated and and having AF type cramps... Do you think I'm ovulating today? It's all so frustrating!!!! Lol
So we will again tonight and I'm currently 'brewing' so I can take another opk tonight!!! Hopefully this is my egg finally making an appearance. I don't think I've ever had ov pain before, but then I've never been looking for it!
It keeps me from talking to my husband to. One time I tried to tell him about CM and he went "That's fu***ng gross. I started laughing at him." My temp today was 97.0 instead of 96.9 so I'm hopeful. Also crampies every day after OV and I got a muscle like cramp that went from right below my belly button down to my pubic area.
Thanks Phoeb i haven't actually noticed any ewcm this month but we have had sooooo much and also we are using maybe baby lubricant with the applicators (like preseed) so there is just way too many fluids too tell lol also at least you on the smiley day!! That's gotta give you decent odds.
Did another opk. It was 4 hours since my last. It's a REAL line its about half as dark as the control but the best I've had. Its about 9pm here, I did one at 4:30 and the one before that wasn't since 6am yesterday. So either I missed my surge while I had no opks or it's building, I'm just going to keep testing and see if it gets darker or fades... I really think I'm ovulating today but only time will tell, we just again and will tomorrow am as well incase my cramps were ov.
Yay so excited
Feels like a sticky been month!! gl girls
Just took a pic for u girls...faint line... but definitely there! Still can't believe it!
Thanks Phoeb i haven't actually noticed any ewcm this month but we have had sooooo much and also we are using maybe baby lubricant with the applicators (like preseed) so there is just way too many fluids too tell lol also at least you on the smiley day!! That's gotta give you decent odds.
Did another opk. It was 4 hours since my last. It's a REAL line its about half as dark as the control but the best I've had. Its about 9pm here, I did one at 4:30 and the one before that wasn't since 6am yesterday. So either I missed my surge while I had no opks or it's building, I'm just going to keep testing and see if it gets darker or fades... I really think I'm ovulating today but only time will tell, we just again and will tomorrow am as well incase my cramps were ov.
Yay so excited
Feels like a sticky been month!! gl girls
Just took a pic for u girls...faint line... but definitely there! Still can't believe it!