Hi ladies. Can I join!?
Firstly I am so sorry for the loss that you have all suffered. I hope that you all get you rainbows soon
I am 8dpo, cycle 9 since my second MC. Again not feeling anything so thinking this is another BFN cycle again. We were very lucky as we used to get pregnant very quickly. First time 4 cycles for my first Angel baby then only took 3 for the second Angel. Now 9 and nothing. I know 9 isn't many in the grand scheme of things but I can't help but think that the D and C has caused damage.
Me and DH will be seeing. The GP at the beginning of March if not pregnant as that will mark our 12 cycles of TTC since our second loss. So we will see what the next three cycles brings. Each month we have been timed to perfection, pre seed, OPKs, vitimins etc. So we know that we are doing all that we can do. Hope it's just been bad luck so far. This has been the hardest 18 months ever, but it has made us stronger and we will not give up on the dream of becoming parents xx