Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

I also have conceive plus that i used. I usually order online too as im not brave enough to buy it in the shops. It gets delivered in a plain box so nobody would know what it is. I hope your dad couldnt tell what yours was lol xxx
Hilslo, I've never had much EWCM. Well, I actually had before TTC and the cycle we dicided to try it seemed it all dried up! LOL, I get watery, but not the egg white. I've always wanted to try preseed, but I can't find any here.

I think AF is pretty much packing her bags. 4 days of bleeding seems right. I'm so embarressed, I usually use a mooncup, and before that used a tampon, so really have no idea! I want to start POAS this Wednesday though. Last cycle (I got pregnant) I ovulated a bit earlier than usual, so I better start early this time as well!

I hope everyone si doing well these days. It seems Mothers day talk is all over the place. We don't celebrate it here, but it's enough to turn on the computer and it pops up.
I kind of had a breakdown yesterday. Since the MC, we haven't really gone out of the house on weekends. We've become somewhat hermits.
Yesterday I agreed on going out to the pier. Bad idea. So many kids and babies... Pregnant women...
On the way home I was very quiet, and DH kept asking if I was OK. When we got home he said he was going to his parents to pick something up.
Afterwards he said he was sorry, he was down because of me and needed to get out. I'm tired of him telling me that me being depressed is making him depressed, like it's not OK I'm bringing him down and feeling this way. I hate that he always makes me feel bad about how he's feeling.
He never wants to talk about this, and whenever I bring it up be says "yes" "no" and switches subjects. I feel so alone.
I told him that, and everything, ho I feel around kids and babies, when I see someone pregnant, how I was supposed to be in that position and now I'm not, how does he think I feel? I hate being around them, that's why I stay inside. I waited so long for this only to have it ripped out of my hands. It's not fair!
I know it's childish and selfish to say but it isn't. I'm so scared it will take us a long time again. I can see it going both ways but I don't want to get my hopes up because I'm tired of crying and fighting all my life for everything.
I'm just mentally exhausted. I'm so sad. I know I look back on everything I did and went through, and how hard it was at the time and how much I cried and hated myself and everything around me, and I know it made me stringer, and who I am today. And hey, I did get through it, and can't remember half the pain. And I know this is one of those things, but I just can't find the strength to get through this. I just want this to be over with. I can't do it anymore :(
Aww Nina. I hope u are ok? I understand all the feeling u have. I feel the same about seeing children and pregnant people and also feel like its not fair. I know your DH will be hurting a lot too and people show it in different ways. He obviously would prefer to not talk about it, perhaps its too painful for him to keep bringing up. My DH listens to me when im upset but he has a positive attitude and tries to move the subject onto the future and ttc again. Maybe when u feel down u can tell your DH that u need a cuddle and just hold each other feeling close and protected without talking about it.
Also i could of quite easily stayed in the house and hidden away as im so upset but DH makes me get up and now we have made lots if plans with friends and family and been out for lots of day trips and meals out. It has really helped me. It passes the time and makes me feel normal again. Infact we spend time with friends who are 8 months pregnant and lots of friends with babies. It hurt the first time i saw them but it gets easier everytime and its not their fault this happened to us. Like u, we were ttc a long time before this mc so i was already dealing with hurt feels of seeing new borns etc..this has stepped it up but the ltttc was like a rehearsal.
What im trying to say is, try to get out there and keep living. I honestly think keeping busy helps. I hope u get your bfp soon. I think that even when i do get another bfp all this heartache wont go away so we need to deal with it now. I still had a chip on my shoulder about ltttc when i was pregnant so this mc will stay with me for forever. I hate the reality of it but its parr of who we are now so we have to deal with it. I know its difficult. Ive talked to lots of friends about what happened and for me talking as helped sort ny head out. Maybe if your DH prefers not to talk then u can talk to someone else about it.
I hope u start feeling more positive soon. Im here for u and u will get your bfp!
Yes start the opks early so u dont miss o :) xxx
Oh Nina, I'm so sorry you're going through this :hugs:. Men are funny creatures. They hurt too but often try to block it out as they feel they have to be strong. They also haven't carried the baby like we have so I think their loss is a little less. They don't have the strong hormonal responses and attachments that we do.

I know the feeling of hermits. We didn't really go out in Feb and March as me not drinking would have been really obvious and we didn't want to tell people until 12 weeks. April finally came round and we told people and could finally go out only to lose it a week later and we've not really been going out since so we're now long time hermits. In the past couple of days though I think we've started to turn a corner. Apart from the wedding, we've been out with a few friends that don't have kids (and aren't pregnant most importantly!) which has helped get us out of the house and has definitely helped make me start to feel a bit more "normal" again. Do you have any similar friends you could start to see. Maybe go round to their houses or invite them round to yours? That way you won't be in a situation where you are reminded of what could have beeb but the social part will hopefully be the first step to getting you back into the world and help the healing process.

Remember that you will have good days as well as bad and we are all very much here for you through both :hugs:. You ladies definitely understand more than DH, my family and friends could. You never know, you could be 9 days away from conceiving your rainbow baby:flower:

I too struggle with not knowing when I will conceive. Will it be this cycle (if AF ever comes and I do eventually ever get round to the that first cycle!) or will I still be trying in years to come? It all comes back to the control thing and the scary part is that we can't control when it will happen. So try not to worry (easier said than done I know!!) about when but focus on everything you can to maximise your chances this cycle. Drink lots of water to increase (get some!) EWCM, keep taking those OPKs and get :sex: lots!

You're reaching the one bit of the cycle that I feel we do have some control over so try to take some comfort in that. I'm willing that egg to make contact with the :spermy:. Good luck and let us know how the OPKs progress!

I really do hope this is one of the worst days for you (not that I want you to be having a bad day I just hope that you will get through it and the coming days will be a bit easier). xx
I will join if I may? I was due 25th October and gave birth to my baby girl on Friday 10th May (2 days ago). I am heart broken. Right now, I am sobbing most of the time and then angry, then sobbing.... I don't know what to do with myself quite frankly. Is this normal behaviour?

Giving birth was horrific.... not the birth itself, that ended up being quite peaceful and I had strong pain relief.... it was just the fact that I was aware the whole time that she had passed on a few weeks before and that the whole time we waited for Verifi blood tests (as we'd tested high risk for trisomy 21, 18 and 13 due to low papp a and b-hcg)...well she had been gone :(

We got the results back on Wednesday that nothing was detected and that we were expecting a girl and we had 2 days of feeling positive, before WHAM!

I am off work for a week and I have to wait 6 weeks for the post mortem on my baby and the placenta and have follow up bloods at 6 weeks (had a whole battery before the birth)....and then I see my Ob/Gynae in 8 weeks to get the results.

Right now, I need to wait for my cycle to return before I can even contemplate signing up for further fertility treatment but in the next few weeks I need to see the fertility Dr to get myself on the books again.

I just don't know what to do.... I am heart broken and also being 38 and have the fertility problems I do, I feel so frightened.

Thanks for letting me share.

Hi Susan.
Sorry to hear your sad story. Very sorry for your loss. Everything u feel is normal. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Give yourself time to be upset. We will all be here for u. I hope once u get your cycle back and back to FS u can get your forever baby. I wish i all the luck in the world. Big hugs xxx
Susan, I'm so so sorry for everything that has happened but so glad you've found us!

If you weren't a sobbing, angry emotional mess I'd be more worried. Given the awful circumstances it's very normal - we've all been there and are still there some days. The only consolation I can give is that it does start to get better. It is 3.5 weeks since I had surgery at 13.5 weeks and I have been through numbness, anger, uncontrollable sobbing, "why me?" and a range of other emotions in between. As well as the horrible obvious reason, remember your hormones will be crashing which adds to the misery. I have found that writing down what I feel on these boards has really helped as trying to say it out loud was just too painful at times.

It's good to see that you are looking to the future though. Try not to panic over what will happen as you simply cannot control it. It sounds like you have taken all the steps you can to put yourself in the best position to maximise your chances of conceiving.

There are a few of us on here still waiting for that first AF so you've got company. Unfortunately there is no way to fast forward time until you are in a better place but in the mean time take care of yourself, don't feel guilty for crying/ being angry. :hugs::hugs:

Thanks guys, I just feel really down these days.
It doesn't help that I'm depressed to begin with.

You never know, you could be 9 days away from conceiving your rainbow baby
Hilslo, thank you, that makes me so sad and hopeful at the same time :hugs:

You guys are great <3
Hi ladies,
I am feeling quite down for a couple of days, I couldn't follow what's been written in previous pages. I was so sure I ovulated on April 28th, and was hoping to see AF arrive. But it's still not here, and I'm about to go crazy.
Losing our baby was already devastating. After that, the molar came as a second shock. And now AF not arriving is just too much! I'm so scared that I will never ever have a baby...

Susan - I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you will feel better and stronger both physically and psychologically soon enough.

All the other ladies - Hope you are all OK.

~ Hugs ~
Ece77 - Sorry u are feeling down. We all get days like that. Ive just had a cry myself. Im glad u have updated us.
Have u done a hpt just incase? Sorry i cant remember if u were bding or not. Otherwise i hope AF arrives so u can start a fresh. Xxx
Ece77 - what was it that made you so sure you ovulated on the 28th? Do you temp use OPKs? From what I've read m/cs, ectopics and molars can all throw your cycles for a little while (usually pushing everything back a bit) so you could just have ovulated a little later than you expected (or you could be our first BFP!!)

Please don't be disheartened. :flower:

Susan - I forgot to mention this before but there is a thread for ladies TTC #1 that are over 35 which you may find useful, though we'd love to share your journey here too! :hugs:
Im feeling really down now today. Cant believe everything we are all going through. Its so sad. A few of us on this thread have been feeling down today and in last few days. We need to be strong and positive and by October our bfps will be rolling in. Its getting late here now so im hoping i feel happier tomorrow. Tomorrows another day and a step closer to our forever babies.
Susan - I forgot to mention this before but there is a thread for ladies TTC #1 that are over 35 which you may find useful, though we'd love to share your journey here too! :hugs:

I think I will definitely join that thread - it helps to be around others that know what its like. Before it happened, I never really could imagine (or skittered away from what it would be like, as I was so scared) so felt very inadequate to really be able to respond to others who had been through it, now I realise that until you have been through it, you cannot imagine....or begin to imagine. My mother had 5 MC's but sadly is no longer with us, I miss her and its really brought back her loss after going through what I did on Friday. I just want my Mum :(

Im feeling really down now today. Cant believe everything we are all going through. Its so sad. A few of us on this thread have been feeling down today and in last few days. We need to be strong and positive and by October our bfps will be rolling in. Its getting late here now so im hoping i feel happier tomorrow. Tomorrows another day and a step closer to our forever babies.

{hugs} - that's the word exactly, its just so sad :( I was gasping for air whilst crying last night and I said to my husband that I didn't know how I could carry on could I continue to be here when she isn't? :( I need answers and I really hope I get some.... BUT YES, we do need to try and have strong moments and positive moments. In between the crying, I can talk coherently and discuss things with hubby. I need to keep remembering that this is only the 3rd day since we said goodbye and that I will continue to breath, as hard as it is to imagine. Tomorrow is definitely another day and it certainly is 1 step closer.... I hold onto those words of yours.
MrsBroodyPant, :hugs: I'm so sorry. I feel like I opened some sort of pandoras box.
We all have our better days and worse days, and I really feel like I can share here, I feel welcome, and I hope everyone else does too. This is suh a great support group. It's strange because I have no idea where you guys are from, or what you look like... it's strange hearing a voice come out of the computer some times, but it's so calming these days. <3 I hope that all made sense.
It's terrible this brought us all together, but I'm glad to know you and be in the company of such awesome women.
Big hugs to you all :hugs:

I do feel better today. Work is still stinky, but DH was super cuddly last night, and it felt so good to hug him. It ust felt better. I took an OPK today, started early so as not to miss it, super faint line, so I'm hoping it's a matter of a few days. Temps are still stable. We have the next 2 days off, I just droped of a cheque I received, inheritance from my late father, I have a drawing class tonight...

It's so funny, I thought I would cry the first time I saw the heartbeat, and I could imagine myself letting my family know the baby was gone, and my mothers expression when we told her we're expecing. And me sobbing all the time, crying when getting a BFP, or crying next month over AF.... But in reality, it all happens so different that how we imagine :(
Hi ladies.

DH and i watched a film last night to take my mind of feeling sad and then at the end of the film a lady lost her baby :-(. I was crying uncontrollably and DH was crying a bit too and we were just hugging each other. It was so heartbreaking. Its a new day now and i feel a bit better. But each morning as i wake up i realise this is all real and i get a sinking feeling as it hits me. But im determind to be positive.

Nina - im glad u find this thread supportive. I do too and its good we all found each other. I hope u get a + opk in the next few days. Keep us posted.

Where is everyone from? Im in the UK north east.
How old are u? Im 29 in a couple of weeks.

Thank you all ladies for the great comfort!

Yesterday was quite stressful on me as it was mothers' day! I imagined I would be 4 months pregnant already if my baby survived. And the additional stress of trying to keep my feelings to myself (as both our families do not know about the pregnancy or the mc) really drained me!
Well this morning I woke up to AF, I think; I hope! It is very light still but bright red (sorry for TMI); and I didn't have any spotting or so since more than 20 days I guess (I sort of gave up counting at some moment).

MrsBroodyPant - There was no possibility of a BFP as we only dtd once after the d&c, and with protection, as I was supposed to wait until my hcg dropped to negative (because of the molar thing)!

hilslo - I only started temping a few days after the d&c. First 40 days my temps were still high, then they dropped for a week or so, and then rose up again. That's why I thought I ovulated. I still could not use OPK's at that time, because I still had HCG in my system. When I counted from the last low temp, I should have had AF last Thursday or Friday (as I have shortish cycles, around 24 days). But as you suggest, I guess, the mmc and d&c threw my cycle a little off.

Dream - How true that you just don't want to accept -or even imagine- things as long as they are away from you! I am almost 36 and the age 35 was just a number a few months ago, now it's as solid as a rock! I'd sure be following you to the 35+ thread too. The more support, the better!

Nina - How nicely you put all our thoughts into words. These groups have been the #1 reason that I could keep my sanity after the mc and the molar.
Ece77 - im glad u think AF has arrived. Are u going to try this cycle or do u need to wait longer? Good luck with whatever u decide xxx
I am 38 and originally from England but now Western Australia :)

I have had a low day, hubby's been low today too so I think that factored into it. I wake in the morning and reach for my ipad to check my baby forums and then remember that she is gone :( For a moment, each morning though I have forgotten and then it all comes back.

Today has been productive though in so much that I have organised an initial consult for the 5th June at my fertility's too early to start again then BUT we get to meet the new Dr, discuss options and he can order any additional blood work he wants.

I also rang my Ob/Gynae and tried to book my follow up apt for 8 weeks time. It sucks but if you are no longer under Ob care, you cannot get an apt for love nor money.... I need a gynae consult in 8 weeks and she has none available.... the receptionist knows that she will have cancellations so she said she will hold my details and slot me in. She knows that this is a follow up for results and to make sure all is well with me after losing the baby, so I have no doubt she will do as she said BUT, I will call at week 5 to make sure they have my blood work referral ready and that they are getting me an appointment.

AND I also booked a GP appointment for tomorrow as I want my Iron levels checked as I go anaemic at the drop of a hat and after the last few days, I want to check my levels. I also want to have them test me for an undiagnosed thrombophilia disorder as I have been reading into low Papp A and sometimes this can be the case.... it has many characteristics but a few that resonated with me is that my Mother had 5 miscarriages and suffered from anaemia most of her life and this can run in families, I have had a 2nd trimester loss and have also suffered from anaemia most of my life as well as vitamin B deficiency at times. I know it's a long shot BUT as it's a simple blood test, I thought It wouldn't hurt to get it done.

ECE77 - how long did you wait for AF to arrive? I am glad she is back for you :)

MRSBROODYPANT - I went shopping today and every woman at the shops seemed to be pushing a pram with a newborn or heavily pregnant.... even hubby noticed and he normally is not attuned to such things. I managed well though, however didn't stay there long or stay for lunch. I told him that normally I bitched and moaned that there was nothing to eat in the food court for pregnant women and now that I can eat whatever I want, I don't want ANY of it. *sigh*
ece77, I'm glad AF came! I used to, and still think I do, actually like getting AF. It made me feel like I was started over again, a new page, a clean slate. I think I actually felt healthier afterwards too. Like it let me know- everything in there works (kind of!)

MrsBroodyPant- Which movie? So I know not to watch it?

Dream, :hugs: I can relate to the breathing bit. I had quite a few panic attackes 2 weeks ago, and it was terrible. Do you take supplements?
I'm taking prenatal and folic,and try not to forget Iron :S

I have a vitamin D deficiency, and just recently read that it could actually be one of the causes for MC! While getting my new folic acid I'll pick up some vitamin D. My muscles have been achng lately as well.

Oh, and I'm 29 and from Israel

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