ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

For now, I am all about positive thinking. Wait till test time!!! I have my moments :D.
I tested from transfer on both my previous cycles and got too obsessive about it! Both times I've had something around 11dpi so I'm going to try not to start testing until then. Like you I prefer to know in advance of the beta results so I'm more prepared.

Cramping from scratch seems to be gone now so just waiting for AF to have my baseline...due any day now eeeek!
Ilovetomatoes- Also, if your hand doesn't do the trick..you can stick it in your armpit. Sounds gross, but it really does warm it nicely!! I have my u/s in 3 1/2 hours! Crossing my fingers for no cysts!

Kaye- It is so crazy to want AF..feels weird!! But hope it comes soon!

So I will be a tester. I am a total POAS a holic. I will start around 4dpt. I can't help myself. It's such an addiction.
I don't know what to do. This will be our first icsi. We haven't tried anything else.
I think I will hold out on testing for as long as possible.

I will enjoy watching your progress lines getting darker and darker Jungleland and ilovetomatoes.

AF has arrived!!! SO I ring the clinic in the morning. Apparently though we have been warned that they can say no 3 times if the clinic is busy. Even if they say yes tomorrow it will be more bloods and a teach lesson during the month and get my meds and start next period. Praying we get a yes tomorrow as after 5 years I have had enough of waiting!
Cali_kt good luck for your ultrasound fingers crossed no cysts xxx
How was the cramping for you bumpsparkle, just mild AFstyle cramps or enough to need a painkiller?

cali_kt - good luck for your ultrasound, fingers crossed there will be no pesky cysts! Let us know how you get on

Kaye - good luck ringing the clinic, I'll keep my fingers crossed that they've had a low intake and can fit you in comfortably. It's weird how it fluctuates, in Feb my clinic seemed really busy, lots of ladies in the waiting room and looong waiting times. In june it was virtually empty! Xxxx
Cali, in my part of the world and at my clinic they have a strict one embryo transfer only rule. So one it'll be! :)

I'm not going to test before the blood test at this stage of thinking. x
Kaye- Praying for a yes tomorrow! And glad AF came.

AFM- U/S is clear! I start Lupron on tuesday.:thumbup:

Rang the clinic and a nurse will ring me back within 72 hours. They were asking if I had my teach yet, which I havent and is this the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time requesting treatment. Got a feeling they will say no this month. Which is really frustrating as that means the earliest start now end of November if they say yes next month.

So another waiting game!

Hope everyone has a good day today!

Cali_kt - great news on the u/s and roll on Tuesday to start day!

Xx 😊😊😊
Great news cali_kt! It's all starting for you! :yippee:
Kaye I really hope you get your yes, IVF can be cruel enough as it is never mind having these kind of anxieties xxxx
Hi, I cant keep up with thread at the mo bit sounds like everyones doing well, I cant wait to start and join you all!
Waiting in for meds to be delivered today, CD31 and no sign of af, going to pick more drinks up for trial next week so might call and ask for scan in case another cyst, dont want to wait for as long as last time for provera, the waiting is making me so impatient like I cant move on with anything else in my life, would love a holiday but between this and my dogs weekly chemo treatment thats not going to happen anytime soon!

Hope your all well :)
Wow ladies I can't keep up either!

kaye - I think I've missed why you have to wait to find out if you will be cycling, is it just down to capacity at your clinic? Hope you get the right answer and don't have to wait longer x

Star - woohoo, you finally get your drugs. I bet you thought that this day would never come! So sorry to hear your dog isn't well. Hope the chemo does it's job xxx

Jungleland & ILT - I'm another early tester. I tested from about a week after transfer last time and I'm glad I did because I wouldn't have known that I had a chemical pregnancy otherwise. As hard as it was watching those two lines fade it did mean that OTD didn't hit me so hard which I think it would have done because I woke up one morning just knowing I was pregnant.

Nothing much happening with me, just waiting for time to pass to AF. Bizarrely emotional this morning driving to work. No idea why and felt extremely silly about having to hold back tears. Heaven help me when I'm back on meds if I feel like this before starting!! I'm putting it down to tiredness and stress about all the change in my life right now and not that I'm just a basketcase!
Ahh your definitely not a basket case, all ladies who go through this are stronger than alot of people and the complete opposite of a basketcase lol, hope your feeling better though lizzie and thank you for the doggy support! Had good news today about the type of leukemia she has, its either a b type or t type, the t type doesnt respond as well to chemo and we paidfor her sample to be tested and it's a b! One less thing to worry about for a while, shes doing really good though at the moment xx
Star, Im really pleased about the news for your furbaby. They are such a worry but such a blessing too xxx
Thank u lizzie, dont know what I'd do without her!
Although annoyed at dh as his phone must have ran out of battery and shes ready to be picked up from vets and cant get hold of him, not his fault I suppose!

Just had all my meds delivered, looks really scary, especially the 2 more sharps boxes when theyve already given me one!
Cali - great news about your scan! Roll on Tuesday!

Kaye - I can't believe your clinic keep you hanging on like this, it doesn't seem fair to add more stress onto you. Fingers crossed they let you start this month!

Jungleland - Cramping has only been like mild AF cramps ever since so totally manageable, just annoying really. The only pain I had was the 5-7 seconds they actually did the scratching so I can't really grumble ;-)

Grrrrr still no AF....
Star – Hope AF shows up soon and hope you haven’t got a cyst. Waiting is awful, it does make you put life on hold doesn’t it? Also glad your doggy doing well x

Lizzie78 – Sorry, yes apparently they can refuse you 3 times if the clinic is too busy , but that is for the teach aswell which I need month before a cycle can start! So annoying
Sorry you have had a rubbish morning and hope you feel better soon xx hugs xx

Bumpsparkle – Hope AF hurries up for you too!

AFM, no call yet, but they said 72 hours so I best get some patience!
Bumpsparkle, I'll join u in the wait for af, when do u expect yours?

Kaye, hope u get to start very soon, are u in the UK?
Morning Ladies!! This thread is hot now! :D

Kaye, I hope you'll get to do IVF this month. Maybe they'll have a cancellation.

TB, does the amount of ET transfer depends on the age? For us, they usually only allow 1 ET if you are under 35 and they'll give you a pretty good deal for that also in case that 1 didn't take then you can do 2 more for free. I wish I can do that. Unfortunately, I am over 35 and get to have between 3-4 embryos for 3DT or 2 blastocysts for 5DT. We only need 1!! :D

Cali, Star, and ecarroll2, it looks like you ladies are going to start first!! Did I miss anyone else?

Star, Yay on good news for the furbaby. I know how hard it is when they got sick. Some people don't understand how your pets can effect you emotionally. We count on them for support a lot of time. I was definitely devastated when my first little furbaby past away. He was 14 years old. He's still in my mind a lot. It took me 2 years to adopt a new puppy. That puppy is not a happy bouncy almost 3 years old but has a 5 months old puppy behavior. I love him to death! I told DH when we first met that Milo and I are a package. Now, they love each other too :D. Anyway, I digress (need more coffee is super early here on my side of the world). I hope everything will go well with your furbaby soon. When are you going to start Stim?

For the ladies who are waiting for their AFs, what really work for me to make AF comes earlier is.....BDs!! I know...I am weird. But it works all the time! :D

So it looks like the earlier testers are:
Me (ILT)

Waiting for Lornamj's BFP test! I think it's today :D.

Sorry ladies, I am a lister :p.

Plex, Psalm, Morana, Doxie, and Bump hope you guys are doing well :D. And of course, everyone else that I didn't mention. Thread is a bit too long to go back :p.

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