ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Welcome doxie and ecarroll!

ecarroll I dont know how to put off AF but I was advised by lizzie that a lot of vitamin c in the lead up to AF due date can bring it on early (or at least on time) so I guess reducing your vit c intake might hold it off?! Warped logic....
Re: egg collection- I found it fairly straightforward but clinics vary in how they conduct it. Mine is done while I'm awake and watching on an ultrasound, but many clinics sedate their ladies first. Do you know what your clinic does?

Doxie - I'm sorry that your first cycle didn't work but double embryo FET with good quality blasts sounds really positive! Will it be a medicated FET or natural?

Psalm - my goodness you are superwoman! moving abroad close to your fertility treatment. I sometimes feel like time stands still during my cycle and nothing else matters except the next ICSI milestone and the ultimate BFP/BFN decision at the end so I'm jealous of your ability to look ahead and take on additional challenges

ILT - yes I dont like to rely on cc's either, it's so frustrating that it costs so so much! And if we did it the other way and saved up in advance, not only would I feel like my biological clock is ticking and it's foolish to put it off, but it'd be so tempting to use it for other things in the meantime. So having a dedicated ivf credit card and doing what psalm said and concentrating on paying it off within the interest free period is the best plan for us. I get very itchy injection site with cetrotide (antagonist) it's like my belly is on fire! So I've been told I can vary the injection site to my thigh this time.

does anyone else inject in the thigh instead or as well as the belly? Or any other site? Xxxx

Hi new ladies :hi:

Ecarroll - Not sure how to hold off AF othe than to be desperate for it to start lol. When it comes to EC I was scared last time but the sedation they gave me was brilliant. In fact it was supposed to be conscious sedation but I was so exhausted that I fell straight asleep and didn't wake up for 2 hours afterwards. I was sore but they told me to take co-codomaol for the first 48 hours because they had struggled to get to all my eggs easily and I was back at work and driving the next day so it was all completely manageable - really try not to worry about it too much it's all over and done with so quickly.

As for injecting, I'm a self injector as my DH wouldn't be able to do it even if I wanted him to. I kinda like being in control and have my little routine with it all. The subcutaneous ones really don't hurt, just sting occasionally. Even the trickier ones are over and done with so quickly that it passes. I just remind myself of what the goal is and it all seems worth it in any case.

Jungleland - I inject in the thigh and just alternate the side every night. It helps especially if I get irritation and towards the end when my skin seems to toughen up like an elephant hide!!

My protocol for the FET has arrived :happydance: going to call and pay after lunch. Suddenly I feel like I am moving forwards again :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I haven't name checked because I said hello to you all yesterday :kiss:
It will be a medicated FET. I am going to be using Lupron and then estrogen and progesterone. yeah for more shots!

I have also injected in the thigh. I actually liked it there and I didn't bruise as much. I used both my thigh and the abdomen.
Thigh will definitely be the way forward for me, my belly was fine for cycle1 but protested terribly for cycle 2, bruised, blobs of blood on the surface, really bad bloating... eugh! It's got to be done though hey?!

Yey for progress lizzie! :thumbup: :happydance:

I'm happy because my weekend starts here, going to a gig in Manchester tomorrow then visiting my cousin who i havent seen since July in Liverpool on Saturday and some relaxing time on Sunday :)

:hugs: to everyone xxxx
Hi everyone,

Had my scratch today (cd21) so we're another step closer to starting next week.

Felt really calm going in and it was quite similar to a smear test. The catheter was bit bigger than a transfer one so a little bit more uncomfortable. It all went fine with sharp pain for about 7 seconds when they did the scratching and then it was all over. I guess that's to be expected as it is a scratch and it was manageable as it didn't last for long. Have just had period like cramps ever since and only a little bit of spotting so far.

Looking forward to AF starting next thurs now so that we can start stims on the short protocol next week!

P.s. I also did the jabs in my thighs as tummy injections spook me a bit. Luckily hubby does the jabs for me as I have a needle phobia. Just having daily injections is a huge achievement for me so hats off to you ladies for doing these yourselves x
Thanks for the scratch update bumpsparkle! Not long til you start now! 3rd time lucky with a lovely bumpy womb lining :hugs: xxxx
Great that you got your scratch today Bumpsparkle! It all starts so soon for you. Fingers crossed everything goes well. xoxo
Glad the scratch went ok bumpsparkle! Not long to wait now. So exciting

Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do as the thread has been super busy.

Welcome to all the newcomers! Xx
Bumpsparkle - glad it all went ok, you are on your way now :)

Jungleland - sounds like a great weekend - enjoy.

Happy weekend ladies!
Hi ladies,
Hoping to join in on this board. After trying to have our own bio children, it has been made clear that it wont happen. We are going to be doing a donor embryo FET in November! :dance: Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome cali_kt!
How are you feeling about your donor FET? Will it be medicated or natural? There's a mixture of FETs and IVF/ICSI on this thread throughout october and november so youre in the right place! :) xxxx
:hi: all - hope everyones doing well?

Anyone started yet??? :happydance:

Im now going to start 22nd Oct, got my scripts yesterday so just need to get meds then induce a bleed and we go! I know I should be excited but im not :shrug: cant shift it!! Dont really know how i feel, but hey we gotta keep moving forward havent we? xx
Great to see you back plex :hugs:
We might start on exactly the same day as I'm due on 22nd Oct but relying on mother nature so it might change slightly. Also not sure if the endometrial scratch will affect whether or not AF is on time or not.
I know what you mean about not being excited, you wont want to get your hopes up and get crushing news cos you've been there done that. One day at a time hun xxxx
Hi can I join ladies?

I haven't read the thread yet but I will :)

Im waiting for af so I can start, CD28 today, shortest cycle is 35 day's but last ended up being 67 and that was only because I took provera :( hoping this one is better!

Hope you're all well and I'll catch up on the thread this evening x
Jungle - Thank hun :hugs: Its good to come back online, ive missed everyone!
cycle buddies :happydance: that will be so weird starting on the same day! What protocol are you on again hun? Im short protocol :)
we're not having the scratch done this time, we decided against it. Hubby is of the opinion that we dont need it. I just dont know anymore lol
I think i will enjoy (strangely) all the medication bit leading up to collection, all the injections and wot not - they make me feel like im actively 'doing' something to persuade my body to work properly, after collection i feel a bit lost lolol - even with the injections, im just trying to keep hope alive (or so it feels)

One day at a time certainly is true - i just wish we didnt have to go through the failures to get our dreams :( although the hardship makes them more precious :cloud9:

Im going to ring through my meds on Monday, see what the damage is lol - have u got ur meds yet? xx

Star - Hope u dont have to hang about too long for af!! I always have to induce my af for treatment so know how u feel :hugs: What protocol will u be on? Good luck for this cycle!! xx
I'm antagonist protocol so from day1 AF to day14ish collection through to day28 pregnancy test

I've got an appointment on 1st Oct then I ring up on day1 to book on followed by scans/bloods on day2 and then know what my meds/doses will be. I already know the cost will be somewhere around 4k this time (ouch!) and we have to pay on day2.

I also feel better when doing something, whether it's injections or appointments, 1-step closer to the end goal.

Hi star! I hope you have a short cycle this month so you can get started! Are you doing IV for the first time? Xxxx
Thank you plex and jungle :)

I'm doing the short protocol, will be on gonal f and cetrotide, crinone progesterone at egg retrieval and an injection of buserelin day of transfer
I had the scratch a couple of months ago as doing a clinical trial where we have a smoothie drink every day and use the cooking oil and butter given to us, it meant doing the scratch too and they will use the embryoscope as part of the trial, it meant I couldnt start last cycle but had to wait for this one ( as it turned out I had a long cycle anyway and as it was a cyst I wouldn't have been able to start anyway)
This is my first time and I cannot wait to get started, like you ladies I feel like I'm
Doing something useful when something is happening, I'm having my meds delivered this Wednesday so just hope it's not long before I can use them!

Good luck to all this cycle :)
Hi can I join ladies?

I haven't read the thread yet but I will :)

Im waiting for af so I can start, CD28 today, shortest cycle is 35 day's but last ended up being 67 and that was only because I took provera :( hoping this one is better!

Hope you're all well and I'll catch up on the thread this evening x
Hey star! Am on CD28 too, and 10 DPO. Been spotting since 7 DPO (dang it lol) which must be from the hormones still adjusting after I stopped breast feeding.. Have stopped coffee as read it contributes to the spotting.. Praying for AF to hold out 3 more days (pls pls pls) so that I get a chance to start my protocol on Thursday when my first consultant appointment is scheduled for (they didn't have an earlier one).. I presume you have ovulated already? How many DPO are you? Xx
Hi ecarroll :) Im hoping ive ovulated but dont always and sometimes just have long cycles, last one I didnt ovulate and just got a cyst, I can normally tell when af is near as boobs always hurt 7-10 days beforehand, I havent got that yet so not a good sign so far
Hope af arrives when your ready and I'm not far behind you!
What protocol are you doing?

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