ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Welcome cali_kt!
How are you feeling about your donor FET? Will it be medicated or natural? There's a mixture of FETs and IVF/ICSI on this thread throughout october and november so youre in the right place! :) xxxx

Thanks for the welcome!:hugs: We are really excited. We took a break after my m/c in January. We knew that it was our last chance to have a bio child. So I am now at the point where I am ready to move forward and pursue our family. Our genes or not, we will love it so much either way. It will be medicated. My clinic does lupron, PIO and vivellle patches for FETs! Thanks again for the warm welcome!!
Hi Ladies, do you mind if I join in?

We have just done our first cycle of IVF/ICSI due to MFI. We had it converted to a freeze all due to risk of OHSS and have 9 blasts frozen. We're doing a manufactured cycle FET this month coming, I'm just waiting for AF to arrive after EC 8 days ago? Back to feeling quite normal apart from sore boobs and a bit of bloating so don't think AF will be here for a few days yet, I just want to get started and have our chance! X
Hi all i would like to jump in if that is OK. I have just done a DE cycle. I am now currently 7dp5dt and will test on Wednesday. Cali-kt I see you are to start a DE cycle as well. Anyway would be great if anyone else is testing this week. Looking for buddies :)
Hi Cali_kt and welcome, I'm a FET too :)

Hi Tuesdaysbaby, welcome to you too. I'm sure you will start feeling better soon. I seem to remember that once past the first week after EC I started to feel better almost day by day. Although I wasn't at risk for OHSS so maybe it will take you a little longer. Either way, exciting that you can plan your next steps.

LornaMJ - Hi and welcome, we are all getting ready to cycle unfortunately none of us is at the testing stage yet so you can be our first one!

Star25 - Hello you, told you we would end up cycling together at some point ;)
Jungle, I am on Antagonist protocol also! I don't think I use Cetrotide. I think I might use Ganirelix instead. I am purchasing my meds today so we'll see. My calendar says Cetrotide/ganirelix. I will have to inject on stomach and upper butt (woohoo!). I am told that I'd have to do progesterone oil shots for 10 weeks after positive pregnancy test. Totally not looking forward for the oil shots. It sounds painful and the nurse told us that we need to keep moving around after the shot to disburse the oil. So, we formulated a plan that after the shot and heat pad, I'd walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes (slow pace) while rubbing my butt. Multi tasking!! hahahaha :D

Plex!!! Welcome Back! Hope everything is alright with you and your mom :). It looks like a few of us have very close schedule. I start my Stim on the 21st and Jungle and Psalm (I think) are also starting pretty close :).

Tuesday!!! Good to see you here and congrats on the blasts!

Hello to all of the new ladies :wave:

Afm, nothing much going on. Just started CD 1 on Saturday and a day earlier than what expect on my IVF calendar. I have never been on BCP before and found my AF is a bit weird. Very short and mmm...little. Not that I am complaining. Just hoping that it is not because of my surgery. My incisions are healing pretty good and am happy that my belly button doesn't itch as much ans bloating has come down. Trying to loose some weight before the Stim starts :). Otherwise, just got approved for a 30% discount on Follistim and Ganirelix!!! Heck ya! Hopefully my meds are closer to 3k than 4k now with all the discounts that I got. I have to say that Walgreen Specialty RX is pretty awesome :). I am getting excited little by little. Might need to do house projects to calm myself down :D.

Hi to everyone else :D
Hi all!
Star - your clinical trial sounds really interesting! You're in the uk aren't you? How did you hear about the trial?
Welcome Tuesdays baby! Good luck!
Welcome Lorna, yes the majority of ladies are waiting to start but you're more thank welcome to join us! There's another thread that my friend is on who's in a similar position to you if you want to check it out


ILT- the image of your post-shot workout made me smile after a shitty day thank you! :rofl: great news about your recovery and even better news about the discounts! Woohoo!

:hugs: to all xxxxx
Tuesday, congrats on the 9 blasts, hope all goes well

Good luck for weds Lorna :)

Hi ilovetomatoes, good Job were good at multi tasking lol, like we all say it will a be worth it in the end

Jungle, I'm at complete fertility on Southampton, the trial is run there so they asked me if I wanted to do it when I went for my first appointment, I'm getting bored of my smoothies though now lol

Hi lizzie! Theres a reason weve ended up on the same thread and it's cos we're gonna get oit bfps along with everyone else here! Where are you in your cycle? I cant believe I'm Still waiting! X
Star - ha ha honey, I'm waiting again too! Waiting to start on CD 1 of my next Af which is due somewhere W/C 20th October. Have to have started by 24th or I will have to delay as my clinic closes over xmas and new year so can't support scans etc at that time. Keeping everything crossed that pesky AF shows up more or less on time!
Ooh hope it's on time for you too lizzie, why does af never arrive when we want it to?!
How lomg or what is the protocol for a fet? Sorry im a bit clueless!
Well, our nurse told us a story about a lady who did the progesterone oil shots. She still had lumps from the shots after she gave birth!! I'd make myself multi task (rubbing butt while walking on treadmill) rather than having lumps months later :D. The nurse did say that moving will help the oil disbursed better. I am just not looking forward for DH to do the injections even though he passed his phlebotomy certification test. Heck, he told me he didn't do as well as he thought he would be! I am already mourning my poor upper quadrant buttock and we haven't even started yet ahahhahaha.

When I found that I have to take BCP for 2 cycles, I wasn't too happy. But now I am glad that they started me a little early w/ BCP. I am sure it's a bit stressful waiting for AF so you can start IVF process. For all the ladies waiting for AF, FX it comes soon!!!
Hi all! Welcome to the new ladies.

Hoping that everyone has had a good Monday (oxymoron right?). Good luck on Wednesday - Lorna!!

ILT - I am using Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy too. They gave me the name of First Steps which may be able to help you get the cost of the meds down even further. It's worth a call or application on their website to see if you qualify. Apparently it takes about 2-3 Business Days to find out if you are approved. I was told they have a deal with Ganirelix and Follistim so you get those meds cheaper through Walgreens than if you had Gonal F or Cetrotide (which you mentioned above).

AFM - thought you ladies might laugh. On Saturday the town next to where I live had a sort of street fair and in one of the booths was a psychic. I decided to see her for a laugh and she told me to make a wish. During the "reading" she told me "your wish will come true, you are destined to be a mother". Then she goes on to tell me that I will have 3 children but only 2 pregnancies - twin boys and a girl! Bet you ladies can't guess what my wish was ;)
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! :)

ILT, nice to see you too! :) Nice to have a buddy from back in the day, ha, the days of the TWW thread and the testing and the symptom spotting!

Day by day here, still waiting for damn AF to start, I wish she'd hurry up so I could get taking the oestrogen tablets. I hope AF arrives for all those who are waiting to start, too! I've never been more happy to see my period than when we were starting IVF! It is amazing how fast you get used to the injections, but I only had to do it in the tummy region so that was a bit easier I reckon! x
Tuesday- Hi there! Glad they froze them just in case! How many will you transfer for your FET?

Lorna- How exciting! Wishing you all the luck on Wednesday!! Keep us posted!!

Lizzie- Hi! When will your FET be?

IloveTomatoes- Hi! :wave: My clinic does the PIO through first trimester too. I will do anything for a successful pregnancy..but.. it's pretty intense. You get little hard softballs on your bum. I know everyone has their own thing when it comes to PIO. I heat up area with heating pad before. DH heats up syringe in his hand for a couple minutes. I get the injection. Then I rub and walk around. So it sounds like you have a good plan!:thumbup: That is so awesome that you got a discount. Stim meds are just such a hit in the bank account!!

Psalm- Maybe your wish will be coming true soon!! That is pretty funny!!:haha: Wouldn't it be crazy if that came true (twin boys and a girl)?

AFM- I have my baseline u/s tomorrow!! :happydance: Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone!
Psalm, Unfortunately, we were note qualified for First Steps. Oh well. At least I tried :). Out of pocket it is then :). I just put in my order for the meds yesterday and am getting more excited and impatient :D. I like that psychic of yours!! Twin boys and a girl! You are going to get your hands full :D.

TB, Isn't it amazing how we all wish our AF to arrive during IVF treaments? :D

Cali, I am in Cali too!! SF Bay area to be exact :D. Heating up syringe in his hands huh. Hmm..I'll ask DH to do that too then if that works! Thanks for the tip :D. How's the baseline u/s goes?
Hi everyone

Ha ha I have also been sat wishing AF would show her face. It's so strange how things change!

Wow this thread is super busy now, I can't keep up. Good luck to everyone and hopefully the thread will soon be full of BFP'S.
I know kaye it's mega busy isnt it! Cant wait for my time off work so I can get properly up to speed with everyone's journey :)

I bought a pack of 15 pregnancy tests online today. In my 1st cycle I didnt test at all until the clinic tested me for hcg/beta and I was crushed when it was negative because I had so many symptoms and was convinced it had worked when it hadnt. For cycle2 I home tested once (the day before my clinic test). It was BFN but it didnt hit me as hard as the first time. So this time I've decided I'm testing every other day after transfer so I feel even more in control.

Who on this thread is into testing and who isn't?

:hugs: and :dust: to all xxxx
Jungle, Me!!! I am a POAS addict...well, until I found out about my issue, I was a POAS addict. I think I still have 20 cheapies, 2 FRERs, and 2 CBFM. I am still contemplating on when I want to start testing. I know that if I want to become POAS addict again, I'd have to start testing out the trigger. I might join you!
Heck, twist my arms! Let's do it! Hopefully nothing stark white for a while :D. I am excited Jungle!! Feel like peeing on something now! ahahhahaha
Haha love it! You've just got to get excited sometimes haven't you! I spend far too much time being anxious/worrying! Xxxx

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