ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Thanks girls! It's presentations/running workshops that do my head in! :dohh: And I did both this week! Full day workshop for 25 people today and it was such a diverse mix of people to keep happy, everyone wants different things and we don't have a bottomless purse! My boss has a knack of dropping me in it too, disappearing off to do something important when i need her most. Thankfully there are no more scheduled in the diary before my time off for treatment. Just feel like I'm juggling too much and need to drop some of it to concentrate on myself and our ttc journey :juggle: xxxx
On the topic of injecting, do you girls or your OHs jab it in quickly or push it in slow? Xxxx
Jungle, not too long now! 20 more days :D. According to our nurse, you have to jab it in quickly. It'd be painful if you push it in slow. I am terrible at jabbing things. Orange comes to the rescue...hopefully :D.
Hi all!

Jungle - sorry you are struggling at work. I agree, just get over the next couple of days and then look forward to focusing on your TTC journey. That is so much more important.

Kaye - have my fingers crossed for you. Hope that you get some good news in the next day or so! Isn't this whole process all about waiting? Waiting for a phone call, waiting for meds, waiting for it to start ... I am sick of WAITING!! Just need to pray for patience and I am doing that for you right now!Enjoy the movie and let yourself relax - hard to do, I know, but you definitely have the right idea!

ILT - let me know how the practice injections go. I have funny visions of the orange juice squirting everywhere :p I really want to start practicing since it should only be a couple of weeks away before I start doing them for real. Scary (but exciting thought).

Lizzie - how are you doing? Feeling any better?

Bump - any news on AF? Weren't you meant to start today?

Cali - hi! Hope things are going well for you. How's the Lupron treating you?

Star - any update? Were there any cysts?

Morana, Doxie, Lorna - hope you are all well. Lorna - did I miss a BFP announcement for you somewhere else? Congrats if so.

AFM - still nursing a cough and cold that I have had for 3 weeks off and on. Ugh. I finally went to the dr on Tuesday to get antibiotics and today I am going to the acupunturist to get me in tip top health. Hopefully a combination of all that will get rid of this nonsense once and for all. I am still waiting for a call back from my clinic to confirm that they have received the pre-approval from the medical insurance. I don't understand why there are so many phone calls! And no one ever answers ... Annoyed today I guess ladies. Sorry for the rant.
Sorry I missed out Plex! Hope you're doing ok.

And apologies to anyone else I missed :(
You're right Psalm, all we do is wait! That's why it feels sooooo good when we're DOING something, even when it's something nobody in their right mind would enjoy under normal circumstances, jabbing ourselves with sharp needles multiple times a day, stuffing ourselves with extra hormones (as if we weren't already emotional enough after our ltttc journeys)... and so on and so on!
Get well soon hun, it's the changing of the seasons, always brings the colds out. I hope you feel better after a bit of a rant :hugs: xxxx
Jungle and psalm, ive been at work all day so havent had a chance to call, might try tomorrow afternoon
Seems like all were doing is waiting on this thread, I agree with the opening boxes fun lol, I had that yesterday with my meds, didn't realise there would be so much!
Well I think AF has turned up. Sorry if TMI but had some light red blood 2day (after definite PMS last nite and typical AF headache) The problem is that it's pretty light compared to normal and I'm not sure if that's becoz of the scratch? Any post scratch bleeding I've had has been brown and this now seems red/pink so must be AF?

Going in for baseline scan 2mrw anyway as our clinic doesn't do scans over the weekend and I don't want to miss starting stims on CD3 if this is really it. If it wasn't Friday 2mrw I might have hung out another day before phoning them.

Will hopefully wake up with heavier flow 2mrw as I'm worried they will tell me it's not quite full AF and I'll feel stupid! Has anyone else had a lighter period after a scratch? Just don't need this extra worry right now! x
Don't worry bumpsparkle, I had my nurse consult on wednesday and I asked her if I bled after my scratch how I would tell when AF starts if the spotting lasts a week?! And she said it'd likely be a different colour or heaviness with AF symptoms (which you have) and that if i was unsure, I should come in and the scan/blood test that they do on day2 would prove it right or wrong :hugs: youve done the right thing! I hope this is he real deal and you're really starting!! Yey! :hugs: xxxx

At my clinic it's strictly one embie per ET. Not dependent on age :)
I would personally love twins, heck who wouldn't after all of this?!
But it's not my choice and identicals can still happen ;)
I got AF tonight! Estrogen starts tomorrow for my FET!!! X
Yay Tuesday! Congrats on starting. Identicals are much more common in IVF than in the regular population. A study I read said that in the general population there are about 3 per every 1000 births in the general population but in IVF it's 15 per every 1000! So a big jump.

Bump - I agree with Jungle. You definitely did the right thing. Fingers crossed all goes well.

Jungle - thanks for the hugs and well wishes. I just hate feeling crappy and yesterday got me down! But onwards and upwards. Counting down to hubby arriving next Friday :)
Bump, how's AF going? Hopefully it's full flow now :).

Jungle, hope you are having a better day today. 19 more days! But who is counting? :p

Tuesday, Yes. 1 can totally split into 2! It happens :). I hope I get a 5 day transfer then they will only transfer 2 Blasts instead of 3 -4 embryos. I'll take 1 and definitely will do my best to handle 2. But 3 or 4?? mmmm..that's a scary thought. Congrats on AF!!! And Yay for starting :D.

Psalm, hope you are feeling better today. Not much longer :). We are buying oranges from Costco this weekend. I hope there won't be much juice leaking everywhere. Gotta stand over the sink to practice this. :D

Kaye, have you heard anything so far?

Afm, I got my meds yesterday. Lots and lots of syringes and medicine. Phewww....Lucky I have a few more weeks to prep myself :).
Hi girlies,

Definitely full flow 2day at last but baseline scan confirmed that not enough lining was shed y'day so they've counted 2day as day 1 instead. But as long as I continue with a normal flow 2mrw then I can start stims on Sunday morning, yay!

Our favourite positive of 2day is that my follicle count was 14 whereas it's been 10 and 11 at this stage on my other cycles. I know it doesn't mean a huge amount at this point but any increase in numbers compared to last time makes us feel more confident :)

Tuesday - congrats for starting!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend whatever you've got planned x x
Bump, congrats for starting Stim on Sunday!!! Sounds like everything will go a bit better this time. FX for lots of little eggies :D.
Hi girls!
Tuesday- great news on AF arrival and getting started, will transfer be around day19? How do they know when the best time to transfer your frostie?

Psalm- not long til hubby is back with you, you'll feel loads better just having him back :)

ILT- I'm much better today thanks! And yep I'm counting too! ;)

Bumpsparkle- Great news on starting to stim on Sunday! Keep flowing AF! 14 follies is amazing! I've always had maximum 12 so I'd feel totally blessed with 14! :happydance: go you! My scratch has been moved forward to day21 of this cycle which is 14th Oct :thumbup: xxxx
Thanks ladies, never thought I'd be this stoked to see AF and feel the familiar aches and pains and general discomfort!

Jungle, they'll do a scan on Day 10 and check my lining, and then a blood test to determine my LH surge, then about 5 days after that they'll pop the little one in! I have a date of October 23rd, a Thursday, it'll be your Wednesday if you're in the northern part of the world :)

Jungle, I've heard of the endo scratch, but could you please explain what it does? Thanks!

That's a huge jump in chances of identicals! I won't get carried away and start thinking it'll happen to me but a girl can hope... after all, that's why I'm doing this! x
Clinic said too busy too fit me in for a teach this month and to ring up on my next period. So basically they can say no again for another 2 months and then same with actual treatment they can say no 3 times and then they are meant to make room. So could be another 5 to 6 months. So bloody annoyed is 5 years ttc not a long enough wait
Just want to quit right now.
Hi ladies! I'm new here and I hope it's ok to jump in. I've had 4 miscarriages in the past 1.5 years and now moving into my first ivf that's scheduled to start as soon as I get my AF in 2 weeks. What I'm concerned about is that I just received my TSH results as 3.4. I'm not hypothyroid but I know that they like to see no higher than 2.5. Will my ivf be postponed or will they just put me on synthroid without postponing my ivf. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! !!

FSH 3.5
AMH 6.7
TSH 3.4
Kaye - I am so sorry that they said no. What a disaster! Did they give any reasons? You must be so frustrated.

NJ1 - I don't know anything about TSH levels. Perhaps if you started your own thread someone might be able to help you out. Hope you get the answers you are looking for.

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