ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Hiya, I hope you don't mind me joining in as I start my second round of IVF tomorrow with the lovely nasal spray, can't wait for that lol
They have upped my stims from last time as I only produced 4 eggs so fingers crossed they get a few more this time, they are aiming for the week of the 10th Nov for egg collection so fingers crossed.
Hi emz! Looks like There could be a few of us at around the same time, hope it works for is all x
Star - sounds like you're on the same protocol as me, except I've changed to menopur this time to see if we can get a few more eggs with a different drug and because apparently it contains something that can be beneficial for egg quality. You'll find the gonal f pens much easier to use though! The ovitrelle is also a pen if I remember rightly. I'm always pretty non plussed about the burselin as I'm usually too excited on transfer day to worry about a final injection! Lol :)
Morning Ladies,

It's almost 6:30am and I just took a few sips of my coffee. So, my apologies if I missed any posts/comments :).

Bump, congrats on starting stimming!!! Have to say I am a little jealous :p. Personally, I haven't heard anything regarding using hot water bottle/heat pad to help eggs. But, my OB did tell me to avoid hot tub and steam room during TTC since it'd increase my body temp to not a good ideal temp for baby. Based on that, I'd think it'd act the same way if you put heat pad/warm water bottle on your abdomen/back areas. However, I did hear that keeping your feet warm after ET could help implantation!

Star, FX on the scan!! Hopefully you'll get AF soon and can start stims.

EMZ, welcome and FX!!

Tuesday, how are you?

NJ112233, have you discussed your result w/ your RE? My friend was told that she had hyperthyroid and needed to be on meds or surgery. I forgot what she did but she didn't have to do any of them and her thyroid was ok. Plus, she did 3 IUI unsuccessfully and on the month that they decided to take a break, they got pregnant naturally. Our bodies do the strangest thing ever! I wouldn't worry much if your thyroid is still within normal range :).

Kaye, glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Hopefully next month is your month. I am sure there are a few other ladies who are starting in November :). If not, we are all still going to be here to support you.

Psalm, I practiced w/ orange this weekend!!! Unfortunately, I practiced w/ the wrong needle, which I didn't realized until much later. I was freaking out a bit thinking that the needle I was holding was going to be the one for injection. DH was trying to be helpful and said that we didn't need to insert the whole needle. After stabbing my orange multiple time and it didn't squirt!, I took a look at all my packages and realized that the needle I was using was for mixing! Phewwww...Since they didn't give too many "real" needles and there are more of the mixing needles, I was afraid to practice w/ the real needles in case I made mistakes later. But, I did learn how to take off the cap from the syringe. I managed to bend the needle when I took it off the first time :blush:. So I was practicing the perfect way (for me) to take off the cap without puncturing myself and bending the needle. So far so good :).

I did hear that Menopur stings. So, I've been watching lots of youtube videos on ladies doing their first Stim shoots. Some were pretty successful and some took a while to do their first shot. I saw this one lady purposely dug her own nails to the point that she hurts herself so she wouldn't feel the injection (I think it was a menopur injection). I wonder if icing the area before injection can help w/ the stinging? I also have menopur injection. Also, a lot of them did the menopur and follistim at the same time. I was told that the injections need to be spaced out no more than 12 hours apart but one in the morning and one at night. Anyone else on Menopur and follistim was told to do this?

Another question, are any of you ladies coffee drinkers? Do you stop drinking coffee a few days before stim?

Sorry for the long post!

Hi to everyone else :)
Hello ladies,

I would like to join your forum. I am 37 and TTC# 5. We had a lost last year in December. Hubby has low sperm count, motility and mobility and I have a blocked tube. Here is Protocol:

BCP until 10/17/14
Baseline appt. 10/20/14
Injections 10/21/14
Retrieval 10/31/14
Transfer (ICSI/IVF) 11/3,4,5 or 6.
I'm loving his thread! So much going on :thumbup:

Bumpsparkle- I've been on 200 dose of gonal f for both my previous cycles and no reason to think this time will be any different. I'm not sure how hot water bottle effects eggs during stimming, I've only ever used hot water bottle after EC to ease the AF-style pain. I have used ice to cool the cetrotide burn, which I think was worse in my feb cycle than my june cycle.

Star- the post-injection itch/burn is definitely manageable, it's more annoying/distracting than painful. I got quite bloated towards EC last time so will be making sure I've got lots of baggy clothes to wear (will be easier cos I wont be working this time). Yey about us going through stims at the same time :) its always good to have girls at the same stage to chat to

Welcome emz and brighteyez! We'll all be having treatment at a similar time :hugs: I'm so sorry for your loss brighteyez. Emz- I've never had to use nasal spray but it doesn't sound pleasant!

ILT- will be following the warm feet advice! I've always got freezing cold feet!! I'm a tea-belly, but have been on decaff tea since June. I can't tell the difference so I think it's a worthwhile switch to have made early on

Hello everyone :)

I'm not a coffee drinker ILT, I will have a coffee probably 4 times a year, ha! So not an issue for me. I also don't drink alcohol, didn't really drink much but stopped altogether 14 weeks ago and do not miss it one little bit! So that's something too. I'm not really one of those "Oh I'll have a wine and feel better" types - I medicate with FOOD!!! Not so great. I'm chubby monster at the moment. The Michelin Man is me.

I'm OK, we've got our transfer date, I'm taking the pills, I'm getting excited, got a scan in the next week and then start with the progesterone. I keep thinking transfer is ages away but it's not really is it?! X

Jungle we were on the same drugs, Gonal F and Cetrotide. That Cetrotide really did itch and burn huh? I didn't use ice but thought I should a couple times. I couldn't stop touching the area all day. The drugs do seem like a distant memory now though, it's only been a few weeks though.

Nasal spray... that doesn't sound pleasant at all! Good luck for your treatment :)

Star - Hiya Hun hope things are going ok with you & fingers crossed it'll be our turn this time.

Tuesdaysbaby & Jungleland - The nasal spray is horrible & tastes like antiseptic, I have to have polo mints at the ready to take the taste away. It's called nafarelin & my clinic use it for down regulation as I'm on the long protocol (I think that's what you call it lol)

I've got the same stims as last time Gonal F but they have upped my dose from 200 to 300 this time so we will just have to wait & see how many little eggs they can get.

Whens everyone's estimated retrieval dates?

:hi: exciting to see how everyones progressing! Cant believe our cycles are almost here already!!

Ive been spending the morning chasing up my meds, sent the script off last week and they havent gotten back to me yet to arrange delivery! It was marked urgent aswell :dohh:

I only have a short window it can be delivered in so im seriously stressing now!!

Hope ur all well? xx
Oh no plex. I hope they arrive for you! How annoying and stressful. Fingers crossed for you xx
Thanks! I do too, they do next day delivery so its not too bad, someone just has to stay in for the delivery which is the problem!

How r u getting on hun? xx
Hi! I just want to update everyone about the TSH level concern that I had. Although my TSH level 3.4 is within normal range (1 - 4.5) they are going to give me synthroid to lower it to be below 2. This won't delay my IVF cycle and will be given to me along with my other meds during my cycle. They will continue to monitor my TSH throughout the pregnancy since TSH typically can rise a little while pregnant. There has been strong evidence through extensive research showing TSH below 2 with higher IVF success, the health of the pregnancy, health of the baby and the baby's IQ!

I just thought everyone should know this information in case you'd like to talk to your doctor about it. I go to RMANJ. RMANJ is one of the leading fertility specialists worldwide so I don't question their expertise.

Now I'm just patiently waiting for AF to arrive within the next week or so to start my cycle with everyone!
NJ, thanks for making me check my TSH again and the info! Very useful. I hope your TSH will get lower soon :). Do you have to take BCP before starting your IVF cycle?

Plex, hope you'll get your meds soon. When are you going to start stims?

Bump, there was a lady whose med was changed to menopur and she got wayyyyy more eggs this time. More than triple I think :). I hope it works the same with you :).

Brighteyez, Welcome!

Tuesday, Michelin Man!!!! lol. I love Michelin Man. I also like Pillsbury dough boy. That shows you what kind of man I like :p. The six packers are mmm...too sissy for me. I like a man who likes to eat but know how to rein it in when it's needed and like to exercise too :p. Transfer date October 23rd! OMG! 2 more weeks! Excited for you TB :D.

EMZ, I use nasal spray for allergy. Can't imagine using it for IVF. I usually can still taste my nasal spray hours later. yuck. My possible retrieval date is between 11/8 and 11/10. When is yours?

It looks like a lot of us are/will be using Menopur. Yay :D

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
I'm not sure in retrieval date, I'm thinking could be about theffirst week of Nov sometime

Ilt, I gave up caffeine in Jan but have the odd one at work when I forget my teabags!

Bumpsparkle, the ovitrelle is a pen too, getting close for everyone now!

Hello brighteyez, sorry for your loss, hope we can all have bfps together :)

Plex, any news on meds? When do you think you will start stimming? Sorry I know you have probably said but it's hard to keep up!

Nj, hope you dont have a long wait for af, when do you think it will be?

Kaye, how are you feeling?

Tuesday, I have the odd glass of wine but it's a weak one, think I'll stop that too though as I always feel guilty like I should be having it!

Jungle, how are things with you?

Emz, how long are you on the nasal spray for?
Hi all

I've been reading this thread for a couple of weeks and I've finally decided to post.

We've been TTC for just over 2.5 years, and after almost a year of clomid and/or IUI we are due to begin IVF in the next few weeks too. We have a combination of PCOS and male factor infertility.

I am currently waiting for AF to arrive, which should be on Friday 10th but I am actually hoping it doesn't. Unlike others, I have actually been allowed to do an IUI this cycle whist waiting for IVF to begin, so there is a small chance we will get a little miracle, but due to past experience I am not feeling hopeful. I am refusing to test for a few more days at least though (currently 10 dpo).

Assuming AF does arrive, I will then have blood tests etc and I will start injections for down regulation at the end of October, with EC and ET expected around 20-25 November. I don't actually know exactly what drugs I will be on yet, I feel very unprepared compared to some of you!

Although we are both English, I am having treatment in a very small private clinic in Switzerland as that is where we work and I am sure I will find out more when I go in next week. I am also considering trying acupuncture - at this stage I am prepared to do anything that will help. However, it is another added expense.

Good luck to all of you who are starting your treatment now!
Hi Madonna and welcome, wishing you luck for a bfp so u dont need to start the ivf, if you do though this is a great thread for support, I hope I'm prepared but when it comes to it im
Not so sure!
Hi Madonna and welcome! Hi to emz and Brighteyez also! (And any other new ladies I may have missed). Wow - it's going to be hard keeping up with everyone on this thread, but I am very excited we all get to share in this journey together!

For those of you that have started stimming already, hope it is going well and the injections don't sting too much. Any advice for a newbie? Our clinic said we can ice the area for a max of 2 minutes (that's it) and wondered if people thought that would really make a difference? I think all this will become abundantly clear in a next couple of weeks when I start.

ILT - the image of you stabbing your Costco oranges really tickled me! You'll be a pro at it before you know it ;)

AFM - I paid for my meds yesterday (that's going to sting on the credit card bill) and they should arrive on Thursday. I was trying to tell the pharmacy to make sure they deliver it to the correct address because for some stupid reason, in our community, there are two roads with the same name and we are always getting packages for each other. This is one, however, that I really don't want sitting outside some random person's house for hours on end! Also, after days and weeks of calling the insurance and the clinic to see if the pre-authorization has actually come through, today they confirmed it has! YAY!! So now all we have to do is sign the consent forms on Friday (when hubby is back) and start when AF comes.

Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday!!
Psalm, do you use walgreen pharmacy? I know someone here use the same pharmacy that I do. I had walgreen make sure that the package required signature. I lost a package before because I left it outside too long. But, I really don't need to loose an almost $4k package. They were pretty quick. I got it the next day after I paid for it. They did pack it nicely and put the meds that need ice pack at the bottom of the insulated box w/ multiple ice bags on top.

I'll catch up w/ everyone else later. :)
I've read icing it helps but I think it sounds worse, like when it's freezing cold outside and makes your hands hurt or sting, I know it's completely different lol but maybe try warming it?

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