ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

ILT - yes I have Walgreens Specialty too. Might just ask my in-laws to go around to our house and either wait for the package or go and pick it up. I should be able to track it!

Star - you could be right! I will try both I guess and see which is better :0
Hi all!

Tuesday- I always found myself touching injection site too! :haha:

Emz- estimated egg collection date is 4th Nov for me I think

Plex- I hope they hurry with your meds!

Star- I'm ok thanks, I've decided to extend my leave forwards because work is stressing me out too much so now I'm going to be off from saturday 17th oct. AF would then be due on 22nd oct, so plenty of time to get into a good place to start. HOWEVER I'm feeling conflicted because they are creating 2 programme manager posts at work (2 grades above my own and temporary for 2yrs secondments) and a few people have told me that management expect me to apply and get one of them. Part of me couldnt be less interested due to concentrating on fertility treatment (plus would feel awful if I took a job knowing I was early pregnant or undergoing treatment and wouldnt be able to see the full 2yrs through). But anothr part of me thinks why not, extra money for no extra stress (I'd be managing 1 programme rather than multiple projects!)...argh!

Welcome Madonna! My english cousin had her pregnancy/baby in Zurich but has since moved back to the UK, she was really impressed with the hospitals there.

psalm- did your clinic mean ice injection site before or after? I only iced it after and prob for about 10mins

kaye- hope you're ok hun

Hi to everyone else! Xxxx
Oh, boy, this thread progressed so far! Between my dad's impending visit and everything else that's going on, I can't keep up but I will try to read as often as I can.
I hope everyone is doing well and ready to go!

AFM - got the green light yesterday to start the second portion of my FET, started Lupron yesterday. I have to do the injections in the morning this time and boy does it itch when in contact with clothes! LOL, never thought I would say that but I liked the evening injections better. Also, I can't use patches, super sensitive to adhesive, so I have to do Estrace pill cycle. Turns out, it's a lot of pills... at least they are not quite as expensive as the stim medications :)
Jungle, if I am you, I'd just apply for it. Especially since you don't really care if you get it or not, which makes the whole process easier and not as stressful. If they really want you, they'll wait! :) Pregnancy is part of life. If they can't deal with it later on, you'll figure it out what to do later on :). Even if you don't get it, by applying, you are indirectly telling your managers that you are interested to move up. At least that's what I always thought anyway ;p. But, any decision that you make is always the right decision for you! Good luck!

Morana, I wonder if you are allow to use cortizone cream for the itchiness.

Psalm, 1 more day before the meds arrived! Yaaay :).

Plex, how are things w/ the meds?

Madonna, welcome!

Star, icing will definitely help decrease any sort of pain/itchy feeling. I used lots of ice pack to help w/ itching and pain for my surgeries. It's a different level of coldness but I wouldn't apply the ice directly on my skin. I have ice packs that I usually use for medical purposes. If not, I'd put the ice in the ziplock bag and wrap it one time w/ cloth. It takes longer to numb the area but more comfortable than direct ice contact.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Exactly 2 more weeks to go for me but hey...who's counting :p
Spoke to pharmacist today, paid for meds and get them delivered 2moro :happydance: YAY!!

ILT - 3 wks for me :) xx
Read through the thread as much as I could and wow I missed a lot, lol.

All the new ladies, welcome! Happy to see this thread become so lively :)

ILT - not sure if I can use cortisone.... It doesn't last too long anyway, just about 1/2 an hour or so. Funny enough, the one I did this morning did not itch at all! :)
The image of stubbing the oranges made me laugh so hard. It's a good thing you figured out it was a mixing needle ahead of time! :D The practice totally paid off. Stubbing yourself with that thing would be no fun at all
I was a coffee and tea drinker before the cycle this spring, more tea than coffee though. Everyone around me is a huge coffee fan and coffee you get in here in Miami is super strong! I completely quit coffee while on the cycle and I've dropped to having just 1 weak shot of espresso every morning after the loss. I have totally switched to decaf tea and found a brand that tastes like the real thing, so I haven't suffered too much.

Kaye - so sorry for your delay! It's kinda weird how this works, sounds like you guys have a way more serious 'teach' than what I had here. On the fresh cycle I just had an hour with the nurse showing me what to do and how to mix the meds, all on the same morning as baseline scan. No wait, nothing! It's so disappointing they can say 'no' for something you can totally learn to do watching youtube.

Tuesday - Sounds like we are going to be in the TWW together, my estimated transfer is on Oct 27. They are extending my cycle for a few days to wait for my dad to leave, otherwise I'd probably be having it around 23rd too!

EMZ - nasal spray sounds awful. I'm glad my clinic doesn't use it anyway, I get horrible nosebleeds every time I use any nasal spray. Hopefully, you don't and the taste won't be too bad :)

Psalm - good thing your medication is arriving. The pharmacy gave me a bit of trouble with Crinone this round, so I totally know how this feels. But at least they'll be there and that portion of waiting will be over :D Onto the next!
Morana, my teach lasted about ten minutes and I bent the needle to a complete right angle! They said would show me again though at baseline and I got some dvds with the gonal f it's the cetrotide I cant remember what to do, will have to ask again

Could be 2-3 weeks for me too! Doesnt feel like it's actually going to happen after waiting so long!
star - you tube have some fab videos regarding fertility injections :thumbup: I watched loads for my first IVF. xx
Star - LOL, I can't even imagine how do you achieve a bend like that on a needle! My OH watched a ton of videos on youtube to prepare himself for the trigger shot, lol. I did find the videos on my online pharmacy website helpful, they break them down by medication so you don't have to stress about which way is the one you have to use. Maybe it'll help: https://www.freedommedteach.com/eng/index.html
Are you doing short protocol? Anyway, it'll be nice to have more people in TWW at the same time :)
Hi ladies,
Hope all is going well. I have been out of town and need to catch up! :) AFM, I started Lupron yesterday. As usual, having some GI issues already. It always takes me a couple days for my stomach to adjust. Always seems like each cycle is different though. :nope:
Hope you feel better soon cali :)

Plex, I'll give you tube a go for when I start

Morana, I think I just stabbed too hard! I was forgetting it will actually be going into my leg and was more concentrating on pushing the button in properly lol

Im on my was to scan, scan at 10am but have to leave at 7:15 too early for my
Week off! I'll update later

Hope your all well x
Good luck at your scan, Star.

Thanks for the recommendations for YouTube videos too, I will definitely be checking them out.

I'm 12dpo today after an IUI and just tested, BFN. Expecting AF later today or tomorrow so I think that's me out. I should therefore be having baseline scan,blood test and mock transfer on Monday. Hopefully I will also find out more at that appointment about my drugs etc.
Cali - sorry ur suffering at the moment, hopefully it'll all settle down in a few days :hugs: xx

Star - Hope the scan goes well for you this morning! My RE is the same, she likes to get me in for scans at 7.30am :( too damn early!!! xx

Madonna - Sorry to hear that ur iui may not have worked :hugs: Exciting that u get to start with all things ivf so soon though :thumbup: If u do get af (really hope u dont), i hope the mock transfer goes smoothly for you xx
Star - good luck for your scan hope all is well x
Relieved now my meds have arrived, all good to start northisterone 2moro now :thumbup: think this next couple of weeks will fly by! xx
Thank you for the good luck wishes ladies, scan went well, no cysts! Got provera to start today so can start ivf when af arrives! So excited, had 14 follicles on right and 7 on left, sorry to sound clueless but does this change every cycle?

Plex, glad you have your meds now, exciting times, hoping it flies by too

Madonna, sorry about the bfn, Hoping it changes for you, if not that all goes well Mon
Star - glad the scan went well. That's a great number of follies!

Plex - yay for the meds arriving. Mine arrived today too. It somehow made it seem really real that they are here. Sort of up to this point it felt like someone else was going to be injecting themselves with these meds but now they are sitting in my kitchen it's like, holy moly, in a few days I will be putting this into myself! Hope you start soon :)

Madonna - hope it isn't AF for you, but if it is, we are all in the IVF journey together so welcome!
Hey ladies, I've been away on a course for a week and now have no idea what is happening on this thread - it's so busy! I'll try to catch up properly but in the meantime those I have picked up:

Star - glad scan went well. Yes follies change every cycle hun.

Plex - good luck starting the northisterone today.
Oh work is a nightmare at the moment as we're having a new system put in & no-one knows what there doing & it all goes live in 3 weeks. Such bad timing as I really don't need this stress, anyway:

Ilovetomatoes - your retrieval date is just in front of mine, they are aiming for the week beginning 10th Nov so fingers crossed.

Star - I'm on the nasal spray from 7th Oct all the way up until my retrieval but it does go down from 2 squirts twice a day to 1 squirt twice a day.
Congrats on the fab scan fingers crossed all goes to plan

Morana - The nasal spray is horrible but I have my polo mints to get rid of the taste so nothing I can't cope with I suppose.

AFM I'm just really glad its Friday as I really need a break from work.
Thank u lizzie for the info on the follies, thank god for you ladies and your support :)

Emz, have a nice weekend off from work and pamper yourself

Psalm, it definitely feels more real when the meds arrive, makes me
more itching to start too!

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