ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Plex, I hope the first day with the meds went ok, and good look to those of you starting soon.

I had another bfn this morning but still no sign of AF. There is still a tiny part of me hoping for a miracle but I'm pretty resigned to the fact that AF will be here tomorrow. At least we can then finally make a start with the IVF. I'm nervous but excited to get started!
Hi ladies,

Day 6 of stims 2day (Friday) and my first scan since baseline.

My right ovary has 7 of the 8 follicles on track size wise and the left has gone from 6 follicles to 16!!
In total they reckon I have 23 follicles (we were chuffed with 14 at baseline scan) and 18 of these are about the same size and on target!

Can't believe the difference from our usual average of 10 follicles. Not sure if it's due to the change from gonal-f to menopur, the increase in dose, or both!

Feeling quite sore already and now got to keep an eye out for OHSS symptoms so fingers crossed that doesn't complicate things next week.

Been told to continue stims until next scan on Monday morning when they're expecting to allow me to trigger Mon evening for a weds egg collection.

Kind of wish EC was Monday purely becoz I'm pretty uncomfortable already and not sure I can face 3 more days of drugs and further bloating until weds, but I guess I need to remember that it's to give us the best chance so I need to suck it up lol!
Your doing great bumpsparkle! Hope ec goes well :)
Wow Bumpsparkle that's amazing! Sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable but hopefully all worth it in the end. I saw on another thread people were saying to eat ramen noodles and obviously drink lots of water to try to keep the symptoms of OHSS down. Praying that you won't be overstimulated and you get to ER next Wednesday as planned.

Happy weekend everyone!
Here is a good source on OHSS prevention.

Also, I read on other articles that aspirin also helps w/ OHSS prevention. I'm required to take aspirin, progesterone, & estradiol for 14 days after ER. Medrol is only for a few days after ER. Not sure what everyone else needs to take in term of meds after ER. I am currently feeling that my RE prescribed me way too many meds. Oh well... :)

Bump, I read on a different thread that another lady also got more eggs on menopur. Eggs calculation sounds great! Excited for you.
Sounds like your gonna get lots of lovely eggs bumpsparkle 😊😊😊
That sounds great bump sparkle, fingers crossed!

AF finally arrived this morning, gutted that our last IUI attempt didn't work, but feeling lucky that we can go straight to IVF now.

I've got to ring the clinic first thing Monday morning to go in for baseline scan, tests and mock transfer. As AF was late, it could now be any time Monday-Wednesday. I hope they can fit me in Monday or Tuesday as I'm hoping to fly home to England for a few days on Weds morning! I've not booked flights yet as I was worried this may happen, but DH will already be there for work and we're planning to go and see our families to tell them about starting IVF! So far they don't know anything about out TTC journey but we've decided we now need their support.
Bumpsparkle- amazing numbers!! I had no idea that changing meds could have such an impact! Just make sure you keep hydrated, I know the feeling of having to keep going with the injections for the last few days when you feel 'full' and sensitive but you can do it! Not long to go now! :thumbup:

Morana- hope your injections are going well!

ILT- thanks for the careers advice :hugs: I think I should just apply when it's advertised as I've got nothing to lose. Thank you for the support

Plex & Psalm - great news that your meds have arrived and you're getting going! :happydance:

Star- my technique for cetrotide is :
- water into powder
- keeping the end of the needle in the solution, roll the vial along the palm of your hand to get any powder included in the mix (rolling seems to do a better job than gently shaking in my experience as bubbles are less likely to form and keeping the needle in the solution means you're less likely to suck up tons of air)
- suck it back into syringe
- swap big fat needle for thin one
- flick and expel any air
- stick in 3/4s of way into belly and press the plunger whilst counting to 10 before needle comes back out
I'm curious to hear if anyone else has any injection hints/tips?
In answer to your other question, I think the number of follies changes every cycle

Lizzie - I hope your course went well, I've been away with work for the last 3days too

Emz- try not to worry and stress about work (although I'm one to talk!) I have to keep telling myself that this is waaaaay more important than work and as much as we give of ourselves to work, sometimes you've got to take something back

cali- I hope you're feeling better hun :hugs:

Madonna- I'm so sorry to read about your IUI BFN but wishing you tons of luck for this cycle, I've never heard of mock transfer though, can you explain?

Kaye- great to hear from you hun, I hope you're doing well and staying positive for moving forward next month

Hello and sorry to anyone I've missed! Xxxx
Jungle, I don't know anything about a mock transfer either, I was just told it would be done! Hopefully I can reveal a bit more in a few days!
Ilovetomatoes, I'll just be on progesterone pessaries from EC, ive got 21 of these so looks like takesr to 2 weeks after transfer roughly, how long does anyone else take progesterone for after EC?

Jungle, I'm going to remember this page number so I can look back at that, thank you for the great advice!

Madonna, sorry af arrived, like you said though at least you can go straight to the ivf, hope all goes well at baseline

Afm, day 3 of provera over, its going quick already, just hope af arrives just as quick!
Hello ladies,

How is everyone?

My injections and meds came yesterday. I did a vlog about them if any one is interested on YouTube. I was so excited and overwhelmed with everything that came. It was just an reminder that it will be happening really soon which makes me smile all day!!
Hi brighteyez, it does make you feel it will happen really soon doesnt it! I was excited too when I got mine :)
I'll do a quick reply and catch up with everyone later :)

Madonna, I had mock transfer. It's not bad at all. My RE also counted my follicles and did the sonohystogram at the same time. The sono was pretty crampy for me but that's because I didn't know they were going to do that. An ibuprofen should help with the cramps. Basically, the RE does the mock transfer as a practice transfer to make sure there is nothing wrong with your uterus. They don't want to find complication on the day of the transfer.

Star, if the IVF is successful, we have to do progesterone shots until at least 12 weeks of pregnancy. Supposedly, I've read somewhere that after the IVF meds, your body doesn't produce progesterone like normal. Not sure if this is proven though. But, I trust my RE :)

Jungle, glad to hear that you made decision regarding the position :)
Star, I took progesterone twice daily from egg collection up to pregnancy test day, I've not had a bfp so stopped taking them as soon as I got bfn but ive heard of lots of ladies keeping using progesterone until 12weeks of pregnancy if they get their bfp

How do we find your youtube entries brighteyez? Great news that your meds are here :happydance:

My endo scratch is fast approaching now, it's early tuesday morning and I've got the day off so can chill afterwards. I've been told to take 2 paracetamol 1hr before and that I need a full bladder so I'm guessing it's ultrasound guided from my belly? I can have gas and air during too if it gets too uncomfortable (result! I'll take any high I can get right now!) :haha:

Night all! One day closer til we see our BFPs, until then, we can dream about it :sleep: xxxx
Hello Ladies! Hoping I can join this thread!

My husband and I will be embarking on our 5th IVF cycle probably November ish. Currently waiting CD1 to start BCP and then roughly CD20 a hysteroscopy and endometrial scratch.

As my sig probably explains we have done 2 fresh ICSI cycles and 2 FET's. We originally had MFI (sperm count roughly 3million p/mL - 9 million & 1% morph) but we have had pretty good quality embryos replaced and not one second line once! Anywhooo our new doctor (we have just changed clinics) wants to do the hysteroscopy and scratch and also put me on a down reg cycle instead of an antagonist which I had done 2x before. I will also be on Prednisolone 20mg from the day of ET until the pregnancy test. I am anxious and I can't imagine it working after having 4 fails but gotta keep the faith!

I am hoping to get more eggs and hopefully more embryos this time! My last 2 cycles I was on 150iu of Gonal F, and got 10 mature eggs first cycle (8 fertilised) and only 5 mature eggs on the 2nd cycle (5 out of 5 fertilised though!). I am going to be on 225iu of Gonal F this time so hopefully crank up the egg count haha.

I will be following everyones journey on here until my time comes!
Star, I took progesterone twice daily from egg collection up to pregnancy test day, I've not had a bfp so stopped taking them as soon as I got bfn but ive heard of lots of ladies keeping using progesterone until 12weeks of pregnancy if they get their bfp

How do we find your youtube entries brighteyez? Great news that your meds are here :happydance:

My endo scratch is fast approaching now, it's early tuesday morning and I've got the day off so can chill afterwards. I've been told to take 2 paracetamol 1hr before and that I need a full bladder so I'm guessing it's ultrasound guided from my belly? I can have gas and air during too if it gets too uncomfortable (result! I'll take any high I can get right now!) :haha:

Night all! One day closer til we see our BFPs, until then, we can dream about it :sleep: xxxx

Oooo I can't wait to hear how your scratch goes! I'm having one next cycle and i've been a little anxious about it. I am having a hysteroscopy at the same time though, so I think I will be under general according to my fertility nurse.

Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for you! :)
Welcome eveclo, hope you get lots of eggs with the new plan your bfp this cycle

Jungle, I wasnt told I needed a full bladder for scratch as they didnt use the scanner, I took ibuprofen as its better for muscle pain than paracetamol, it hurt for a minute or 2 and a bit crampy after and a little bit of spotting, if they did a tv scan its an empty bladder but then maybe they just want a full one for the scratch as every clinic does things differently
Welcome eveclo!
There's a few ladies on this thread who have had he scratch so lots of experience. I'm a tad nervous as I've heard mixed reviews as to how painful it is. So might take BOTH the paracetamol and the ibruprofen Star! ;)
Hi everybody. Hi plex I remember you. I hope Im not here too late. I will read back and catch up. I'm due for frozen embryo transfer this month. I had failed ivf August. I'm going for scan tomorrow to check my lining then hopefully plan transfer. X
Welcome lazydaisys! It's never too late :) Good luck with your scan tomorrow! Are you having 1 embryo transferred or more? Xxxx

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