ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Hi lazydaisys, your name came up on my predictive txt so must have written something to you before at some point! Hope all goes well with appointment

Does anyone have experience with provera? Last time I took it for 7 days and this time only have it for 5 , last time I started it on about day 54 and this time day 39 so would it be because I'm not as late this time?

Also does provera work everytime? I'm not feeling much different like last time eg) sore boobs amd crampy but again could it be because I'm not as late in my cycle as last time?

Hope your all having a good weekend!
Feeling a bit gutted :-( Due to the number of follicles on my stim day 9 scan 2day, plus the way I've been feeling, I had bloods taken to check my estradiol level which has come back as 25,000 which is apparently high (think they wanted under 10,000).

This means i've got to trigger with burselin instead of ovitrelle tonight and the cycle becomes a freeze all to allow me to recover and plan a FET.

I know it's the sensible decision as I don't want to be sick, end up in hospital, or waste precious embryos if I'm too sick for them to stick, but we've never had any embryos make it to the freeze stage and now I'm scared we'll have nothing to transfer and all this has been for nothing!

Sorry for the rant but can't quite believe it when they've always been disappointed with my response and total eggs :-( x
So sorry bumpsparkle, I know it's all for the best but understand your frustrations, really hope it works out with the best outcome for you and lots of embies to freeze xx
Jungle, 1 more day! :D. After my surgery, I had a lot of gas (they had to pump gas in my stomach for the surgery) and found that taking a laxative tablet immediately after the surgery helped a whole lot with bloated belly :).

Hi Eveclo and Lazydaisys.

Star, I have no experience on provera. FX someone else does.

Bump, sorry to hear that you have to wait for the transfer. I am sure your RE made the best decision for you and hope that you'll have lots of frozen embies waiting :).
Bright- Glad your meds are here!! What's your youtube channel?

Jungle- Good luck with your scratch tomorrow!!

Eve- Welcome. Wishing you all the luck with this cycle!!

Lazy- Welcome!! Hope your scan goes well today! KUP!

Star- No experience with Provera, but wishing you luck!

Bump- I'm sorry to hear that. It is a huge disappointment, no matter what. I had severe OHSS and ended up in the hospital. They collected 41 eggs and only 6 went into freeze. All 6 were lower quality. So I hope that this will end up helping your embies quality. Sending you love and hugs because I know what a disappointment it is.

AFM- I'm on Luperon and really having a rough run with it. This seems to be the worst reactions I have had with it. I had a severe migraine and has blurred vision in my left eye. Luckily I was at work (I work at a hospital) and one of the docs checked me out... but it was scary none the less. I've also had some GI issues. So I am excited that tomorrow I decrease my Luperon dosage by half and add estrogen. :dance: Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi ladies:flower:

I know I'm late starting, but I hope it's ok to join you?

We've got one little miracle boy from ivf and we are about to start a frozen fet cycle to hopefully get a little brother or sister for him :baby:

I've been waiting aaaages for my period (eventually had to take norethisterone), anyway, it finally arrived on Saturday, so I can start down regging on cycle day 21.
Hi Harley, welcome! It sounds like you will be on the same time frame as me. Saturday was also cycle day 1 for me and I will start down regging around around say 21 too. I have an appointment tomorrow morning for a scan, blood tests and mock transfer. Excited to be finally getting this started!
Welcome Harley, the wait for af is so irritating isnt it, least you can fet started now and in same time frame as Madonna so have a cycle buddy :)
Thanks for the welcome.
I went for my scan day 13 and my lining was only 5.5 despite being on 12mg of estrogen tablets to thicken it. Just got to wait it out and hope it thickens by Friday my next scan.
I'm booked in for extra accupuncture, I'm using moxa candles and I've been told to take baby asprin, get good sleep. X
Thanks for the welcome ladies :). I've just had a quick look through the thread, I'll try and read it properly tomorrow.

Madonna, I'm sorry your iui didn't work. But I'm glad you'll be cycling at the same time as me, it'll be nice to have a cycle buddy :)
Cali - how did you feel before egg collection when you had OHSS and how/when did your symptoms worsen after egg collection?

I usually look forward to egg collection as I start to feel a bit better straight away but I'm really scared I'm going to feel worse! I've got 14 decent sized follicles with around 7-8 smaller and estradiol level of 25000 so I've no idea at the moment whether it's just a small risk of feeling worse or a big likelihood :-(
Hi all! Thanks for the good luck messages, I'm back from my endometrial scratch. It was fine :)
I had 2 paracetamol and 2 neurofen 1hour before and needed a full bladder.

The whole thing lasted no more than 10mins-
- speculum in
- swabbed inside with some kind of alcohol cleanser thing
- put the catheter in through cervix (I could feel it, but it was painless)
- put the scratching tool in and swept it around a bit (this bit was mildly painful but bearable) and it lasted 20secs
- removed everything, got dressed and came home :)

Star- very sorry but I dont have any experience of provera I'm afraid

Cali- they sound like scary symptoms! Hopefully the reduced luperon agrees with you better

Harley- welcome! Good luck with no2 :)

Madonna- have you had your scan/bloods/mock transfer this morning? How did you get on?

Lazydaisies - I hope your lining improves for your scan on friday. I heard somewhere that pineapple is good for a thick womb lining!

Bumpsparkle- I'm so sorry about that you're having to cut this cycle short :( I've never had any embryos to freeze either so I would be worried too. But your numbers indicate that you'll have plenty of eggs and lots of chances for good fertilisation and development so ive got my fingers croseed for you. Look after yourself and keep drinking lots of fluids :hugs: xxxx
Jungle, I'm glad your scratch went well and wasn't too painful. Bumpsparkle, I hope you're feeling ok. Hi to everyone else!

I did have my appointment this morning, it went well too. The scan was fine as was the mock transfer, so we're good to go as long as nothing unusual comes back in the blood tests! The mock transfer felt no different to having an IUI, it was just to check there are no problems getting to the uterus etc. I'm not sure why I needed one really as I have had multiple IUIs, the latest one only a few weeks ago, and everything was ok then! But it didn't hurt so wasn't a problem.

I was expecting to be given information/a prescription and be sent away to order meds but I walked out of there carrying a bag full of Suprefact, sharps box, needles etc! We haven't even signed the papers or handed over any money yet which seems a bit weird!

On 1st November (CD22) I will start down regulation with Suprefact and then I'm booked in for my next appointment on 13th November. I'm still not sure what meds I'll be on for stims but I'm sure I'll be given a bag with them in at that appointment! It's weird hearing that some people have to go for teach appointments/lessons but I just had 5 mins with the nurse. I think they all thought I had done more injections in the past (I have just done a trigger shot once) because I had to ask for even that 5 mins! I completely forgot to ask if it was ok to do it in either the thigh or stomach like the trigger shot. Does anyone know? I will probably ring or email the clinic nearer the time just to be sure.

It all feels real now I've got some of the drugs! Flying back to England at 7am tomorrow to meet DH who has been in London for a few days, then we're going to tell our families about starting IVF. I think it will feel like a weight has been lifted once they know.
Jungle, glad scratch went well :)

Bumpsparkle, sorry I cant remember, when is EC?

Madonna, I only had about 10 mins with a nurse so they will have to fo through it all again as I cant remember! Sounds like all moving along nicely for you :)
Madonna- great news about your appointment! My clinic gives out-
- needles for trigger
- sharps box
before the cycle starts and before payment is given.
I then pick up my meds -
- gonal f
- cetrotide
- trigger
- progesterone
on day 2 after bloods and scan

I only had a short nurse consultation for how to do injections too, probably took 10-15 mins,

In both previous cycles I injected only in my belly, but I asked and apparently I can do it my thigh this time if my belly gets too sensitive. It's probably worth an ask because all meds are slightly different.

Enjoy your London trip!

Star- thank you! I've got no cramps, just a bit of dark spotting. How's things wih you? Xxxx
I'm ok thank u jungle, first day without provera so just hoping to see af soon!
Hiya, just been reading all the posts as I've been rather bogged down with work over the last few days.

Bump - so sorry to hear that you won't be transferring on this cycle but I have my fingers crossed that you get lots of frosties xx

Jungle - How did your scratch go?

Madonna, Harley - Its great that you 2 will be going through it all at the same time, it's great to have someone that's at the same stage as you to talk to.

AFM I'm still sniffing the horrible nasal spray & it is really effecting me this time, I just seem to be so tense & ready to snap at the slightest thing or I just want to cry. Hubby is being fab & just lets me shout at him & then hugs me when I burst into tears. Roll on 29th Oct so I can hopefully start stimming xx
Sorry to hear the nasal spray is making you feel bad emz, luckily you have a great dh for support :)

I think I will have af by Mon,even though I'm second day off of provera my boobs are hurting more so my body must be producing its own progesterone too as levels should be dropping now ive stopped it

Hope your all well, just as I find it hard to keep up when is everyone starting stimms again?

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