ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

The scratch went well thanks emz, I spotted for a bit afterwards but very little spotting today (1 day on) and no lingering cramps :) sorry you're feeling emotional hun, but it's good that you're letting it out and not letting it fester. It can't help that you're bogged down at work though :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok!

I wanted to share that my friend has given me a statue of Guanyin, a Chinese fertility goddess to keep on my bedside table. She is said to enhance fertility and bring good luck and fortune

I feel reeeally positive about our upcoming cycle now as a result :)**xxxx
Sounds interesting jungle, hope it brings you lots of luck!

My sister had her little girl at 4am, havent seen her yet but she was home by lunchtime and I was working, cant wait for tomorrow! She had a 3 hr labour and ten minutes of pushing like her last one, hoping if my ivf works I take after her, she makes it look so easy!
Congrats to your friend star! I have a similar friend who has only just made it to hospital for both of her children's births! No time for any pain relief, eak! What have they named her? Xxxx
Hi all! Just popping by to say hello and hope everyone is doing well.

Jungle - glad your scratch went well yesterday and didn't hurt for too long. Fingers crossed this does it for you!

Star - we might be on a similar schedule. Just waiting for AF which could be Saturday/Sunday/Monday depending on how the witch feels. Why is it always that we think it will be delayed when we want it to be early!?!

Hi to all the new ladies and looking forward to updates!

AFM - hubby has been here since Friday and I only have him here for two more days :( but we have hopefully got so much sorted for this IVF journey that it will all be worth it!
Soooooo.... I just realized today that I missed the day I should have upped my estrogen dose. By 2 days! I feel like a total dummy :( Waiting for a nurse to call me back to see if my dates to go back for the scan and transfer change now. Meanwhile I'll try to read through the thread to see what I missed :)
Ooh that will be good psalm, hope af doesnt mess us about, Never shows when you want it to! Be good to have a cycle buddy

Morana, theres so much to think about, especially with meds but hope you get it sorted soon :)@
Soooooo.... I just realized today that I missed the day I should have upped my estrogen dose. By 2 days! I feel like a total dummy :( Waiting for a nurse to call me back to see if my dates to go back for the scan and transfer change now. Meanwhile I'll try to read through the thread to see what I missed :)

Hopefully your lining will be good and it won't affects things too much. I did the opposit and started them a day early once. :dohh:
Getting timings/doses right is soooo hard! I'm paranoid about missing things I set loads of alarms and write everything down in multiple places! I remember the night we did my first trigger with strict instructions to do it at EXACTLY at 930pm. Then I really struggled to break into the glass ampules and sort the mixture out, then just as I managed it, my OHs best friend skyped us from new zealand and HE ANSWERED IT!! OH does ALL my injections and I was petrified we were gonna get the last one wrong and ruin the whole cycle. Stress! Xxxx
Hi girls.. Mind if I join in? I had my first IVF last cycle that unfortunately failed and I have no frosties. Had my consult yesterday and I think DH and I have decided to give it another go when AF shows... Am I nuts?! The appointment went pretty well. I will be on day two start this cycle with no bcp. They seemed to have oversuppressed me last cycle and will be on max dosage of Bravelle & Menopur.

I will try to read through and catch up with everyone!
Hi All :wave:

Can I join :) Bit about me, I am 31 and DH is 31. I was diagnosed as a Coeliac and DH has a Reciprocal Balanced Translocation of 14&15. We suffered 6 mcs and 2 mmc prior to doing IVF/ICSI/PGD We did our first cycle in 2012 which I had 18eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 6 fertilised, 4 biopsied, 2 unbalanced and 2 normals. Fresh was a BFN and our only frostie is now our 15month old son :)

We are currently cycling for bub#2, this is our 2nd IVF/ICSI/PGD cycle. We are doing an all freeze cycle this time as well, as we have a cruise booked and my OB won't let me travel pregnant :(

I started the BCP on the 29th Sep and take my last pill on the 27th Oct. I then start stims (Puregon 250 and Orgalutran) on the 1st Nov. EPU is booked for 14th November, which will be mine and DH 12yr anniversary :)

Hi all, I'd like to join in as well.

We're doing our second fresh IVF cycle. Although we have 2 frosties from IVF #1, we are electing to keep them frozen for now and go ahead with IVF+ICSI+PGS.

We'll be doing the short protocol this time and I expect my CD1 to be October 24.
Hi all, I'd like to join in as well.

We're doing our second fresh IVF cycle. Although we have 2 frosties from IVF #1, we are electing to keep them frozen for now and go ahead with IVF+ICSI+PGS.

We'll be doing the short protocol this time and I expect my CD1 to be October 24.

Hi girlie! Sorry for your loss =( Looks like we may be cycle buddies if my cycle isn't screwed up.. hopefully not. I expect af around the 24th as well. I had a failed IVF+ICSI cycle last month and decided to give it another go. Unfortunatly, I had no frosties =( I am also doing short protocol this time.
Hi girlie! Sorry for your loss =( Looks like we may be cycle buddies if my cycle isn't screwed up.. hopefully not. I expect af around the 24th as well. I had a failed IVF+ICSI cycle last month and decided to give it another go. Unfortunatly, I had no frosties =( I am also doing short protocol this time.

Thank you.

And yay for cycle buddies! I had a good crowd the last time so it will be nice to be able to buddy up again. What protocol did you use last time? I'm sorry it was a BFN, that's really the pits.

We've done every test in the book so our new protocol will be IVF + ICSI + PGS. I will be on Puregon again (higher dosage - last time was 250IU) and Menopur (I think same dosage as last time?). In addition to the estrogen/progesterone I'll also be on steriods this time and heparin. Basically have all the bases covered...hopefully it results in a live birth. :thumbup:
Hi girlie! Sorry for your loss =( Looks like we may be cycle buddies if my cycle isn't screwed up.. hopefully not. I expect af around the 24th as well. I had a failed IVF+ICSI cycle last month and decided to give it another go. Unfortunatly, I had no frosties =( I am also doing short protocol this time.

Thank you.

And yay for cycle buddies! I had a good crowd the last time so it will be nice to be able to buddy up again. What protocol did you use last time? I'm sorry it was a BFN, that's really the pits.

We've done every test in the book so our new protocol will be IVF + ICSI + PGS. I will be on Puregon again (higher dosage - last time was 250IU) and Menopur (I think same dosage as last time?). In addition to the estrogen/progesterone I'll also be on steriods this time and heparin. Basically have all the bases covered...hopefully it results in a live birth. :thumbup:

Yeah, it's definitely nice to have some buddies.

I was on long protocol, bcp start for 3 weeks then started stims a week later, Bravelle and Menopur and started Ganirelex somewhere in the middle to prevent pre-ovulation. I started with 6 amps of meds then upped to 7 and then 8. This time we are starting at 8 with same meds and not doing birth control. I was on Crinone after retrieval and also took antibiotics for five days and steroids as well. It will be the same this cycle.

The BFN was like a knife to my heart.. but I need to pick myself up and move on!! I have diminished ovarian reserve and only produced 7 eggs last cycle, 4 fertilized, 2 arrested and 2 eight cell embyros were tranferred on day three. Things were pretty slow in the beginning so we are thinking bcp oversuppressed me and hoping I can get a few more eggs this time!!

Hope this cycle is lucky for us both!
Welcome to all the new ladies!

Beneath - I was a thread stalker on the September thread - so sorry it didn't work out for you but wishing you all the best for this cycle. Hopefully your dr learned some things from your last cycle and can implement them this time. I saw that you are in NY. I use CWRC in Manhattan but live in NJ. Where are you at?

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Welcome miss redknob amd 3chords! :)

Beneath, already said on other thread that think you should follow your heart and go for it!
Welcome new ladies!
Sorry I cant do a big post I'm running late for my LAST DAY at work before 3.5weeks off for ICSI #3 yippee!
But just wanted to say hi!
Welcome to all the new ladies!

Beneath - I was a thread stalker on the September thread - so sorry it didn't work out for you but wishing you all the best for this cycle. Hopefully your dr learned some things from your last cycle and can implement them this time. I saw that you are in NY. I use CWRC in Manhattan but live in NJ. Where are you at?

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Thanks! Hoping this cycle goes a little better!! I go to North Shore.
Hi ladies :), just a quick update: we paid our drug invoice today, so just waiting for a call from pharmasure to arrange delivery. Also received drug appointment for 31st oct, which is the day before I start down reg. it's all seeming real again now! ��
:hi: heya all, wrote a long damn post earlier but lost it!!! :grr:

Will try to write it all again 2moro once ive gotten some sleep

im a week into my northisterone now and will continue to take it till thur next week, hopefully have af by monday 27th.


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