ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Star - great that you got AF. I am still waiting for her to rear her head. Got a bit of spotting this afternoon, so should be on for her tomorrow and starting stimms Tuesday (crosses fingers).

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Thats a good point about keeping busy 3chords, this thread is certainly going to get busy

Psalm, yay! We could be stimming on the same day then

I feel bit better about the cetrotide as I found a dvd of it that didnt realise they had given me

Also, do you have to do the injections in the morning or evenings? Just cos if I went for scan amd had to start the gonal f it would be late by time I got back
Psalm - I get spotting normally the day before AF too. I always wondered whether I should count it as day1 but the clinic said no

Star - my clinic like you to do the injections same time everyday in the morning so I do 7am. We don't start stimming til day 3 tho so you might have your baseline and then start injecting the following morning? That's what my clinic does xxxx
Well, ive been allowed to use toil and holiday to cover my three weeks (from just before collection to after the beta test). Im lucky as i only work 30hrs a week and have toil to cover half of the time i need :thumbup: then i have my days off too so its all looking to work out quite nicely (that is of course if I have the collection when i think lol)

Star- Have u made 'the' call into the clinic today to arrange ur baseline scan?? My Stimm injection were in the evening, there is ley-way as to taking it at the exact time i think its about 30mins-1hr xx

Bump - Thinking of u today hun! Fxd ur lovely lil embies have turned into FAB blasts!! xx

Jungle - I would take those number plates as a def sign! Ive been trying to use visualisation, i remember doing it on the treatment cycle that i got pregnant with my son. Just imagining myself pregnant and that this WILL work. :D

So glad the endo scratch was endurable - it is like u say a short time of being very uncomfortable for a good cause! xx

Chimmi - Sorting stuff in the house sounds like a good thing to do, my house is a tip as we've all been poorly lol :dohh: Im a bit better today so will have to do something i suppose :D My doctor was very good about writing me a sick note to cover treatment, she gave me 2 weeks from collection to test. Tbh working is a great distraction but if uve told work and u have the sick note its not like ur 'sick' per say so you could still head out and do stuff to keep u occupied in that time. :thumbup: Maybe have a pre treatment meeting with ur doc to ask about sick notes? See what they say? Really hope all goes well on Tuesday! xx

Psalm - Exciting! Hope af pays u a visit today hun :D Theres quite a few of you starting this week, its going to be great reading ur experiences :D xx

Hope everyone else is doing ok?? xx

Wow this thread is flying along, I have tried to catch up with all the posts but I think I may have missed a few.

Star - Glad that AF has turned up as its just typical that when you want her to turn up she doesn't.

Plex - I would love to have the next 3 weeks off but I think I will be lucky to get the ET day off as I went back to work straight after last time but Hubby has said that there is no way that he is going to let me go back this time. I do have holiday left to take so we shall have to see.

Bump - Fingers crossed that you have lots of frosties.

AFM I'm just counting down the days until 29th (9 days woohoo) till I can start stimming, I hate this waiting around as it just seems to drag until you start stimming then the time just seems to fly.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Emz - Im quite lucky i work compressed hours so have to work some 60+hr weeks but then i get a week off - just so happens i have one of those weeks in the three weeks i have off so only have to use a bit of holiday - tbh i dont have much of that left AT ALL and it has to last me till August next year! I hope u manage to get some time off. Is sick time an option?

I know what u mean about these next 9 days!! Im sooo damn impatient now! Cant wait to get started again :happydance: xx
just thought, im having my FSH tested again this cycle (my request) getting nervous as to what it could be :( really hoping its not gone up again! any more than 16 is bad right??
Hi just a quick update til catch up properly later, had baseline today, all ok, have 17 follicles, on way home now and start 200 gonal f when get in, finally!
Next scan is Friday

Plex, I dont know anything about fsh sorry but sure theres someone on here who knows more than me
Hope time flies for you emz and plex

Psalm, any more sign of af today?
Star - yay! You're starting. Now I really hope she shows her face today so we will be right there with each other. I have the signs but still a no show. Praying she shows up before midnight then tomorrow I go for the baseline.

Plex - sorry hun I don't know much about FSH. Hope you get the results that you want/need. I swear all the numbers and figures etc. that we have to deal with are mind blowing!

Jungle - hope you get to start AF soon too and that the tricks in the link work! I am trying them too ...

Bump - hope you get a good report today. Crossing our fingers for you!

Emz - counting down is a total nightmare. I feel like it's all hurry up and wait. But saying that I can hardly believe after so many months (years) of waiting, we are finally about to start! Thinking positive thoughts for everyone!!

Chimmi - good luck for tomorrow hun!

Hi to everyone else!

Star - :happydance: Thats a great number of follicles too :D hope the first injection goes well xx

Psalm - ur not wrong about all the numbers/figures they give us! Theres so much info to try to decipher and take in. Really hope af makes an appearance today for you! xx
Star - that's a great number of follicles to start with! Hope the first injection went ok when you got home.

We got our day 5 report and we've got 3 blasts on ice! The lab are really chuffed that we managed to get 3 to freeze out of the 7 that fertilised, and they said that's really good. We are mega pleased as we've never made it this far before. Just got to wait until January to get them back now! :)

The gradings were 5AB, 4BB and 4BC. I think the 5AB is pretty good but not sure about the 4's? Never needed to be clued up on blasts before...can anyone offer any advice, especially those going thru or had FET's?
Star- 17 is a great number! And I was on gonal f 200 dose for my last 2 cycles and think it'll be the same for this one too so we can compare experiences :) hope your first dose went ok! Remind me, are you or OH doing the injecting?

Psalm- hoping AF comes asap for you! I went for a run today, ticking off a lot of the AF induction tips off the list!

Plex- sorry I'm not clued up on fsh either but I hope the results are good for you, when are you having the test?

Bumpsparkle- I'm so happy for you!!! We too would LOVE to get any embryos to day5 so can imagine how you're feeling. Just think you can get yourself in a really good place for FET early next year. I'm afraid my clinic grades totally differently to that, just a straightforward 1,2,3,4 I think. But I do know they only freeze if they are REALLY good so well worth celebrating :happydance: xxxx
Well done bumpsparkle! So pleased for you :)

Well the plan was I was going to do injectons myself, I couldnt though and in the end had to get dh to do it and everytime he came near me I was pushing him
Away with my finger without realising it! We were both laughing and in the end it went ok luckily as I had my mum staying on shift for me til I got there! I'm working at 7 and 8 next 2 days so going to do injections at 7am, im only a couple minutes drive from work so be ok
Psalm, hope you can have your baseline tomoro! X
Your injection story made me laugh star I've done the same thing. I want to be in control but at the same time I cant bring myself to do it myself! Plus I like the thought of OH having a role in the whole experience :) well done for overcoming the first hurdle!

AFM I've got some AF symptoms, boobs feeling a tad sore, a little bit crampy...hope it's soon for me! xxxx
Sounding promising Jungle, it was funny though dh doesnt want to get up early every morning to do it as he sometimes doesnt finish work til early hours of the morning, I think though as the first ones done and didnt hurt I'll be ok ( I hope!)
How soon do you think af will be jungle?
Well I'm not due til weds so I'm not stressing about it yet, but would be over the moon if it came tomorrow. I can fluctuate either way by 1 or 2 days normally xxxx
Wow this is a busy and exciting thread, can't believe how close in cycle everyone is.

Bumpsparkle, congrats on the embryos they are good grades there are live births on a lot lower. And the advantages of having a FET is it gives your body time to recover from all the medication. Good Luck.

Plex, yes unfortunately anything higher is not the best BUT I wouldn't think too much about it. I didn't want mine tested again as it would only stress me out. They are still letting us do the cycle so it cant be that much of a worry for them.

Star - yey great news its finally starting.

Hope everyone else is doing ok and not getting too impatient waiting for the AF to arrive. AFM, I had acupuncture tonight so feeling relaxed, I am under strict instructions to have no stress. One more week to go... I think its gonna drag!


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