ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Hey ladies

Good luck star and Jungleland. What protocol are you both on?

Hope everyone else is ok and everything going to plan xxx

Jungle - I only have 2 scans booked for the whole cycle as well, the first is on 29th to see if I can start stimming which will be day 12 of my cycle & then if all is fine I'm not back in until 7th Nov to see how many eggs I have & hopefully book for collection the following week.

It does seem like they just leave you to get on with it unless you have any problems & then you would contact them for help.

Star - Well done for injecting yourself, I was told by my nurse on the last cycle that I had to do it myself cos if you get someone else to do it they don't get the angle right & it could hurt more.

AFM I just wish the time would go quicker but it is only 6 days till I hopefully start injecting, it does seem like a long time to just leave you to your own devices cos in the back of my mind I do worry that nothing is happening & when they do the scan there will be a problem.

Hope everyone is doing ok & I really must try & get on more often as I seem to keep missing so much x
Hi all, just back from my appointment which consisted of-

- coughing up the cycle fee (most painful part)
- blood test
- scan
- collecting meds

Early signs are a little bit disappointing numbers-wise. The first round we got 9 eggs and the second round we got 11 eggs but she could only see 8 follicles in total on my day2 scan today (3 one side, 5 the other). I'm a bit disheartened but I'm well aware that the situation could improve by the next scan and that I'm lucky that I can start at all ! She said my lining was '5' and that this was good for this stage (shedding).

I've got to ring up at 2pm to get result of blood test and get the official go-ahead and learn my dose and date of next appointment.

Great to hear from you kaye! How are you doing? I'm going to be on antagonist protocol.

Emz- it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who has to wait a while between scans. It wont be long til you start! Less than a week :happydance: xxxx
Just having a quick read and its amazing the difference between clinics as to monitoring, I go in for my baseline scan, then go in 5 days later for another scan then every other day after that until the day of trigger. Tbh it is a lot of arsing around especially with my clinic being 30 mins away (which when travelling in the rush hour after a night shift can take over an hour!) The scans are generally about 7/7.30am too (*yawn*)

Excited that most of us are getting to cycle this time round *hugs* to those that have to wait :hugs: x

Im now scared that i'll get af early. Have to have af start either late sunday or monday/tuesday, no earlier and no later :grr: i think this is the most stressful part! xx
Can anyone tell me why clinics have scans first thing in am?
One of mine is booked at 8.30 (we live 2 hours away from the clinic)
Is it necessary?
That's true, have they ever altered your dose during your regular scans up to day 8 of stimms? Or was it just for reassurance that all looked normal? Do they do bloods every couple of days as well? Xxxx

My dose got increased twice probably because things seemed to go a bit slow in the beginning but i think i may have been oversuppressed with the bcp. This time no bcp and starting at the highest stims so hopefully things go better! I got blood work done everytime i went in for a scan. My poor arms were so bruised!!
Jungle - hope you're not feeling too disheartened by the numbers. Quality over quantity for sure. And you never know what might happen after the first few days of stims. Hope all goes well on the call shortly so you can start! My clinic does more scans and blood work too. We go in Day 2, then Day 6 and then could be every day or every other day until trigger.

BMW - your poor arms! Hope you get to start soon and we are all cycling together!

Plex - will pray for AF to hold off for you a couple days so it fits it with your timing! Mine was delayed by basically 5 days - probably due to stress.

Star - how are you doing lovely? How are the injections? I bet you're getting used to them by now!

Chimmi - the clinic I go to does all monitoring early in the morning. We have to be there by 7am to get in line for first come first served on the bloods and ultrasounds. There are no "appointments". I will see how that goes tomorrow when I go for baseline scan.

Hi to everyone else! Great to see you checking in Kaye. How are you?

AFM - the witch is finally here! So will go for day 2 scan and bloods tomorrow and hopefully get started with injections tomorrow night!
Jungleland -- isnt paying the hardest part? Ugh. I always worry you pay and then get a scan and somethings wrong and you cant start stimming.. I wonder what happens then?

Dont be disappointed about how many follies were seen on your first scan. I know easier said than done! Now thinking about it i was never told how many i had at my first scan and i am not really sure i want to know. Its just too stressful and things will change throughout the cycle so why drive yourself crazy!! Someone once told me just take one day at a time, one scan at a time, one blood result at a time... All will go well!!! :)

Plex I had to go in every other day my last cycle and my appointments were generally around 7 so I would have to leave my house at like 6:15 and then when I got home id have to go to work! It was a long, tiring two weeks!!! And to think its about to happen soon again.... Ugh. Hope its for a positive result this time.

Hope you get af at the perfect timing!!!

Chimmi My doctors office has monitoring at 7-9 am. I think its just so they get blood results in the same day.

Psalm Yay for af!!! Good luck at your scan tomorrow. Hope all goes well so you can start stimming!! :)

AFM My temperature shot down this morning and i have my pre-af headache this morning so af should be here in a day or two!! Hopefully ill be joining you ladies soon hehe
Plex- I hope AF comes when you want it too! What would be the issue with it coming early?

Chimmi- I've always wondered why clinics all seem to scan early morning too! My clinic seem to do bloods/scans 8-930am (on a drop-in first come first served basis) then procedures 830-12 then consultations 12-5pm.

Beneath- I bet your arms were bruised! I bruise easily and my arm aches after this mornings blood draw, cant imagine having it done every other day!

Psalm- thanks hun :hugs: I feel ok now, ready to make the call. Great that you can go in tomorrow! We're 1day apart :) good luck! xxxx
Sorry beneath, I didnt see your last post before I sent mine. You are 100% right with the one day at a time quote, if they hadn't told me the number I would've been really satisfied with everything else. Ive realised as well that I would rather be pleasantly surprised and see more follicles later than be excited about a high number early on and then not get as many eggs as I'd been led to believe I would...

My clinic is unclear on what happens if the cycle has to be cancelled and the money side of things. It's a case by case basis for full or partial refunds

I'm officially injecting from tomorrow after my last phonecall :happydance: same dose as last time (200 gonal f) introducing cetrotide on tuesday and progress checkup not til a week on Saturday! XXXX
Great news jungle about starting and definitely dont worry about numbers now, quality always over quantity, so excited your starting now!

Emz, wishing time hurries up for you so you can start too, ive not been too bad at doing yhe injectons myself, quite suprised!

Kaye, I'm on short protocol too and same dose and meds as jungle :) how are you?

Psalm, hope baseline goes well tomorrow, another one to join this cycle, things are heating up in here! I'm ok thank you and getting used to injections but I'll let you know tomorrow after starting the cetrotide!

Beneath, hope you will be joining us too in the next couple of days

Plex, hope af comes at the time you need it too, why cant it come earlier or later?

Chimmi, I'm not sure about early am scans, mines at 11:40 tomorrow, I have baseline, days 5 scan then every other day, tomorrow I have work straight after so not looking forward to that but have a day off Saturday

Hope your all well xxx
Psalm - Yay for af!!! :happydance: xx

Chimmi - i know at my clinic my scan is super early as they do collections from 9am, transfers from 11am then general clinic after 2pm. Sometimes i go in after 5.30pm for a scan when the main clinic is closed. Depends on the workload i guess. Travelling a long distance sucks :( xx

BMW - Fxd af shows asap for you hun! Its awful all this travelling to and from clinics, i hate not getting into my bed until late. Generally speaking i have to get my mum to take me over as im too tired to drive that distance on my own. Hopefully this will be the last time we all have to travel to and from clinics for a cycle! xx

Jungle - My consultant is away on holiday until the 28th so will be more of a problem if af comes early as id have to see if the nurses could see me at short notice which they may or may not have room for me :shrug: If its late then hopefully my consultant will be understanding and see me the next day or whenever. Worst case would mean cancelling the cycle - i hope not!

Yay for starting injecting!! xx

Star - How u getting on with the injections? Are u due another scan soon? I already have my scan booked in and from what i can tell there may not be any other space for me to have a earlier or later scan - i hate worrying about stuff like this! xx

Afm - 6 days left!!!!
Plex, my scan is tomorrow morning, getting on ok with the gonal f, bit scared about the cetrotide starting tomoro as only just got used to the gonal f pen! Scared about scan too, just hope something is happening
Lets keep everything crossed af arrives at the right time for you, what day is it due? Xx
Star - Hopefully monday! Feel pretty crampy and periody at the moment though so think i may start sunday - hope not!!

The cetrotide isnt too bad really, funny i cant remember if it stings like the stims or not :shrug: its a pain doing 2 shots at the same time though :grr:

Are u feeling bloated at all? I found it hard to know what the heck was going on with my ovaries lol my last cycle i produced more eggs than my other cycles put together yet i felt no different during the stimming stage :shrug: its a weird thing ivf xx
Couple busy days with the family and this thread has skipped so far! I'm such a slacker in keeping up... LOL, FET is definitely more relaxed, during my fresh I was on here daily!
Hope everyone is OK and will start soon!

AFM - had a scan, bloodwork and pre-op yesterday. All good, our transfer is now set for Monday, the 27th! I got a couple days off for after the transfer to rest and that's probably the time I'll be here catching up to everyone! :) TWW can't come soon enough (though I'm sure I'll hate it once it starts :D )
Morana - Awesome that you have a date set for your transfer!! Fet does sound so much more easy going (im quite envious!) Will you be doing bed rest at all or just taking it easy? xx
Ah just to nip in. I'm always here lurking.

I had my full ivf in the summer and it was a dream. All went to plan nicely, 4 five day blasts and one put back in. - bfn.

This fet has been a nightmare. My lining won't grow because I've not had the stimulation drugs to created the eggs that send the message off to lining to get ready. It just won't thicken. I've tried everything. I've been taking a dose of eastrogen for days and all its done is my a small fibroid grow massive. Now I'm on cd24 my lining is only about 5. It was 6 but now it's shrunk. I'm taking steroids to shrink back the fibroid and hoping it will stop stealing the blood supply my lining needs.

I really thought a fet would be easy but it hasn't turned out that way. If my lining isn't greatly improved my Monday 28 my cycle will be cancelled.

I think it's just works out differently for everybody each time. On a positive note the embryos are frozen so they are still there to go through all of this again another month.

Hope everybody is doing ok?
Plex, I'm not feeling bloated at the moment, have felt some twinges in ovaries on and off but nothing too bad, yesterday felt sick all day and just tired really, kind of wish I felt a bit more happening but then I'd probably be moaning!

Morana, exciting you have your transfer date, hope all goes well for you :)

Lazy, sorry your having a hard time, hope the cycle doesnt have to be cancelled
But your right to keep thinking positive with your frosties xx
Morana - Awesome that you have a date set for your transfer!! Fet does sound so much more easy going (im quite envious!) Will you be doing bed rest at all or just taking it easy? xx
Just taking it easy, my clinic does not recommend bed rest. They do require to spend 30 min after transfer upside down, it was fun last time :D Half an hour with full bladder! upside down! not looking forward to that at all :wacko:

Lazydaisys, so sorry to hear about your lining... I have a fibroid too and it's been hovering just under 5cm mark for months now and doesn't seem like the estrogen I've been taking now had made any difference. It didn't prevent my lining from growing either. Is yours submucosal? Any plans to surgically remove it? Hope it shrinks and your lining grows in time!

Star, thanks! Good luck with the stims, they really can be a pain sometimes!
Jungleland -- a cancelled cycle always freaks me out!... Got a call from the financial office today and turns out I had a 1,500 credit from my last cycle since I had no embyros to freeze so I can deduct that from next payment. Better than nothing. Even though I would have loved frozen embyros over 1,500!! Ugh. Maybe this time. Fx!

Yay for starting injections tomorrow!!!!

Morana -- Hii :wave: I just joined the thread few days ago!! Good luck on your transfer!! =)

Lazydaisys -- Sorry to hear your lining is still not thickening up!! Praying for you.

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