ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Just realised your night out is next weekend so the 'go sober for october' excuse wont wash! Go sober for november doesn't have the same ring to it! xxxx
Hi all! Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days - I have been reading through the thread I promise!

Glad to see everyone is getting on well.

Pinkie - good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well at the scan tomorrow.

Welcome Keri. This is a great group of ladies.

Beneath - hope your scan goes well tomorrow. I don't have to go again until Wednesday, but then could be going in every day! How are your arms doing? The nurse I had on Friday did a real number on my left arm … yuck!

AFM - so far my MIL has been doing my injections. I didn't really ask her to, but she is a Dr. so I am happy enough for now to have her help me out. She is also insisting on cooking food for me to keep me healthy, which is super sweet of her to do. Have any of you been having symptoms on the injections? So far the only thing I seem to have is a headache. Any tips?
Hi all! Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days - I have been reading through the thread I promise!

Glad to see everyone is getting on well.

Pinkie - good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well at the scan tomorrow.

Welcome Keri. This is a great group of ladies.

Beneath - hope your scan goes well tomorrow. I don't have to go again until Wednesday, but then could be going in every day! How are your arms doing? The nurse I had on Friday did a real number on my left arm … yuck!

AFM - so far my MIL has been doing my injections. I didn't really ask her to, but she is a Dr. so I am happy enough for now to have her help me out. She is also insisting on cooking food for me to keep me healthy, which is super sweet of her to do. Have any of you been having symptoms on the injections? So far the only thing I seem to have is a headache. Any tips?

Thanks, hun. I didn't get a count on follies at my base scan, and I didn't ask because I didn't want to start stressing so I am anxious to see how many are in there tomorrow! My arm is okay. SO far only one blood test, but getting another one tomorrow. Fun fun! The guy who did mine is great and hope he is there again tomorrow. Sorry your nurse was sucky!!!!

So nice of your MIL doing your injections and cooking you food. I guess not all MIL's are bad!!! lol. I am not feeling much of anything either because the three sharp pinches I felt earlier this morning and the tiredness. Hope your headache gets better :hugs:
Thanks Beneath. Trying to drink tons of water (I usually do anyway) to try to stave off the headache. I didn't get a follie count at my baseline either. Hopefully they will give me a count on Wednesday! Fx you have a good number tomorrow. And hope you get the guy to do your blood again.

Yes my MIL is being great at the moment (she just really wants a grandchild I think). She is good to me so I can't complain, that doesn't mean she doesn't drive me bananas most of the time too :wacko: I don't have my parents here in the US, so it's nice to have some family near by.
Thats sweet psalm, ive been having a few headaches but mainly at work which is pretty normal!
Ive been having twinges in ovaries and today I'm definitely feeling it, feel quite bloated and like ive been doing sit ups, at work at mo, roll on 8pm
Also sometimes I'm getting a bit of an itchy/prickly patch on my forehead and some
Red patches on my nose and down either side, not attractive but it doesn't stay long then it goes again

Beneath, hope all goes well tomorrow, looking forward to all our updates :)
Hi all, I dont think I've never had a headache symptom during any of my cycles (thankfully) but lots of water is a good thing durig stimms, I'm drinking loads, I have a glass in front of me all day and wake up parched so I have a glass on the bedside too.

That's really lovely of your MIL Psalm (whatever her motives), I'm currently getting some TLC at my mums at the mo :)

Good luck tomorrow Beneath! I'm looking forward to your update!

I've got some slight bruising on my left arm from my last blood test but I've got a week for it to settle down before my next appointment thankfully.

I've got no other stimming symptoms yet, my last day with 'just' Gonal F is tomorrow before I introduce the cetrotide on Tuesday.

What bugs me about Gonal F is that they give me two 900dose pre-filled pens (just enough to get me to my checkup next saturday at 200 a day) which means on one of the days ive got to have double injection (100 out of one pen and 100 out of another!) Boo! So we did the double this morning so that I dont have to do a triple with the cetrotide later in the week! Does anyone else have his annoying problem?! Xxxx
Ive got 2 900 pens and 1 300 pen, that takes me to weds so hoping 10 days of stimms is enough, at the moment it works out ill have to do the double on weds morning :( didnt think to do it before starting the cetrotide! If I need more days of stimms I'll have to order some for next day delivery
It is a pain!
It's such a pain isn't it! If I'd have thought it through properly I'd have advised you to do it before you started cetrotide Star, sorry! It's things like this that you dont learn from the docs/nurses in the clinic ;) xxxx
Ahh dont worry jungle, youve already given me loads of great advice, I did realise I'd have to do 2 lots but my brain didn't let me think to do it before the cetrotide
Another little drop came out just now and I'm sure there were no air bubbles, it really stings!
I think if there's a bit of liquid on the tip when you put it in that's what irritates the skin the most, however if you were to wipe it off you'd be contaminating the needle which is a no-no, so I think grin and bear it is the only way forward, it'll soon be over! :hugs: xxxx
Scan went well, 27 follicles, going back wed and if all ok EC will be Friday
She said I didnt need to order more meds as have enough for weds am so she must think all will be ok for fri, on weds also doing blood test to check estrogen levels in case risk of ohss due to amount of follicles

Hope everyone else is ok? Xx
Star -- awesome news! Fx for er on Friday!!

AFM -- just got back from my scan. Doctor said I had a couple small ones on each side. Dh was with me and was looking at the screen and he said he saw a bunch on each side. Itll be my fourth injection tonight so hope ill get more of a number next scan!!
Wow Star - huge number! Hope that they are monitoring you carefully for OHSS. Drink lots of water. I bet Friday can't come soon enough.

Beneath - glad your scan went well. Grow follies grow!

Jungle - great advice. I am on such a low dose of Follistim that I only have the one pen. But if they decide to up my dose at all, I can see what a great idea you have. I take it that no one else's clinic told them to use the pen to inject into the Menopur to mix together and then just top it up with the solution to get the 1cc of liquid? Just mine then. I guess that makes me lucky that until I add the Ganirelix, I only have one injection a day.

AFM - doing ok. Been feeling twinges on either side a bit like the ovulation pain I have, so I am hoping that's the follies growing. MIL is really being wonderful. She cooked food for me again yesterday, and gave me two lunches for the week to add to the lunch she already gave me on Saturday (so I am pretty much set!) She really does treat me like her daughter, which is truthfully amazing.

hi all!! - just popping by to see how u all are :hugs:

Star - great number of follicles hun! How are u feeling? Very bloated? Exciting that collection is friday! xx

BMW - Ur scan sounds frustrating :( how can they say u only had a couple when ur hubby saw lots? Maybe they were only counting the largest ones? Either way im hooping those other ones catch up asap! xx

Psalm - Ur MIL sounds awesome!! Having her around must be a real help :) How u getting on? xx

Jungle - good luck for adding the cetrotide tonight! How r the injections going? xx

Pinkie - Yay for af!! Are you starting today? Exciting! To avoid drinking on a night out id say that i needed to drive such and such somewhere first thing in the morning so had to stay sober for that - works most of the time for me! xx

Keri - good luck hun! xx

Im impatiently waiting for af to show herself! dont know if there is anything i can do to self induce? :grr: hate waiting!
Psalm -- Your MIL sounds awesome!!!!

Plex -- Last cycle I didn't get a number of follies until like my third scan, which will be my next scan. The first two scans they just look to make sure everything is okay. It's still so early things can change from scan to scan, so they don't count until they get bigger and when they do count they only count the bigger ones, so I guess he wasn't really looking at the small ones lol.. who knows. I don't like knowing numbers early on because I get stressed out about it and don't want to do that to myself yet. Onto the next scan!!

Hope af shows soon!!
Star- those are amazing HUGE numbers! By way of comparison, I'm on exactly the same protocol as you (even down to the same dose) and I had only 9 eggs and 11 eggs out of my first two rounds (out of no more than 12ish follicles)! My bloods are always in normal range (plus I have 28day cycles with regular ovulation and no cysts/lining issues etc) and I'm still considered young (30 y/o) and given the history from your signature this is really amazing news! I echo Psalm's advice about drinking lots of water though to stave off OHSS.

Beneath- good news that your OH could see bunches, that's exactly what they look like isnt it! Bunches of black grapes! I dont think the nurses realise how much we hang on their every word, there's a big difference between 'a couple', 'a few', a 'lot' etc and everyone's interpretation is different!

Psalm- I've had some ovary feelings today too, but I'd describe it more as an ache, I've been out shopping with my mum so might be because I've been on my feet more than usual

Plex- great news that AF didn't arrive early for you though :happydance: but I hope it arrives very soon for you now, have you still got pre-AF symptoms? Injections are going well, much more like my 1st cycle than my 2nd cycle (where I struggled with bruising and redness) but the cetrotide comes tomorrow early morning so I shouldn't speak too soon!

Jungleland -- So true about everyone's interpretation being different. I went in knowing I most likely won't have a lot of follies since I only had 7 last cycle... but hoping I do get a couple more since I didn't do bcp this time. I am really going for quality over quantity!!
Me too Beneath, my early count was 5 on one side 3 on the other so hoping for better news on saturday for my next scan but I was reassured that they were all the same starting size so hoping for a good quality mature egg in each one :) xxxx
Me too Beneath, my early count was 5 on one side 3 on the other so hoping for better news on saturday for my next scan but I was reassured that they were all the same starting size so hoping for a good quality mature egg in each one :) xxxx

Fx for us both!!!!

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