ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Back from my transfer and still super sleepy from Valium... So did not catch up yet. Both my frozen embryos survived the thawing so both are in (grades 3bb and 4bc). Now it's up to them to make mommy happy :D
Back from my transfer and still super sleepy from Valium... So did not catch up yet. Both my frozen embryos survived the thawing so both are in (grades 3bb and 4bc). Now it's up to them to make mommy happy :D

Good luck!!!!
It's all starting to get busy on here now. I'm back in the game! My lining has increased from 5 to to 8.5 for my fet. My transfer is booked in for a weeks time. Happy days! Hope everybody else doing well.
It's all starting to get busy on here now. I'm back in the game! My lining has increased from 5 to to 8.5 for my fet. My transfer is booked in for a weeks time. Happy days! Hope everybody else doing well.

Thats awesome news!!!!!
Morana - fx crossed for you. Hope the embies stick!

Lazy - great to see you back on track. Any tricks that you did to increase your lining?

Beneath, glad to see you are doing well, my dh wouldn't have a clue what hes looking at!

Psalm, I'm keeping everything crossed ohss stays away! glad to hear your being well looked after :)

Plex, I'm feeling bloated now and cannot wait til Fri, hope af shows for you soon, try intercourse or exercising?

Jungle, I'm trying to drink lots, as soon as I need a wee though I have to go straight away otherwise feels more bloated and uncomfortable, good luck with the cetrotide tomorrow, I'm sure you do better than me with it!
My lining was 8.88mm today so gone up a bit

Morana, great news, hope your little embies are sticky xx

Lazydaisys, glad to hear you are doing well too, good luck for transfer xx
Good luck morana!!
I can't wait to start my injections and feel like in actually doing something!!
Lazydaisys - amazing news! Yay for your lining! Now concentrate on relaxing before next week :)

Morana - congrats on being PUPO!! Fingers crossed you've got 2 sticky embies. Valium sounds amazing too, we don't get offered anything like that at my clinic! Not even for EC, and we get no drugs at all for a transfer

Star- I'm weeing all the time too haha xxxx
How long does ec take and how long are you there for? I read about having a suppository of something for pain after ec but cant remember what of xx
Glad to see things are still looking good on this thread and scans and follicles are looking nice and healthy ladies. Star that is one big number! Plex, Chimmi hope you don't have to wait much longer to get started, why does time always go slower when you're waiting for something.

Morana - congratulations on your PUPO!! and lazydaisey, amazing news.

Thanks for all the suggestions to avoid drinking the weekend, I went with the 'I have an early start Sunday' my family don't live near me so its a good excuse.

AFM, done my first injection tonight and got my first scan booked for next Monday. Had acupuncture again tonight and he told me to do some breathing exercises for 10 mins each day that I thought I'd share with you. Put one hand on top of the other on the lower part of your stomach, take a deep breath in through your nose but let your tummy rise (I found this difficult at first but got use to it), then breath out through your mouth and let your stomach fall, continue to do this while relaxing. Apparently its a type of meditation that focuses energy to the important areas. If it helps then its worth a try :flower:
Wow. This board has been super active! I have been trying to follow along but I have not posted in quite awhile.

I am doing Lupron injections nightly and am now on Estrace in preparation for my FET. I had a baseline ultrasound and blood work two days ago and everything looked ok. I go back a week from today for another us and more blood work. My transfer will be in 16 days if all goes well!

Wishing lots of luck to everyone this cycle!
Pinkie, Im getting a bit scared of my big number lol, just dont want to get ohss
Well done on starting the injectons now, hope Monday's scan goes well and thank u for the breathing tip :) xx

Doxie, glad to hear all going well, not long til transfer xx
Wow. This board has been super active! I have been trying to follow along but I have not posted in quite awhile.

I am doing Lupron injections nightly and am now on Estrace in preparation for my FET. I had a baseline ultrasound and blood work two days ago and everything looked ok. I go back a week from today for another us and more blood work. My transfer will be in 16 days if all goes well!

Wishing lots of luck to everyone this cycle!

Good luck hun!!!
Thanks BMW! Good luck to you too! Can't believe we are back at it!
Star- my EC day looks like this-

- 8am arrival at clinic, get private room
- 8:30am strip off into gown, nurse puts canula in my arm
- 8:45am paracetamol intravenously (takes 15mins)
- 9:00am doc and embryologist come in and introduce themselves and we sign a final consent form
- 9:10am into theatre
- 9:15am get fentanyl painkiller intravenously which makes my whole body go cold and floaty
- 9:20am doc preps me (speculum in, alcohol swabs in and around the cervix), there are 4 other people in the room (doc, nurse who assists with eggs, nurse who assists with passing stuff to the doc, my OH) then there's the embryologist who's in the next room through a hatch
- 9:30am procedure starts - doc attaches egg extractor to the internal US scanner and accesses each ovary through the vaginal wall. I suck on gas and air whilst he goes through the vaginal wall (once on each side) which is the worst bit but the pain doesn't last long. I've had one doc who extracts one egg at a time, passing what's called an aspirate (test tube of liquid) which is the contents of a follicle through the hatch where the embryologist looks under microscope and says whether or not there's an egg in each aspirate. The second doc I had just filled about 4 bigger test tubes with the whole contents of both ovaries so all the eggs were together. This was harder to get an egg count as you go along. I hold OHs hand throughout and watch each follicle being drained on the ultrasound scanner (you can literally see each follicle drain from a black grape-like shape to nothing)
- 9:40am when they've done, doc removes speculum etc and embryologist shouts through a final egg count
- 10:30am after relaxing, canula is removed, progesterone schedule is explained, I get a heat pack for my belly, embryologist comes in and explains that OHs sperm has defrosted properly and the sperm and eggs are washed ready for ICSI and we go home xxxx
Star-to clarify, I don't have a suppository for pain at any point

Pinkie- another thing to add to your breathing advice is to breathe in for a count of 3 and exhale for count of 4. Apparently breathing out for longer than you breathe in enables a deeper feeling of relaxation :) I've been doing a lot of meditation recently and I think it really helps

Doxie- good to hear that you're on track to your FET!

Whoops, I forgot my own update lol!

AFM- 1 cetrotide injection down, 4 or 5 more to go! It itches a lot but it's fine :) xxxx
I was told I have to have two suppositories before EC (one antibiotic and one painkiller)
My hubby isn't allowed to be in the room during EC but he can be during the transfer and can take a photo of the embryo? Lol wish he could be there to hold my hand during EC as that's the bit I'm dreading..
Wow thank you jungle, I'm a bit confused though as my information pack on it says I'll have a sedative and a painkiller intravenously and that I'll be heavily sedated and wont remember much of whats gone on but it sounds like you will be able to concentrate on whats happening, do clinics do things differently? It then says as I wake up I will be given a volterol suppository

Chimmi, I'm dreading it too, sure we will be fine though and like everything else we have to go through it will be over before we know it xx

Glad cetrotide went well :) xx

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