ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

I'm feeling bloated Beneath but I'm also drinking loads of water so it might be a mixture of the two. I've had achey ovaries rather than pinching and I've not slept through the night for the last 2 nights due to thirst/needing to pee but other than that I feel normal xxxx

Fx these are good signs for us!! Ive been soooo exhausted!!!
Beneath and Jungle - I have been getting pinching in both ovaries but particularly the left one. I haven't slept through the night since I started injections. I thought it was just me being an insomniac but apparently it is a symptom. Nothing I can't handle. I really hope it's all working for us all!!

Beneath - do you go back for another u/s and bloodwork tomorrow? I am up at 5am to get to the clinic for 7am tomorrow. They should give me the update on follies and also whether I can start the Ganirelix. Hope so! Can't believe we are half way through (hopefully) the injections already.

Star - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Hopefully you are all set for Friday. :hugs:
Beneath and Jungle - I have been getting pinching in both ovaries but particularly the left one. I haven't slept through the night since I started injections. I thought it was just me being an insomniac but apparently it is a symptom. Nothing I can't handle. I really hope it's all working for us all!!

Beneath - do you go back for another u/s and bloodwork tomorrow? I am up at 5am to get to the clinic for 7am tomorrow. They should give me the update on follies and also whether I can start the Ganirelix. Hope so! Can't believe we are half way through (hopefully) the injections already.

Star - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Hopefully you are all set for Friday. :hugs:

So I guess the pinching is common.. hoping it means we have some nice follies growing in there!! I get it here and there, but overall feeling achy and extremely tired!

I go in tomorrow for blood and sono as well at 7:45. I had to reorder meds today and got my Ganirelix in just in case. Last cycle I started my Ganirelex on day 8 of stims so that would be Friday if it goes the same this cycle. We shall see!!!
Good luck with your scans today ladies! At least 3 of you are going in today :)
I look forward to your updates and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for lots of good-looking evenly sized follies, good nurses who can take blood from you without bruising and no signs of OHSS!! :hugs:


I'm tired too Psalm, I thought it had something to do with us UK ladies putting the clocks back an hour at the weekend, but it probably has more to do with the stimming

How's everyone else doing? xxxx
Good luck with the scans ladies. All this waiting is driving me mad. I don't know how I'm going to cope with the tww. I'm still only on the nasal spray I've not started stimme yet.

I've just come back from my down reg scan & its not going too well, apparently my lining is too thick so I might have to keep sniffing the nasal spray for a while longer so everything might be delayed for a week. The hospital are going to ring later & let me know my blood test results & what we need to do next.

Everyone else seems to be going along well, I have tried to catch up with everything but there was a lot of posts to get through xx
Emz - Sorry that you might have to keep on sniffing for longer. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get some answers later today. If you're delayed it's all because they want to get you in the optimal position for the IVF to work :hugs:

Keri - the waiting drove me nuts too. It's still driving me crazy, but I am trying to take each milestone as a "mini-win" and so I just keep counting down to each separate thing I have to do. Now I have to go in again on Friday and am just on 2 day countdown. Keep us updated!

Jungle - thanks for wishes for the scan. Hope we both start to get some sleep soon! I have been taking melatonin since the beginning of the stimms because there are some excellent studies out there of the benefits of taking it during an IVF cycle. But even that isn't helping me to sleep. So my MIL cooked up a "tea" last night that she swears by. She is Syrian originally and this is what they drink to keep them warm in the winter. It is simply boiling cumin and anise together in a kettle and then letting the spices drop to the bottom of the pot. It doesn't taste too bad either. She recommends putting honey or lemon in to taste if that's what you're into.

AFM - scan went well. Doctor said I am responding well. I have a retroverted uterus (so got to look up what that means today) and have a 15mm, 14mm, 12mm and 3 11mm follies plus a bunch under 10/around 10mm, so excited about the progress! I start the Ganirelix tonight and go back in on Friday for a follow up.

Let us know how you are all getting on!! xoxo
Keri- waiting is so frustrating isn't it, we've all been there! And i agree that there is no worse wait than the 2 week wait!

Emz- sorry to hear about your appointment, hopefully this afternoons call will mean that you can stay on track but if you can't then I believe it's meant to be hun. Patience really is a virtue in this game :hugs:

Psalm- I'd not heard about the melatonin, is it like a vitamin tablet? The tea sounds very tasty! I think a retroverted uterus is tilted and affects 1 in 4 women but is very unlikely to affect fertility/pregnancy :hugs:
It looks like you've git a healthy number of follies growing! :happydance: xxxx
Jungle - thanks lovely! :happydance: Hope you get a good progress report on Saturday too. Yes melatonin is available in the vitamin aisle at any store (Tesco probably has it) and you just take one 3mg tablet at night. It is meant to be a natural sleep aid, but like I said hasn't really been doing anything for me. But definitely the special tea did!
Oh and you are right. A retroverted uterus is a title uterus. I can't believe no one has ever said this before? Not even the dr on Friday when I had my first u/s. Anyway, it's nothing to be worried about and apparently during pregnancy, the uterus will typically tilt forwards around 10-12 weeks. So we will see!
Good news on scan psalm :)

I'll catch up properly at home, just a quick update after scan and I'm so annoyed as looks like we wikk be doing a freeze all due to ohss :(((
35 follicles and 24 of good size so thats a positive, nurse took bloods for estrogen levels but she told me to inject with buserelin at 9:30 tonight instead of ovetrille so planning for a freeze all, if bloods dont come back as bad as expected she will phone and the plan will change back to transfer next week, I'm so disappointed, theres already free fluid on scan thats leaked so transfer not likely xt. Week, also egg collection could be more painful due to the amount so I'm dreading it even more!

Glad to see you are all doing well xxx
Forgot to add that fet wouldn't happen til Jan :(
Star - sorry to hear that you may need to do a freeze all, but OHSS is no joke. Please take care of yourself and let us know what you hear back later today. :hugs: Did they give you any advice on what you need to do with respect to the OHSS? xoxo
Emz -- Sorry you might have a delay in starting, but a week will fly back!! Hang in there.

Psalm -- Awesome news on your scan and getting to start Ganirelex!! You're moving alone nicely =)

Star -- Sorry to hear about the OHSS and having to do a freeze all! I know the waiting sucks, but at least you will get better before putting your precious embie/s back in!!! Praying for you.

AFM -- Scan went okay today. Im responding a little slow like last cycle, but hopefully they will shoot up at once like they did last time. Doctor said I had more follies time than on Monday, and they are a little bigger, but not too much. The good thing is that they are all around the same size so they will all grow at the same time and be the same size hopefully. So as of now there are three on each side that she counted. Fx I see some more progress on the next scan!! Just trying to stay positive.
Psalm- yes it is strange that they haven't mentioned your uterus tilt at previous appointments, but perhaps it's so common that they dont think it's necessary to bring it up? Who knows!

Beneath- that's good progress hun, with even-sized follicles there's much more chance of finding a mature egg in each one so there's a massive positive for you :)

Star- I'm sorry about your delayed transfer :( I know this is very disappointing for you but I have heard far more success stories on this forum for post-OHSS FETs than for normal IVF cycles. It's sooo important to make sure your body is in a good place to carry a baby for a healthy 9months. You'll hopefully also have a large number of frosties by the middle of next week. Your future family on ice <3

AFM- ever since you girls mentioned 'pinching' I've started feeling that in my ovaries! Not sure if it's in my head or if it's real! Xxxx
Psalm- yes it is strange that they haven't mentioned your uterus tilt at previous appointments, but perhaps it's so common that they dont think it's necessary to bring it up? Who knows!

Beneath- that's good progress hun, with even-sized follicles there's much more chance of finding a mature egg in each one so there's a massive positive for you :)

Star- I'm sorry about your delayed transfer :( I know this is very disappointing for you but I have heard far more success stories on this forum for post-OHSS FETs than for normal IVF cycles. It's sooo important to make sure your body is in a good place to carry a baby for a healthy 9months. You'll hopefully also have a large number of frosties by the middle of next week. Your future family on ice <3

AFM- ever since you girls mentioned 'pinching' I've started feeling that in my ovaries! Not sure if it's in my head or if it's real! Xxxx

That is true, hun! I need to look at the positives!!! Hope your pinching means you have lots of follies growing =)
Beneath, glad scan went well, sounds like your follicles are coming along nicely

Thank you ladies, you've made me feel better, ive waited long enough a little longer wont hurt, I keep trying to focus on the positives and remembering that at least I responded, just a bit too well!
Sorry to here this star. It's frustrating xx

Beneath - steady progress is good. Mine were very steady and not too many. They even found an unexpected few extra hiding in there are egg retrieval. I thought I had 6 reasonable ones and they collected 11. Then five fertilised and four survived. One went back in and bfn and now three are frozen. X
Well the hospital have just rang & I've got to keep sniffing for another week & then go back for another scan to see how the lining is doing. Fingers crossed it'll be thinner next week & I can start stimming.

Star - sorry to hear that you might have to freeze all yours, but you have to make sure your ok first before anything else.

Beneath - your scan sounds positive, slow & steady wins the race.

Thanks, girls. I felt a little blah this morning, but you have definitely made me feel better!!

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