ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Lol jungle it did thank you :) ive gone back to taking things one step at a time again instead of worrying about everything ( we'll trying to!)
How is the stimming? Not long now til your scan

Bumpsparkle, how often do complete update you on the embryos?

Also is egg collection counted as day 1 ?
Stimming is still going well. A bit tired and bloated with occasional ovary ache/pinching but all good. Looking forward to the scan on Saturday morning. My friend's visiting from tonight until Saturday morning so I'm sure the time will fly!

Day1 in my clinic is classed as the day AFTER egg collection.

So my clinic ring as follows -
Day after EC (day 1) - fertilisation update (they confirm how many they retrieved and how many were mature enough to be injected with sperm, followed by how many of those fertilised)

Day 2 - they ring to say how many have successfully made it to day 2

Day 3 - they ring to say how many have successfully made it to day 3

Day 4 - no update (because Day 4 embryos are very difficult to grade)

Day 5 - they ring to say how many made it into blastocysts, what their grades are and how many they're going to freeze

Bumpsparkle might be able to give you an idea about how the same clinic does it but that's what mine do. At any point during the above if there's a clear front runner, they'd call me in for transfer (either day 2, 3 or 5) but for you it's all about the end result. Lots of nice blastocysts to freeze hopefully :)

Hope that helps xxxx
Beneath- I hope you're feeling ok today :) I'm not familiar with ganirelex but if it's like cetrotide it's purpose is to stop you ovulating early so it's not dependent on folly size

Star- I hope you're ok honey, your body definitely responded 'too well' but there was nothing you could do to prevent it. Trust your embryologist to look after your eggs and embies well while you rest up. Good luck for tomorrow, you'll be absolutely fine :hugs:

Lazydaisys- your embryo development rate on your first ivf was really good! For 4 of 5 that fertilised to get to transfer/freeze is really really good. It gives me hope that if we get a smaller number of eggs this time we'll still have a chance to get some embryos to freeze :)

Emz- fingers crossed that the sniffing for 1 more week does the trick, I hope time flies for you while you're waiting to get started

Plex- great news that AF is here and you can get started :happydance: you've got the same day2 follicle count as me :)

Bumpsparkle- great to hear from you and that you're feeling more like yourself again :)

Psalm- cetrotide is going really well thanks :) I feel like a pro now ;) my nurse did also advise to inject near the hip which I avoided in my earlier cycles because I didnt think I could pinch enough, but I'm finding it really easy and less painful to inject there than in the chubbiest area either side of tummy button xxxx

Thanks hun! Im feeling fine. Did my first Ganirelix today by myself! Thankfully its a pretty painless injection, the needle is a little dull so i have to stab a little harder and then it just aches for a little while after but not soo bad. Ganirelix is to stop ovulation as well.
Thank you jungle, that does help, I'm hoping for daily updates but I'll find out tomorrow xx
Hi ladies! Do you mind if I join you? We had our first icsi cycle in September. From an embryology point of view, it was perfect - 9 eggs fertilised, 9 blastocysts, 1 transferred and 7 of the remaining 8 frozen. But it didn't work... Which wasn't so perfect :(

I had lining issues - it only got to 7.6mm and then started getting thinner :( my gp has referred me for a hysteroscopy, but we're doing an FET in the meantime, in the hopes that my lining will respond differently.

My period came today, so I've started taking norethisterone and tomorrow I start injecting buserilin. Does anyone know whether it matters what time of day you do the buserilin injections? It would be convenient to do it in the evening, but if wasn't sure if it made any difference... Probably not... But I seem to worry about everything! Lol. I did short protocol for my fresh cycle, so I didn't have to take buserilin last time.

My transfer should be the first week of December, if all goes ok.

Nice to "see" some familiar faces in here! Doxie and BMW - here we go again, eh?
Hi ladies! Do you mind if I join you? We had our first icsi cycle in September. From an embryology point of view, it was perfect - 9 eggs fertilised, 9 blastocysts, 1 transferred and 7 of the remaining 8 frozen. But it didn't work... Which wasn't so perfect :(

I had lining issues - it only got to 7.6mm and then started getting thinner :( my gp has referred me for a hysteroscopy, but we're doing an FET in the meantime, in the hopes that my lining will respond differently.

My period came today, so I've started taking norethisterone and tomorrow I start injecting buserilin. Does anyone know whether it matters what time of day you do the buserilin injections? It would be convenient to do it in the evening, but if wasn't sure if it made any difference... Probably not... But I seem to worry about everything! Lol. I did short protocol for my fresh cycle, so I didn't have to take buserilin last time.

My transfer should be the first week of December, if all goes ok.

Nice to "see" some familiar faces in here! Doxie and BMW - here we go again, eh?

Hi, hun! Glad you have joined us.. hoping this cycle is more lucky for us!!!! Wishing you lots of luck!!!
Nice to see you are joining us Ostara! Praying for good outcomes for us all this time!
Ostara I was told to take my buserelin injection at the same time every morning (they didn't say why) but she did say that some people demand to take it in the evening, which they do. So it's obviously possible..!

I gave my manager my dates for time off work that I need, also having two weeks off from the end of stimming/ER..
Start my injections a week today, so won't be long now..!
Dixie and BMW, good luck to you too! Fingers crossed for all of us!

Thanks chimmi, I think I will do the buserilin in the morning. At least it's out of the way then, I guess! Lol
Star - they will call you on Sat to let you know how many have fertilised overnight and this is counted as day 1 (day after EC)
You don't usually get a call on day 2 (Sunday) as they like to leave them in peace that day.

You should then get a call on day 3 (Monday) to let you know how many are still going strong and at the right stage (I think they told me they should be 7 cells or more at day 3).

Day 4 is again a no update day and then day 5 (weds) they will call to let you know how many have made it to blast and will be frozen. They do eek any slower embies out to day 6 to give them every chance to get where they need to.

So it's usually only day 2 and 4 you don't get an update but things may be different for you as you're using the embryoscope so you may get additional updates as they won't actually need to take them in and out! We were gutted that we didn't make the criteria for the shake trial!

Tons of luck for EC tomorrow. Hope you get loads of lovely jubbly eggs :)
Anyone going in for a scan tomorrow? Super nervous for mine. Hoping I see some progress!

Star -- Good luck tomorrow, hun!!! Will be thinking of you :hugs:
Star - Good luck for your EC today fingers crossed that all goes well.
Thank you for all your good lick wishes, means alot :)

I'm still here but all went well and 23 eggs collected!
Just spoke to embryologist who said she wants to do half normal ivf and half icsi because ive been trying so long so said it could be the sperm and egg arent binding together but to do both will show if this is the case or not, she said it's a small chance but even though sample was fine doing half icsi will show the difference in fertilisation from the normal ivf ones
Just had another blood test and have to come back Monday for check up cos of the ohss, also got sexy white stockings to wear until told otherwise!
Have to carry on with the cetrotide too and some other meds which sucks to stop the ohss getting worse, thought I was done with the injectons!

Welcome ostara!

Hope your all well xx
Star - Amazing number of eggs hun! Really hope u manage to stop ohss in its tracks! Its not nice at all :nope: good thing to delay the transfer as it gets a lot worse if u get ur bfp :hugs: Horrible that u have to continue the shots aswell - roll on January for ur transfer though hun!!! :hugs: rest up - hope u feel tons better soon xx
Star - great number of eggs and glad you have a plan in place for the fertilization. Sounds like the clinic has a good plan for you. Rest up and hope the injections stop soon :hugs: Great advice from Bumpsparkle!

Plex - how are you getting on hun?

Ostara, Doxie - hi! Hope you both get better outcomes this time around, it's such a rollercoaster.

Emz - how are you doing? Hope your lining is getting thinner and you will be ready to start next week.

Jungle - ready for your scan tomorrow? How are your side effects? I really have started to feel "full" the last couple of days and just generally a bit uncomfortable, but it's nothing we can't handle.

Beneath - did you have a scan and bloods this morning? I feel like I am finally getting used to waking up at 5am and being there for 7am (ugh). Getting used to the nurses etc. How's the ganirelix treating you?

AFM - had another scan this morning and follies are growing. My largest is 20mm, a couple more at 18mm and 17mm, so they have just told me to keep on the same dosage and come back tomorrow. Now all I have to do today is quit my job (that should be exciting)!!

BMW -how'd ur scan go today hun? How r u getting on with the injections? xx

Doxie / Ostara - :hi: good luck for ur cycles! xx

Chimmi - yay for starting! Its great that ur manager has let u have time off :thumbup: Im off from the 11th November with collection on the 12/13 :D times gunna fly by now we've started! xx

Bump - how r u feeling now? Ohss symptoms nearly gone now or are u still suffering? xx

Jungle - hehe thats what i was thinking - 8 follies was the same as ur count :D hopefully 8 is our lucky number! Hows things going? xx

Psalm - Sounds like u scan went well hun! xx

Lazy - How are u doin hun? xx

Keri - How much longer do u have to wait? xx

Emz - Do u have a scan appointment soon to check to see if u can start on the stimms? xx

Afm, sorry my replies seems really basic and blunt :( i always seem to be checking stuff on here on the run so to speak lol
3rd day of stimms for me. Trying to put a lot more protein into my diet which is HARD! drinking 400mls of milk a day, eating lots of meat although i dont know how long i can keep that up for as i feel a bit sick :dohh:

:dust: to everyone lets hope our cycles are good uns!! xx
Hi girls.. my scan didn't go so well today. Had a good cry on the way home. Out of 6 follies only 3-4 have grown since my last scan. Feeling pretty helpless and hopeless at the moment :(
Beneath - so sorry to hear that. Have they given any explanation? Have they told you to change your meds or anything, or are you waiting to hear from the nurse. We are here for you lovely. :hugs:
BMW - :hugs: sounds like my second cycle hun, I had 4 dissapearing follies but they collected 3, 2 fertilized. I had one put back day 2 and the other made it to freeze. All the number crunching in this process is so upsetting :hugs: That cycle did end in a chemical though.

What was ur first ivf like follicle wise? Im thinking of u both and praying for this cycle to still turn out to be a good one :hugs: xxx
Beneath - so sorry to hear that. Have they given any explanation? Have they told you to change your meds or anything, or are you waiting to hear from the nurse. We are here for you lovely. :hugs:

I had a slow start last cycle as well and then they all grew at once so we are hoping that will happen again. Im on highest dose of meds so i cant raise my dosage. Waiting to hear on blood work results from the nurse later today.

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