ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Star - We had a next day delivery for cetrotide on a Sat that didn't turn up until about 6 or 7pm. I'm guessing it was the same company so hopefully they'll still arrive.

We do have a spare cetrotide left over if you get really stuck as I only took 4 of the 5 post egg collection injections for OHSS as I forgot to use the last one and was feeling better anyway and my period came early so assumed my hormone levels had dropped.

Congrats on so many eggs and brilliant fertilisation rates! You're detail of the egg collection freaked me out a bit becoz I never remember anything once the horrible cannula is in and they give me sleepy drugs straight away. Being we are at the same clinic, it's weird to think all that is usually going on whilst I'm asleep!!

How are you feeling today? They mentioned something about bed socks to me but never actually gave me any to take home! I'm guessing they just forgot thank goodness lol!
Jungle - im praying that some other follicles catch up over the next couple of days and contain mature eggies!! I really hope all goes better than expected on Monday for you :hugs: xx
Jungle - really sorry but hopefully you can stay positive. It's so hard to believe when people say it only takes 1, but that really is true! I understand how the numbers game can mess with your head though. So much growing will still be taking place today and tomorrow (especially with the trigger boost) so it's definitely possible that they'll find more than 3 on Monday.

Keep your chin up x
Jungle, I heard the lady next to me ( wasnt eavesdropping) but they were talking quite loud that she was hoping to get 4 and actually got 8 xxx

Bumpsparkle, thank you for the reasurrance, I'm wondering whats the worst that can happen if it doesnt turn up? The first company had arranged delivery to the clinic instead of my home address and couldn't change it so43 the nurse Erica had to arrange a different one, stork fertility, ive phones them and they said they were sure it would turn up but the delivery company they use is now shut so cant track it, Erica said to call her back at 5 if it hasnt turned up
With the EC I was definitely more awake than I thought I would be but now I look back I cant remember as much as I thought I did, it is weird as it seems to me now I was only in there for a real short time! Xx
Plex - I'm doing good thank you for asking. Feeling back to myself now and after feeling so crap and not wanting to even think about IVF for a while, I'm now starting to get excited about a January FET (feels like I've emotionally gone back to the excitement I had in the months before we started stimming!) Got my period on day 19 of this IVF cycle (I assume becoz of all the drugs and no progesterone support as no transfer) so my January cycle will hopefully be here sooner than expected ;-)

Hope you are doing ok x
Star - I'm sure it's not too bad if you miss a day as it's not as important as when you take it prior to egg collection. I think we've had to take it afterwards to help level out our hormones and help us feel better quicker. I didn't take any on EC day or the following day as they weren't sure about whether we would actually be doing a day 3 transfer after all due to finding less eggs, so I started taking it again 2 days after EC once they re-decided to freeze all. How are you feeling today?

P.S. We saw Erica for our consult and EC and she's lovely:)
Bump - Glad ur feeling better :hugs: ive heard how awful ohss can be. Also its great that you are getting excited about a possible transfer in January! Do u have to have a meeting with ur Re first to arrange/ discuss this cycle?

Alls good with me ta - just in limbo until my scan on Wednesday, looking forward to it as its then when things will get moving. Anxious too as i dont feel any different at all! xx
Huge thanks ladies, your support and encouraging words really keep me going :) looking forward to a lay-in tomorrow with no more early morning injections xxxx
Jungle - hoping and praying for you that there are more there on Monday when you go in for EC. And if there aren't, praying that your miracle baby is within the 3 eggs you get. Sending you tons of :hugs: across the pond.

Star - fantastic fertilization report! Grow embies grow. Hoping for more great updates from you in the next couple of days.

Bump - glad you are feeling better and yes January will be here before you know it! Your time is coming, I know it.

Beneath - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Will you be affected by the marathon at all trying to get to the clinic? I have looked up the bridges and roads that will be closed and hoping if everything goes smoothly we will be on our way back from the clinic before they close Central Park South (just above where CWRC is).

AFM - so I had an interesting one today! Went for the scan and Dr says you are ready to trigger tonight. I have the consult with the nurse who tells me I will get a call to tell me the exact time for the trigger shot and when I need to come in on Monday for the ER. I am to take my stimms in the morning plus Ganirelix and then do the trigger tonight. I go home, do the injections and decide to get some sleep (I haven't had nearly enough the last few days). Then the Dr. calls me at around 1pm to tell me that they have decided I should come back tomorrow for another scan and bloods and they want me to stimm again tomorrow morning, so ER is now expected to be Tuesday. I had a couple of smaller ones and they are trying to get those to a bigger size for more mature eggs. I asked about the one follie I have at 24mm and whether I could lose that one or any of the other bigger ones and she said it was possible but not that likely. So after all the excitement of thinking it would be Monday, it will now be Tuesday. Sorry for the epic description.

Wishing everyone tons of :hugs: and :dust:
Thats good news psalms that your almost there now, so exciting! Hope all goes well for tomorrow's Scan

Bumpsparkle, Erica is lovely, she was with me for EC, I felt bad having to phone her today, cetrotide hasnt arrived so I'll have to head over there tomorrow to pick some up, yesterday Erica said after EC she will see if they had any left over there and then said will have to get them delivered so hope there is actually some there, there was some confusion though as first company sent then to clinic and not my home and that company called me this morning to see if I had received them, I said no as a different company were used as they couldn't deliver to my home address so assuming those ones are at the clinic, also bit miffed that they knew this could be needed as weds they said my estrogen was high and would be doing a freeze all so why wait til Friday afternoon before asking how many I had when it could have been sorted weds so now I have to get myself there on a Sunday morning!
I also feel bad for Erica who will have to meet me at the clinic, I aasked if I could just leave it as over Mon anyway but she didnt want me to miss another one, sorry for the moan!
Also just had to stab myself 3 times to inject tje clexane, it literally wouldnt go in!
Sorry bumpsparkle, forgot to say I'm feeling ok thank you, a bit bloated but generally pretty good, I think one of the other nurses said to me they dont start treatment after 4th Dec, is that what you've heard? Hope you can start sooner than Jan, glad to hear your feeling excited again!
Jungle, enjoy your lie in and injection free morning xx

Plex, hope scan goes well, I didnt feel too much going on til quite late int stimms, I literally thought nothing was happening! Xx
Jungle - hoping and praying for you that there are more there on Monday when you go in for EC. And if there aren't, praying that your miracle baby is within the 3 eggs you get. Sending you tons of :hugs: across the pond.

Star - fantastic fertilization report! Grow embies grow. Hoping for more great updates from you in the next couple of days.

Bump - glad you are feeling better and yes January will be here before you know it! Your time is coming, I know it.

Beneath - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Will you be affected by the marathon at all trying to get to the clinic? I have looked up the bridges and roads that will be closed and hoping if everything goes smoothly we will be on our way back from the clinic before they close Central Park South (just above where CWRC is).

AFM - so I had an interesting one today! Went for the scan and Dr says you are ready to trigger tonight. I have the consult with the nurse who tells me I will get a call to tell me the exact time for the trigger shot and when I need to come in on Monday for the ER. I am to take my stimms in the morning plus Ganirelix and then do the trigger tonight. I go home, do the injections and decide to get some sleep (I haven't had nearly enough the last few days). Then the Dr. calls me at around 1pm to tell me that they have decided I should come back tomorrow for another scan and bloods and they want me to stimm again tomorrow morning, so ER is now expected to be Tuesday. I had a couple of smaller ones and they are trying to get those to a bigger size for more mature eggs. I asked about the one follie I have at 24mm and whether I could lose that one or any of the other bigger ones and she said it was possible but not that likely. So after all the excitement of thinking it would be Monday, it will now be Tuesday. Sorry for the epic description.

Wishing everyone tons of :hugs: and :dust:

Thanks, hun. My doctor's office is in LI, so I won't be going into the City. Hope it turns out okay for you getting there!!

Hope another day of stimming helps get those smaller ones bigger, hun!! Fx for you! You are almost here :hugs:
Psalm - yay for almost egg collection :D frustrating that they put u back a day but still good that u have a day planned for it :) xx

Jungle- Enjoy no injections hun!! I will be waiting for ur collection report, im praying that its better than u expect xx
Star - those blunt needles sound horrific! I bet you could do without the stress of running around for your meds too

Psalm- thank you for the prayers, they are gratefully received. We nearly ended up having egg collection on the same day! Hopefully the extra day of stims will give you lots of extra eggs

I'm off to bed early for a saturday night but I'm shattered, did my trigger half an hour ago :) xxxx
Star - Thanks hun, im hoping that ill start to feel something occuring soon! I felt really bloated on previous cycles but never had much going on :shrug: who knows lol this is all too confusing! xx
Star - that's really rubbish of the drug company!
We had EC on a weds and the OHSS review on a Fri and up until the Fri I was on progesterone in prep for transfer and therefore no cetrotide. Once they decided we had enough embies to try a freeze all on the Fri I was lucky and got a Sat delivery to start cetrotide. Not heard of the other drug you're injecting; I just had 5 days of cetrotide (well 4!) and a tablet called cabergoline for 5 days which did make me feel sick but was maybe an anticlotting drug?

I've got a nurse consult booked for the 2nd Dec for an explanation of the FET process, drugs list etc and then my Jan AF will be due 10th Jan (at the mo anyway). I've not heard about no cycles in Dec but I suppose they maybe do this to avoid anyone needing EC, ET,scans on Xmas day etc.

Have you been told anything about needing a scratch again as I had mine in Sept (ready for Oct cycle) and I'm guessing that won't be effective come Jan?
Hi ladies. I've not been on much lately as I've had friends visiting, they are leaving early tomorrow morning, but I've been reading and keeping up to date with peoples progress. It sounds like there is so much going on at the moment it is hard to keep track! Sorry to hear that some of the cycles are not going as planned. Psalm and Jungle, good luck with the EC. Star, great news that so many fertilised! Hope you're feeling ok.

I've finally begun my journey, started with the down regging (Suprefact) tonight. I was told I could do it morning or night as long as I was consistent, I spent ages trying to decide and decided evening was more convenient for me. I hope I do not regret that decision! I did it myself as my DH didn't think he'd be good at it. It was all ok, the hardest bit was trying to get rid of air bubbles!
Bump - I was told that the scratch lasts for 3 cycles after u have it done so u may have to have it done again :( at least theyre quick when they do them. xx

Madonna - those bubbles can be tricky to get rid of! So pleased that u have started down regging! Whens ur baseline scan (sorry if uve already said) xx
Just thinking itss been 3 years since we started ttc #2 - depressing :( x

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