ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

BMW - :hugs: sounds like my second cycle hun, I had 4 dissapearing follies but they collected 3, 2 fertilized. I had one put back day 2 and the other made it to freeze. All the number crunching in this process is so upsetting :hugs: That cycle did end in a chemical though.

What was ur first ivf like follicle wise? Im thinking of u both and praying for this cycle to still turn out to be a good one :hugs: xxx

We retrieved seven last cycle, four fertilized, two transferred on day three and the other two didnt make it to freeze. Im jusy trying to stay as positive as i can, but this is so hard.
BMW - totally understand where ur coming from :hugs: whens ur next scan? xx
Beneath - so sorry to hear that. Have they given any explanation? Have they told you to change your meds or anything, or are you waiting to hear from the nurse. We are here for you lovely. :hugs:

I had a slow start last cycle as well and then they all grew at once so we are hoping that will happen again. Im on highest dose of meds so i cant raise my dosage. Waiting to hear on blood work results from the nurse later today.

Really hoping this happens again for you this cycle :hugs: xx
Hi beneath, I hope it's the same this time as last time for you, maybe a bit slow but sure you will get there like you did before and were all here for you xx

Thank you for support ladies, ive got to carry on with the cetrotide for 5 days ( serves me right for thinking it was annoying id just got good at them then didnt nees them anymore!) also got clexane injectons for 5 days which are to prevent blood clots and are horrible! The needle is quite blunt and had to stab quite hard and it hurts! The tablets I got also are to prevent blood clots and the sexy white stockings I have to wear until further notice ( even in bed, sorry dh!) not a good look lol

Chimmi, like all the good advice the ladies gave the egg collection wasnt bad at all, the worst bit for me was the cannula! These never bother me but my hand was cold and she literally had to force it in, when the nurse came to put up an iv drip of paracetamol before collection she asked if it hurt as looked sore and it really did so they took it out and done another one on the other hand. I also had a tamazepam before going down but didnt really feel this do too much
When I went down there were 6 people in the room, the Dr who was putting different things into the cannula throughout held my hand the whole time and it really was fine, I had an oxygen mask on anf in the cannula they put antibiotics, fentanyl, midazolam and at the end a volterol suppository which didnt really notice
I was alot more awake than I thought I would be, they said wouldn't be aware what was going on or remember but I was aware of everything but nothing hurt, he also put a local anaesthetic down below beforehand
I had a bit of stomach ache after but not much and now feel fine, been up since 4:30am though so will probably crash soon!

How is everyone else? Xx
Psalm, great news on the scan, when do you think ec will be? Good luck on the job quitting! X
Plex It sucks. Got the call from the nurse. Continuing meds and going in Sunday for another scan. I probably will not sleep until then. At this point I'm praying if they don't grow the ones that are growing will grow nice and strong for me!!

Three days already for you, huh! Moving right along =)

Psalm Happy your scan went well hun! When is ER??

Star Thanks, hun. Awesome number of eggs! Now hope you get better and January comes soon for you!!
Hi girls, sorry in advance for the short reply but didn't want to read and run! I've had a friend staying with me for the last 2nights and not had a moment to myself. But big hugs to everyone :hugs: I'll have time to write properly after my one (and possibly only) progress scan tomorrow morning. I'm feeling very full so I think Monday might be EC for me, if not till most certainly be Tuesday Xxxx
Plex I'm so glad I've told my manager now..! Can relax a bit. It's unpaid time off but my GP Said he can do me a note (and my hubby said he will help me with my bills that month) phew..!
Trying to relax and looks forward to it knowing I don't have to work as well as all the IVF business..!!
Plex It sucks. Got the call from the nurse. Continuing meds and going in Sunday for another scan. I probably will not sleep until then. At this point I'm praying if they don't grow the ones that are growing will grow nice and strong for me!!

Three days already for you, huh! Moving right along =)

Psalm Happy your scan went well hun! When is ER??

Star Thanks, hun. Awesome number of eggs! Now hope you get better and January comes soon for you!!

Beneath - I don't know for sure - possibly Tuesday. I have to go back tomorrow to check progress. I have tons of EWCM (it is crazy) and really starting to feel "full" so I guess hoping it is Tuesday or so. Hope that your scan on Sunday goes well. Try to breathe and let the drugs work their magic (easier said than done I know) and let yourself get upset if that's helpful too :)

Jungle - best of luck at the scan tomorrow. Hope you get the news you have been hoping for. Hope you have a fabulous progress report.

Chimmi - I bet it feels like a weight off your shoulders now and glad you have support from your DH!

Star - sounds like you really went through the mill today. Definitely relax and get some good sleep - you need it. Sorry to hear you have to keep up with the cetrotide and other medications, but you have got to get your body back right again. :hugs:

Plex - can't believe you're on day 3 already! It's just speeding along for you.
Hope you are all doing well ladies! Haven't been on in a couple weeks. My FET is getting closer. Very excited... a week from tomorrow!!
Hi all, just a quick disappointed update from me. We have 3 follies which are big enough to collect from at 17.5, 18 and 19. We have some smaller ones at 13,14s but theyre not big enough to contain mature eggs
With 3 follies at over 17 we meet criteria to trigger tonight and have a monday collection but they might try and stim the others a bit bigger by letting me go on one more day. Will find out when I call at 2pm. Either way, our total egg count is likely to only be 3, 4 or 5.
This is so cruel. On the 2 cycles I egg shared I gave half of my eggs to other women and had a total of 10/11 and kept 5/6 for ourselves. Now we've gone big bang and all the eggs are ours, we've got THREE in total!! :( and it's bankrupting us in the process. So so disheartened and upset right now but know I need to be positive because one of those 3 follies might contain our miracle egg. Why does it have to be so hard?? :( xxxx
Just wrote a reply and lost it, tut

So sorry your disappointed Jungle but your right to stay positive and believe that one is your little miracle, ive read so many success stories in here where ladies have said numbers dont matter as they only had 2 eggs etc and got their bfp, 1 lady I was friends with in here had 2 eggs and she got her bfp, stay as positive as you can, will you have another scan before ec? If you stimm for longer then the others could catch up, sending you hugs xxx
Hi ladies,

I hope you're all ok. I have got time to catch up with everyone, because it took me too long to read everything lol, but I will catch up later :)

Jungle, I'm so sorry to hear that you don't have as many follicles as you'd hoped. Try to stay positive though. They do sometimes find more eggs than they expect. During my first cycle,I had 23 follicles, but the vast majority of them were too small and I ws told to expect about 6 eggs!! I was so worried, but ended up having 16 eggs collected, 14 of which were mature. So you still might end up with a few more than they think! They do continue to grow a bit after the trigger shot :)

AFM, I'm on day 3 of down regging and feeling quite rubbish already! Well, it's day three of norethisterone and day two of buserilin. Not really looking forward to feeling like this for the next two weeks!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Thats true ostara about finding more eggs than anticipated, hope you feel better soon and it doesnt
Last the 2 week's xx
Jungle - :hugs: sorry to hear this hun :hugs: they way all this ivf stuff works out is so so crap sometimes :( Like others have said though it only takes one :) I said to BMW earlier that on my 2nd cycle i had only 3 collected and 2 fert. I did have a chemical but i believe i would still be pregnant but i had undiscovered/untreated clotting issues. When i shared i got 6 eggs so had to give them all away, so completely understand where ur coming from when u got more on ur share cycles :hugs:

when will u get the call? do u think u could ask to stimm one more day? xx
Hi, got the call this morning that 20 eggs fertilised, relieved as was hoping was even just a few

There were 22 as 1 was just a shell, they done icsi on 10 and 9 fertilised as 1 didnt survive the injecton process, 12 were normal ivf and 11 of these fertilised so the theory of our egg and sperm not binding wasnt the case, I know it's early days still so taking one day at a time
Meant to be having a delivery of cetrotide today but it still hasnt turned up so dont know whether to call the on call number, I hate being a nuicense but dont know what will happen if I dont take it xx
Jungleland -- I'm sorry, hun. If anyone knows how you're feeling, it's me! Don't be discouraged though, I had some smaller ones last cycle that ended up catching up in the end because the trigger gives them an extra boost. Plus, if you stim an extra day, I think they will definitely get bigger! I know how hard this is, try to stay positive!!

Ostara -- Hope you don't feel so rubbish for the whole two weeks!! It will be here soon :hugs:

Star -- Awesome fertilization report hun!!!!
Star thats a great fertilization report hun!!! xx
Hi all,
thanks for all your support and so sorry to bring negativity to the thread, that's probably the most negative post I've ever made.
I had a few epic cries and now I'm feeling ok
I had my 2pm call to the clinic and they want me to trigger tonight and collect eggs on monday so I'm resigned to the fact that we'll get 3 eggs and any more will be a bonus.

Beneath- how are you coping with the blunt needles? Your last scan sounds a lot like mine, 'hopeless' and 'helpless' sums it up well hun! :hugs:

Ostara- welcome and all the very best of luck with your FET!

Cali- your FET is so close! :)

Plex- sorry to hear you're feeling a bit sick :( bizarrely at this point we'd have been better off eggsharing on this cycle because at least we'd be able to have another go (funding wise) in a few months. Wouldn't we love to have a crystal ball!

Psalm- good to hear you're feeling full, that's a great sign!

Star- well done for coping so well with EC, so proud of you! I know how nervous you were. Your fertilisation rate is remarkable, my clinic are always pleased with a 50/50 rate! Let's hope they keep developing really well for you. Hope you're coping ok with extra cetrotide and other blunt needles (boo!)

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