ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Thanks for all the wishes ladies. Really starting to feel very uncomfortable.

Madonna - glad you are starting now! :happydance: The two weeks of down regging will fly by.

Jungle - this group is hear for each other no matter what. :hugs: would have been amazing to have had ER on the same day, but we are just a day apart.

Beneath - great that you're not going to be affected by the marathon. I can only hope the traffic isn't a total disaster, it was awful at 6.30am this morning getting into the city.

Star - how annoying that you didn't get the meds earlier but glad that the nurse is meeting you in the morning. Hope it all gets sorted soon.

Plex - I know how you feel hun! It's crazy when I see friends who got married after us and are on to their second child, and we don't even have one! I guess it's all in good time. We will all be blessed eventually with our little ones. At least they will know how much they were wanted!

:hug: everyone
Great news on starting madonna :) exciting time :)

Bumpsparkle, your tablet sounds like the same as mine, an anti clotting one so thins the blood, ive got a blood thinning injection too
Im feeling more today than yesterday like bloated and boobs really hurt? I suppose I shouldnt have missed the cetrotide and why Erica said not to miss another one
Great news on your follow up appointment! It's always good to have appointments, makes it feel like things will be happening sooner, the nurse who told me about 4th Dec I think is because although the clinics is open most of Dec, thean3 closes and has a big deep clean for 2 weeks so be nice and sparkly for our fets in Jan :)

Pslam, hope your not feeling too uncomfortable but means all your follies are getting nice and mature :)
Forgot to say about the scratch, as part of the prepare trial if you dont have a transfer then they do another scratch if you want to, Dr running it asked if I wanted to do it this week or next cycle so I said next cycle as couldn't face ot this week, so when get af after all this ill have another scratch on day 21 and hopefully that will help my Jan fet ( although I'm only doing this if have frosties!)
Just spoke to nurse who said she had spoke to Dr and that I will be ok until tomorrow thank god cos the weather is awful and didnt want to have to mess about today
Hope everyones well today and has a quiet Sunday xx
Another huge thank you girls for your support, I feel so much more positive today and your words of encouragement definitely contributed to that

I'm so glad I let myself be super negative for a period of time yesterday and have a big emotional release of tears (really I was grieving for the numbers/eggs that we'll not have) because now I can fully concentrate on the 3 that we DO have.

I don't think I show my emotions enough generally and letting myself go for a bit really did cleanse me I think.

Onwards and upwards....a little thought that's keeping me going...

- My OH's lucky number is 3
- We have 3 follicles big enough to collect from
- We're having EC on the 3rd of November
- This is our 3rd round of ICSI....

It feels somewhat like it's meant to be.

Bumpsparkle/Star - I had heard the scratch lasts 4 months (I have a friend on here who had the scratch in May and didn't repeat the scratch for her embryo transfer in September and she's now over 8 weeks pregnant!) but if I was in your position and had the opportunity to have it again I think I would......

Madonna- best of luck with the downregging!

Psalm- good luck with your trigger tonight! I gave myself 15mins to prepare mine because it's really awkward to set up (breaking the tops of glass vials without smashing them) and that was just right. It burned a bit as it was going in but then had no reaction afterwards.

Happy Sunday to everyone else :hug: xxxx
Back from my transfer and still super sleepy from Valium... So did not catch up yet. Both my frozen embryos survived the thawing so both are in (grades 3bb and 4bc). Now it's up to them to make mommy happy :D

Morana, it's been nearly a week since your transfer, how are you feeling hun? xxxx
Star - glad you haven't got to go out in this weather and I'm sure it will be ok to miss the injection. I found my boobs were really sore whilst on the tablets and when I googled them it does say they are also used for stopping breast milk so I think it has a side effect that affects them. I did get AF 2 days after finishing them so maybe it was coz of that too. Have you been told whether AF could be early as I never asked whether it was normal?

Great news about getting another scratch. Are they still monitoring your results for the trial, even though you have a delayed transfer? Good luck for your day 3 update tomorrow (and your OHSS review). Will you get any images from the embryoscope?
Psalm - good luck for your trigger today!

Jungle- enjoy your drug free day today! Get some rest so you're all ready for EC tomorrow

x x
Jungle, thats all god signs and its meant to be like you said, I'm sure you will do brilliantly tomorrow xx

Bumpsparkle, the nurse said it could be a few days or could be weeks so just varies I think, the way my cycles are it will probably be ages but if I think the cycle after this is going to be a long one they said I can take provera again before starting the fet if I'm lucky enough to get some frosties
The trial still goes ahead as normal even without a transfer yet and we get a video of the embryos in the embryoscope but I'm not sure when, if you get pregnant they also monitor you throughout pregnancy it says with ultrasound appointments and ask if you want your baby to have a bone density scan as part of their research
I think the shakes have helped dh as his sperm sample was one of the best ones hes done and hes done alot! The results were

Concentration - 29mil
Motility - 55%
Morphology - 9%

Hes had 2 others with a higher concentration before but think this is one of the highest motility and morphology results so hes pleased with himself!
Happy Sunday everybody.

I transfer tomorrow, my lining was 9mm last Monday, Im hoping to put one 5 day blast back in tomorrow. I'm going for acupuncture before and after.

My dh is being a bit of an idiot and is going to work. Has anybody ever been for a transfer on their own?? X
Good luck lazydaisys, ive never had transfer before but can anyone else go with you? I'm sure you will be fine but I dont like doing much on my own lol xx
Had my scan this morning.. My "even growing" follicles are now pretty much all uneven. Sighsss! I have two at 19, one at 14, one at 12 and two still at 10 that refuse to grow for some reason. Doctor said I will probably end up with three eggs maybe four if the 12 catches up. Waiting on the call from the nurse to see when I am going in for another scan. Im guessing ill be triggering in the next day or two? We'll see. Praying the 12 catches up!!
Hi beneath, how many days stimming have you had? The 12 still has time to catch up too, will you get a call from nurse today? Xx
Hi beneath, how many days stimming have you had? The 12 still has time to catch up too, will you get a call from nurse today? Xx

Tonight will be 10 days. Yeah, the nurse shoukd be calling soon. This cycle is turning out to be almost identical to my last cycle!! Hopefully the outcome isnt the same :(
Dont worry beneath, this is going to be a lucky thread with lots of bfps, I tthink we all deserve it now xx
Bumpsparkle- thanks! I've had a lay-in and a lovely relaxing day with OH and my parents in prep for EC :)

Star-great sperm results, echoed in your fab fertilisation rate :happydance:

Lazydaisies- great news that your ET is tomorrow, but unfortunate that you've got to go alone. I've always had OH with me but he goes back to work afterward

Beneath- I'm backing your 12! And praying that you get to stim another day or 2 so it can get the drugs it needs without compromising your other 2 follies :hugs:

Morana, it's been nearly a week since your transfer, how are you feeling hun? xxxx

Thanks, Jungle! Not much, really, and having awful swing between hope and total despair :wacko::blush: POAS'd this morning and got a negative but trying to keep the hope alive for OTD this coming Tues
Bumpsparkle- thanks! I've had a lay-in and a lovely relaxing day with OH and my parents in prep for EC :)

Star-great sperm results, echoed in your fab fertilisation rate :happydance:

Lazydaisies- great news that your ET is tomorrow, but unfortunate that you've got to go alone. I've always had OH with me but he goes back to work afterward

Beneath- I'm backing your 12! And praying that you get to stim another day or 2 so it can get the drugs it needs without compromising your other 2 follies :hugs:


I hope so hun! Looks like we are on the same boat numbers wise, huh?! Hope our baby is one of those follies!!!!!

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