ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Lazydaisys - It's a nice feeling when all the cleaning, washing, ironing etc is done isnt it! We're 'nesting' I think :)

I'm planning on doing much of the same. I love jigsaws so will be doing lots of those over the next week or so. My friend is visiting today with cake! So looking forward to that. I think I'm just going to rest after tomorrow's tranfer and then possibly going to a chick flick with my mum on thursday. I'll probably have a light walk on friday/saturday/sunday to ensure there's enough blood flow to my womb to assist implantation. I really really hope this cycle is 'the one' xxxx
Hi, just a quick update as have my sister and baby niece here

Embryologist called today, wouldnt normally but was returning my call from yesterday as I wanted to ask more questions, today 10 embryos are at the stage they should be and potentially ready fpr freeze tomorrow, the other 10 will have an extra day to see if they make it tpo33, so although 5 fertilised normally another 5 are at the right stage too so you might have more by tomorrow jungle, xgood luck for transfer tomorrow, so exciting! Xx
Thanks star! She did say she'd keep my other 5 under the embryoscope to see if they fertilise late so you never know.

Looks like you're going to be able to freeze a good number which is amazing! :happydance: xxxx
Hiya, Just trying to read all of the posts & catch up with you all.

Ostara - Sorry your feeling unwell from down regging, I'm having to down reg for an extra week & it's really starting to get to me now, are you sniffing or injecting?

Jungle - Good luck with the transfer tomorrow, finger crossed for you.

Star- I'm really pleased to hear that your embies are doing well, fingers crossed you get lots to freeze.

Lazydaisy - Yeah to being PUPO :thumbup:

BMW - So sorry to read that your having to do an IUI but you never know, sending :dust:

AFM - I'm back in the hospital tomorrow for another scan & hopefully should be able to start stimming as I'm getting fed up with the nasal spray now.
Lazydaisys- I think 'Love, Rosie' is the only film that really fits the brief!

Emz- thanks for your support, I hope that tomorrows scan reveals that you're ready to start stimming. I'll be thinking about you xxxx
Good luck tomorrow emz, hope you can start stimming now :)

Jungle, hope this cycle is the one for you too, we could have been in 2ww together if it wasnt for my delayed transfer :( I'll be here rooting for you all and sending out tonnes of babydust :)
Thanks Star! Unlike my last cycle I'm actually looking forward to being PUPO :) I wish you didn't have to wait so long for your transfer, but I'm certain you'll get your BFP in 2015 :)

Yes I think plex's scan is tomorrow, good luck plex! Xxxx
Hi, girls.. hope you are all doing well <3 thinking of you all.

I ended up triggering last night, went in for the IUI this morning and going in for another one tomorrow morning. I had a good cry to myself after the IUI was done. One, I was alone waiting the 5-10 minutes before I could leave thinking about how I was supposed to be there for retrieval, not for another IUI. Two, the doctor told me not to give up completely.. that she sees this happen on occasion, a cycle gets canceled, turned into an IUI and BFP! I don't feel like I could ever be that lucky, but at least I know I tried. She told me I can still use the progesterone as well.. never did that with my other IUI's so at least that's another thing that can help this time. The follies were still there, nice and big today.
Big :hugs: Beneath, I must admit I've shed more tears on this cycle than I ever did on my others, I think when you've been through it a few times and just when you feel like you know what you're doing and you're in control, something happens to turn it all upside down it sends you to despair! I really really hope this IUI works for you honey xxxx
Big :hugs: Beneath, I must admit I've shed more tears on this cycle than I ever did on my others, I think when you've been through it a few times and just when you feel like you know what you're doing and you're in control, something happens to turn it all upside down it sends you to despair! I really really hope this IUI works for you honey xxxx

No one should ever have to go through such heart ache!! Thanks, hun. I am praying for you and hoping your transfer goes perfectly!!!
Thank you, I'm just hoping they're both still good quality by tomorrow morning. Last cycle we transferred 2 fragmented day 2 embryos and I struggled so much to keep the faith throughout the 2ww.
I'm praying that the IUI brings you your BFP too xxxx
I think when you've been through it a few times and just when you feel like you know what you're doing and you're in control, something happens to turn it all upside down it sends you to despair!

This is what im thinking through this cycle, like im on edge. I got complacent last cycle and ended up upset as we never expected the zero fert. Im finding it ok not thinking about it all - been really busy. Dont get me wrong still think/worry about it from time to time but on the whole im distancing myself from it all. Expect the worst and be plesantly surprised if i get lucky. Horrible, i hate not having control.

U hit the nail on the head Jungle xx
Hi all!

Jungle - wishing you all the best for tomorrow. :dust::dust: You sound like you are in the best frame of mind and that's all anyone can ask for. Keep the faith and we all will be here praying for you during the 2ww.

Beneath - praying for your BFP from the IUI. What's the lotto phrase, "Hey you never know?" At least you have a chance and am glad that you are going for it. :dust::dust: To answer your question from before, I quite like Columbia. It's a group practice so you could see any Dr. on any of the days, but today my own Dr. did the retrieval and I saw him for my Day 2 scan as well, so they rotate around and you get good service with all of them. My Dr. is Dr. Michael Guarnaccia. I was worried at first when we got him because there were some awful things written about him online. He is matter of fact, which I liked. He told us to go straight to IVF and not waste time with IUIs due to our MFI and so I appreciated that. He explains everything and I took to him very well. Some people complained about his bedside manner but I thought he was great. Best of luck to you at your appointment at SRIM, but here's praying you won't need it!

Star - glad your embies are doing well! Sounds like you will have a great number to freeze. :happy dance:

Emz - wishing you good luck for your scan tomorrow. Hope you can start stimming then!

AFM - got back from the retrieval a few hours ago and just generally feeling tired. It's the last few days of waking up at 5am every day and having to travel an hour into the city etc. to get to the clinic. The ER went fine, I was glad my Dr. was there and the nurses were very kind. I went out like a light with the anasthesia and work up to hear some crazy chick moaning about how much pain she was in. They got 6 eggs. I was a little disappointed with that number and had a mini-cry earlier. Think it was more to do with the fact I am really realizing the magnitude of everything that is going on and just being away from DH while doing it all. Here's hoping to a good fertilization report tomorrow. They will give me an estimate as to when they think the transfer will be, either Friday, Sunday or Monday. Praying that we get that far!

Plex- I think it's only natural to try and protect ourselves from further pain. But it's also painful to give up and say that we're going to stop trying. We all need to find our own way to deal with the ups and downs and if sometimes that means getting cold and clinical then that's fair enough, as is breaking down in tears in public, I've done both! :hugs:

Psalm- great to hear from you! Thank you for the best wishes for tomorrow. How are you feeling hun? I was in a lot of pain yesterday (probably worse than either of my previous 2 cycles after EC) but it was virtually gone today (no painkillers needed at all). It's amazing how everything heals overnight ready for potential ET! Fingers crossed for a great fertilisation report tomorrow hun, I hope you can have a well deserved lie-in tomorrow :hugs: xxxx
Plex- I think it's only natural to try and protect ourselves from further pain. But it's also painful to give up and say that we're going to stop trying. We all need to find our own way to deal with the ups and downs and if sometimes that means getting cold and clinical then that's fair enough, as is breaking down in tears in public, I've done both! :hugs:

Psalm- great to hear from you! Thank you for the best wishes for tomorrow. How are you feeling hun? I was in a lot of pain yesterday (probably worse than either of my previous 2 cycles after EC) but it was virtually gone today (no painkillers needed at all). It's amazing how everything heals overnight ready for potential ET! Fingers crossed for a great fertilisation report tomorrow hun, I hope you can have a well deserved lie-in tomorrow :hugs: xxxx

Thanks lovely! I am feeling ok. It mostly feels like period pains. I am taking it easy and trying to have an early night to bed and waking up later. I still have to go to work tomorrow (might decide to do so from home) so I do need to be awake early-ish. When you are able, give us an update on how you are feeling. Thinking of you :hugs: xoxo
Hi ladies! I could just toss this computer through the wall. I wrote out the longest reply that took forever to catch up and when I went to post it, my computer said not connected to internet and erased it! Ughhh. Now just going off the top of my head.

Beneath- I'm sorry that your IVF got transferred to IUI. I hope you get a holiday miracle with a BFP..and just in case I am glad you have a consult set up. This journey is so incredibly rough.

Psalm- Glad your ER went well. Crossing everything that you get all embies to 5 days!

Plex- Good luck tomorrow for your scan!

Emz- Hope you get to start stimming!

Jungle- Wishing you a successful transfer! Keep us posted!!

Star- Hope they all make it to freeze. Been through OHSS before and it is a struggle. Hope you are feeling well.

Ostara- Hope you feel well and more like yourself (if that is ever possible on meds :p )soon!

Lazy- Congrats on being PUPO! :dance: I have a lot of respect for waiting till OTD, however, I can not handle it. Total POAS-aholic here! :rofl: Sounds like a nice plan that you have for your TWW.

Chimmi- I am so sorry to hear about your dog. :cry: It is losing a member of the family. :hugs: Kudos to you for getting your christmas shopping done. I need to do this myself!

AFM- Started PIO injections last night and my transfer is sat at 10 am. :dance: I am so excited. Finally feeling real. Hope I didn't miss anyone on my quick re-write. :hugs:
Cali- I hate it when that happens (drops in connectivity and losing long posts)! I could scream! Massive good luck for you for saturday!

Psalm- I'm feeling positive sitting waiting for my day2 update call. The best outcome would be that both embies are strong enough to postpone transfer til tomorrow but I'm emotionally ready for it to be today so whatever will be will be :) Fingers crossed for a fab fert report for you this morning

Hope everyone is feeling ok today xxxx
Hi, I just had the call and in both embryos the cells have started dividing but one of them is showing fragmentation so we're transferring both embryos at lunchtime. I'm still feeling optimistic and looking forward to being pupo xxxx

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