ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Hi all :hi: sorry for the lack of response yesterday. Just trying to take it easy and get myself mentally prepared for Sunday. Thank you all so much for all your kind wishes. You really are the best!! <3

Plex - scan numbers are looking good. Praying for your follies to grow in the next five days so you have a really good number for ER.

Beneath - I consider you PUPO too! Hope you are feeling better after yesterday's funny turn. If you are worried, please call your clinic and let them know. As Jungle said, make sure you are getting plenty of rest and drink lots of water.

Madonna - glad your letter arrived! You must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when it did. Our clinic says they do this all the time, getting letters for people. NY is a popular place for international travelers to come to have IVF, so they produce these letters like candy on Halloween. Hope you have a great time in England!

Star/Bump - congrats on the additional embie Star! You must be ecstatic. I love that your and Bumps's embies are sitting next to each other in the freezer!! :cold::cold:

Emz - I hope that all works out for you today at the clinic getting your cyst drained. Sorry that this seems so disheartening for you. As for work, you are entitled to sick days surely? If you have to take time off can you get a dr's note to do so? Your office surely cannot prevent you from taking sick days, especially if you have a note. Best of luck hun. You really don't want to be stressing about that while your cycle is going on. :hugs:

Chimmi - yay for your first injection being out of the way! It only gets easier from here! Hope you're feeling ok and best of luck for this cycle.

Jungle - I love your PMA (positive mental attitude). It really is infectious! Keep it up lovely and I am hoping it rubs off on all of us!

Abydix - welcome! As you can see, this is a fabulous group of ladies. Wishing you all the best for your cycle!

AFM - not much to report. Anxiously awaiting the update call tomorrow. We don't get a call today because they don't want to disturb the embies too much (which I am very glad about). I booked in for acupuncture this afternoon and then for pre-transfer acupuncture on Saturday and post-transfer acupuncture on Sunday. It's expensive, but I want to do everything I can to be in the right frame of mind and to have my body totally prepared.

Emz- That's good that she's supportive. My manager is a socially awkward bloke and he just sticks his fingers in his ears and goes 'la la la' and gives me whatever I ask for! Haha! :haha: At least you are able to give a certain amount of notice (which wouldn't be the case for someone who gets struck down with illness or an accident) at the 'end of the month'

Psalm- I hope my positivity rubs off on everyone too, resulting in a lot of happy healthy mums-to-be :) it sounds like you're really getting yourself ready for being pupo hun. Good luck for tomorrow's call, I hope all of your embryos are developing textbook :hugs:

Well, I'm out.... OTD today and just got a call from the doctor, BFN.
We can, however, go for our second fresh cycle as soon as AF shows up.
Good luck to everyone still doing their injections and PUPO! I'll be joining the injection crowd within a month, I guess
Sorry for the short post, I'm a bit upset rightnow... keyboard might get too wet
Aww Morana I'm so so sorry :hugs: but really good that you feel ready to jump straight back on the train and try again, we're all here for you hun, big hugs xxxx
Chimmi -- Yay on finally starting! Glad your injection went okay. Your mom sounds so cute! hehe

Emz -- Hope everything went well and you can get back on track! It's so hard to predict timing when doing IVF. I'm sure it will all work out.

Plex -- Glad your scan went well! That's a great number of follies.

Star -- Yay for the extra embie!!!!

Psalm -- Wishing you lots of luck hun! I'm sure your embies are doing perfectly.

Morana -- I am so so sorry! :hugs:

AFM -- Well, I woke up with a fever this morning. It's still like 100.1 at the moment so sorry if all my replies were short or if I missed anyone =( I was feeling like I had a cold coming on the past two days so it may be unrelated but my ovaries still ache when I cough, laugh, sit a certain way or sneeze! It may be because my body is aching because of the fever and I just feel my ovaries more. I am hoping it's not anything to worry about. Drinking lots and just resting today as I am off of work anyway.
Thank you ladies :)

So sorry morana about the bfn, sending you huge, you have all our support and for when you tey again xxx

Beneath, hope you feel better soon, have you spoke to a Dr? You sound so poorly ;( xx

I think ive got a uti, well pretty sure as first time I had one was like this and ended up being really bad, does anyone know if it could be connected to ohss or just a coincidence? Cos they kept asking if I was peeing ok and was it not too strong? I'm still weeing ok and it's not too strong but bloody hurts in a uti way, typical as I have a wedding to go to this sat and can finally start to enjoy myself a bit!
Thank you ladies :)

So sorry morana about the bfn, sending you huge, you have all our support and for when you tey again xxx

Beneath, hope you feel better soon, have you spoke to a Dr? You sound so poorly ;( xx

I think ive got a uti, well pretty sure as first time I had one was like this and ended up being really bad, does anyone know if it could be connected to ohss or just a coincidence? Cos they kept asking if I was peeing ok and was it not too strong? I'm still weeing ok and it's not too strong but bloody hurts in a uti way, typical as I have a wedding to go to this sat and can finally start to enjoy myself a bit!

I havent called, but maybe I should. I feel terrible!!

Hope you feel better!!!
Does anyone know about the flu jab..?
I know that pregnant women are supposed to be vaccinated but what about women having IVF..? Does anyone already know or I will ask my clinic when I go in next :) x
I'm not sure chimmi about that, I suppose it wont hurt as they recommend it for pregnant women, I should do as recommended for carers but I always forget!
Morana - so sorry to hear that you are out this time. Sending you huge hugs :hugs: and hope that you feel better soon. Glad that you are feeling ready and raring to go again straight away. Onwards and upwards lady! You are strong.

Beneath - definitely call a Dr. That really doesn't sound good at all. After ER we got this sheet with a bunch of info on it, and it said if you experience any sort of fever you should call them immediately. Praying for you hun and hoping that it's just a cold or something. Rest up lovely.

Chimmi - not sure about IVF women, but you can get a special type of flu jab I understand if you are pregnant, so you may want to wait for that.

Jungle - thanks lovely! I have to say, acupuncture was awesome this afternoon. Think I got a cheeky nap in during the time I was there. Made me feel a lot better.
Morana - so sorry to hear that you are out this time. Sending you huge hugs :hugs: and hope that you feel better soon. Glad that you are feeling ready and raring to go again straight away. Onwards and upwards lady! You are strong.

Beneath - definitely call a Dr. That really doesn't sound good at all. After ER we got this sheet with a bunch of info on it, and it said if you experience any sort of fever you should call them immediately. Praying for you hun and hoping that it's just a cold or something. Rest up lovely.

Chimmi - not sure about IVF women, but you can get a special type of flu jab I understand if you are pregnant, so you may want to wait for that.

Jungle - thanks lovely! I have to say, acupuncture was awesome this afternoon. Think I got a cheeky nap in during the time I was there. Made me feel a lot better.

Just woke up from my very long nap and the office is closed now.. ovaries still aching, still have a fever. If I feel this way in the morning I'll give them a call.
Just did my second injection completely on my own.. Same as yesterday but different side.. And it hurt?
It bled a bit when I took the needle out too..? Maybe I got a blood vessel or something.
Was so happy yesterday when I felt nothing at all.. It's put me off a bit :(
Hi all!

Beneath- how are you feeling today hun? It's definitely best to run your symptoms past the clinic first thing

Star- have you had your uti diagnosed? I hope you're not on restrictive antibiotics for the wedding :(

Chimmi- I've not asked about the flu jab and the clinic has never suggested it but you make a good point. Getting a bit of blood at injection site is normal and happens occassionally (sometimes for no apparent reason) did you jab it in quick or push it in slow? The other thing is making sure you withdraw needle at same angle as what it went in at. One other thing is sometimes nicking the skin just to the left/right of the injection site a fraction of a second before you push it in due to nerves or a little shake

Psalm- good to hear your acupuncture went well, good luck for your day3 update this morning!

Dont worry chimmi, sometimes mine hurt and had a bit of blood, say if I wasnt steady enough andccame out a different angle, next one will probably be fine, it's just where its new xx

Jungle, I feel better this morning, bladder feels a bit full but for now I'll see how the morning goes, how are you feeling? When do you expect trigger to be out of system? Xx
Hi ladies!

Beneath - hope you are feeling better hun. Let us know.

Star - glad you are feeling a bit better. Hopefully it isn't a uti and your don't need antibiotics. Let us know how you get on.

Jungle - how's today going for you? Hope you are happy and relaxed :winkwink:

Chimmi - don't worry about the blood. I had it a couple of times. Best thing to do is put pressure on the sight for a few minutes, I did it with an alcohol wipe and then if you need to put a plaster on it. Don't worry love!

AFM - got the call from the clinic. Scheduled for Sunday morning for the transfer. Go in at 10am and have the transfer at 10.30am. They didn't give me an update on the embies though like I was expecting. The nurse just said they don't want to disturb them. I am ok with that, but a little nervous. We have no idea what is happening with the embies at all. What happens if I get to Sunday and none of them survived to 5-days, but we could have implanted today at 3-day? Am I just being crazy :shrug: Did other people not get 3-day updates?
Thanks I feel better about it now, and yes I was shaking a bit as I was very nervous!
Was just stinging as I was plunging the liquid in and stung after for a while.
Also I feel really crappy, feel drained and achey especially my legs, got a headache feel queasy every now and then, and just feel "weird" is this normal? :/
THe reason they give pregnant women the flu jab is coz if you get the flu when pregnant it can cause birth defects etc.. So just thought not only for when pregnant but if one of us got hit with the flu whilst going through IVF It would cause problems surely..? I've never had flu but guaranteed it would be Sod's law and I will catch it from a patient next week..! (I'm a dental nurse and people come in with all sorts of nasty bugs)
Psalm- I'd say that's a little unusual, are you sure they aren't filming them? How do they know that they're all doing ok? It sounds rather strange to me but I guess every clinic is different. With a 100% fertilisation rate maybe they're really really confident that all will be ok? One thing to find comfort in is that they do this ALL the time! Every clinic is different but if they're confident then the best thing to do is go with the flow :)

Star- great news that you're feeling better :) I'm fine, I did a bit more today, did a food shop and visited my grandparents. It felt weird being more 'active' even though I know the embies are well protected, I don't want to do anything to harm them! It's 2dp2dt for me (so my embies should be turning to blastocysts overnight!!) and my only symptoms are those from the trigger/progesterone-

-sore boobs/nipples
-tiredness (despite sleeping 10hrs last night :blush: )
-slight dizziness when I stand up

...all of which I've experienced in previous cycles.

Still getting 2 lines when I POAS so the trigger is still in there, could be there til the start of next week but the line is very faint now so it's on it's way out :) xxxx
Chimmi- drinking LOADS of water while stimming really does help as you're more susceptible to dehydration so should help with headaches and drained feeling. I'd say feeling a bit weird is normal but if you have concerns, a quick call to the clinic for reassurance wouldn't be a bad thing. When's your progress scan? Xxxx

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