ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Chimmi- drinking LOADS of water while stimming really does help as you're more susceptible to dehydration so should help with headaches and drained feeling. I'd say feeling a bit weird is normal but if you have concerns, a quick call to the clinic for reassurance wouldn't be a bad thing. When's your progress scan? Xxxx

I've been drinking at least 2.5 litres a day since last week so it's not that.
I'm only on day 2 of down reg injections and my first scan is 2 weeks today..! :( feel like poop! ( I feel like I did when I had my MMR jab a few months ago..)
I felt like that chimmi after a few days and had to have afternoon naps, just felt headachy and drained and only bed helped, it felt better nearer the end of stimms, hope you feel better soon

I feel better today ladies so dont know why I felt funny last night, maybe just something to do with af

I'm so excited for you 2ww ladies!

Psalm I havent heard them not checking on day 3 but every clinic is different and when I spoke to embryologist after ec I was saying so now as im a freeze all they have to get to day 5 so have I got less chance? And she said no as they dont do many day 3 transfers anyway and like to get them to day 5 so dont worry, theyre in good hands and you will soon be pupo!
Chimmi- sorry I forgot you were down-regging and not stimming yet, I'd say it's definitely worth a call to see if they're normal side effects, especially if you've got to do it for a number of weeks :hugs:

Star/Psalm- I believe it's definitely the case that if an embryo doesn't make it to day5 in the lab it wouldn't have made it to day5 in the uterus either (one of the reasons why ive always hankered after a 5day transfer!!) Xxxx
Then other thing is I'm STARVING..! Been trying to lose weight the past few weeks which has worked but now I am SO hungry :( going to gain wait like mad if I Give in! :'(
Thanks ladies. I am sure they know what they are doing. I just felt like I was cheated out of a progress report and we have a lot of decisions to make about transfer, and don't have any information to go on today to see how things are doing. I agree that they like them to get to day 5 (if possible) because they think it is a better indicator of whether they will ultimately end in a successful pregnancy, but that certainly isn't true for everyone. For some, they just want to get them back into the body as quickly as possible to let "nature" take over. I am staying positive and hoping that we still have a good number come Sunday.

Chimmi - I agree with Jungle. Drink lots of water. That helped me with my headaches at the beginning. I also think it's your body getting used to all the medication you are putting inside, even if it's the down reg and not the stimms. As Jungle said, give the clinic a call if you are concerned or any symptoms seems really odd. Hope you feel better :hugs:
Chimmi- I'm the same in the 2ww, don't know if it's just cos I'm off work and keeping myself occupied but I'm snacking constantly! So making sure I'm eating fruit and lots of leafy green veg like kale with meals. But they dont taste as good as crisps! Haha!

Psalm- what decisions have you got to make about sunday hun? How many embryos to transfer? What is your clinics policy? xxxx
Thanks for asking how I'm feeling, girls. Fever is gone, but ovaries are still achy. Definitely not as bad as yesterday and I'm not walking hunched over anymore, so that's good! They should be better by tomorrow.

Hope you ladies are doing well!! <3
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been on a little while, everyone is at different stages now! Chimmi, did we used to hang out in a thread a while back and by a while I mean months? :)

All the best for upcoming transfers and emby reports - I loved getting those calls, I'm a control freak and not knowing what my "babies" as I called them (closest we've come, huh?) were doing, I didn't like so much.

We had our ET on October 23rd, and it didn't work. I was bad, and tested at 8dp5dt, I knew I shouldn't have but in a way seeing that BFN there made the phone call easier? Well, the news was already digested and I'd cried for 24 hours so I had not many tears left. I've been OK this week, was positive, but today I don't have much to do and I feel like I have no friends and everyone has babies and a life and I'm just this loser in the corner! Sorry to be negative, but just the way I feel today. Sure tomorrow will be better.

We are going for FET round two, I'm back on the oestrogen train bound for headache town, and our transfer date is Nov 28 which feels like a million years away. It'll come, I know. PLEASE let this be the one!

It seems so wrong that to have to fight for so long and so hard, all of us just can't get what we want after all of this... x
Tuesday - sending you lots and lots of :hug::hug: So sorry that this try didn't work and cry and rant all you want. You are allowed to feel the way you do. The difficulty for all of us in conceiving is immeasurable and it does hurt when all you see are babies around you. Sending you millions of :dust::dust: for the next round and hope this will be the one for you!

Beneath - glad you are feeling better hun! Hope you can have some rest over the weekend. Watch some movies under a warm comforter (it's going to be cold this weekend in NY) and get your DH to take good care of you. :hugs:

Jungle - yes, mostly we need to decide how many to transfer. Our Dr. said if they get to day 5 and are good quality he recommends for my age only to transfer 1. Which I understand and my DH has decided is the gospel truth now. Thing is, what if one is slightly lagging behind or abnormal or something? Or all we are left with on Sunday is 1 or 2 out of the 6 (since I didn't get an update today I have no idea)? Those facts might change our Dr's mind (and DH's) but we won't have very long to decide since we don't get told anything until Sunday. And I know I am probably freaking out about nothing, but I really do like to have all the information in front of me and not feel rushed into a decision. I am moving to be with my husband at the end of this month and so this really is our 1 shot in the US (at least for now) and even if we have one or more frosties, we would have to travel back to the US to do a FET and it puts a lot of pressure on it working if we have to do all that traveling.

Sorry for the epic paragraph. Just needed to get some of that out. xoxo
Just done that annoying thing where you lose your whole message for no reason!!!!!!!

Hope everybody is doing ok? Glad beneath is better and things are moving forward for people xxxx

I'm embracing the pupo! Last time I was a stress mess. I had the summer off work but this time I'm finding it easier being back into normal routine.

Time is flying. I'm 5 days past 5 day transfer.

Symptom spotting of course.

Increased hunger, increase trips to the toilet mainly throughout the night, bloating and mild cramping and aches. I'm still taking lots of eastrogen as well as progesterone and steriods as it took a lot to get my lining ready. My fet was done on cd 34. The drugs could be providing me with the symptoms.

Always quietly lurking on here and catching up!
Tuesday yes I think we did! Hello again :) sorry last time didn't work but fingers crossed your FET wil :) November 28th will be here SO quick trust me! Can't believe I'm on day 3 of down reg already (we've waited three months to start this and now we have it's like a dream!)
Fingers crossed for you xx
Hiya - really sorry ive not been able to spend much time on here recently due to home and work commitments :( Miss chatting properly instead of just posting and running :(

Im at work till my colllection but wanted to update -

Second scan was surprisingly much better than first, still dont feel bloated :shrug: feel quite sick though :(

i have 10 follicle between 12-17mm and 4 at 7/8mm. Collection will be on Wednesday. I have another scan on monday.

:hugs: to everyone.

:happydance: to all that are PUPO!!!!! :happydance:

Good luck to all that are going for collection and or are waiting for a fert report :hugs: Praying things go well for us all!!!

Tuesdaysbaby- so sorry that your last FET didn't work out :hugs: I must admit I test in advance too, for my 2nd BFN it was much easier to know the result in advance of the phone call. Tomorrow WILL be better and you're certainly not a loser :hugs: Have your clinic suggested an endometrial scratch before your next FET? Or have you already had it? Good luck!

Psalm- I know how you feel hun, there's always that decision to make on the day of transfer, maybe if you explain your living circumstances they'll take them into account? Try not to spend today worrying hun. Did you get clarity on whether or not you could Skype your hubby during ET?

Lazydaisys- great news that you're embracing the pupo! It's actually much easier to be happy and positive than anxious and negative isn't it! I'm fully committed to being stress free during this 2ww. Your embryo should be finishing implantation round about now which would explain the cramps/aches , fingers crossed! :dust:

Chimmi- was today's injection better than yesterdays?
Jungle, yes much better today! Was back to the side I did it on the first day. My friend said when she did hers years ago she had a good side and a bad side (bad side is the side with which she writes with) and so is mine.. Weird. But she said to think of it as giving both ovaries the same amount of medication, so I will have to grin and bear both sides :/ haha xx
Hi Chimmi :) and thank you!

Thanks Jungle, no, they didn't suggest that - I'll have to look up what it is exactly, we're just doing the same protocol as last time, estrogen tablets, blood test, and then 5 day transfer 5 days later, I had a bad day today, pretty negative and down on life in general, I'm sure I'll have these days again, but man, they're hard!

Good luck to all who are PUPO, and those with EC coming up. I got pretty bad bloating through stims and after EC, hence the OHSS and freeze all I guess. I remember feeling like I was carrying a sack of potatoes. I was walking so slowly at work people asked if I was ok...!

Anyone who can go through this is amazing x
Jungle, yes much better today! Was back to the side I did it on the first day. My friend said when she did hers years ago she had a good side and a bad side (bad side is the side with which she writes with) and so is mine.. Weird. But she said to think of it as giving both ovaries the same amount of medication, so I will have to grin and bear both sides :/ haha xx

Great stuff!
Funnily enough I had a 'bad side' during my 2nd cycle! It was my left side. But my OH did all my injections so it was the right side as he stood opposite me (and he's righthanded). But both sides were pretty even during my 1st and 3rd cycles.
During my 2nd cycle I got some spots of blood and also some visible bruising so the injections all around the area hurt like hell, but I used the same rationale that both ovaries needed equal meds!so just gritted my teeth and considered physical violence against my OH while he was holding the needle! Haha! :haha: Xxxx
Hi Chimmi :) and thank you!

Thanks Jungle, no, they didn't suggest that - I'll have to look up what it is exactly, we're just doing the same protocol as last time, estrogen tablets, blood test, and then 5 day transfer 5 days later, I had a bad day today, pretty negative and down on life in general, I'm sure I'll have these days again, but man, they're hard!

Good luck to all who are PUPO, and those with EC coming up. I got pretty bad bloating through stims and after EC, hence the OHSS and freeze all I guess. I remember feeling like I was carrying a sack of potatoes. I was walking so slowly at work people asked if I was ok...!

Anyone who can go through this is amazing x

The endometrial scratch is an emerging technique which is supposed to increase chances of implantation. I had it for this cycle and we're hoping it helps us get our bfp. You'd need to have it on approx day21 of the cycle before your FET. Some stuides have shown between 20-40% extra chance of pregnancy as a result. Our clinic charges £144 and offers it to anyone who's had 2 failed cycles. Give it a google xxxx
Thanks Jungle, I will call my clinic tomorrow and ask. Anything to get me that BFP! x How are you feeling? With a 2 day transfer, do they make you wait until 13dp2dt to test? Do you do a blood test, or a HPT? X

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