ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling tired from the progesterone, I'm sleeping all the time! Mine are the pessaries which turn into a creamy mess when they melt and the body expels the remains when it's had enough

Cali- I would say I've experienced twinges rather than cramping too, but also a little constipated so it could be a symptom of that instead...

Psalm- great news you are now pupo! And like me you are 'all in' on this cycle with no frosties, I think it piles on the extra pressure not having an 'insurance policy' but I guess I've been here 3 times now so I'm used to it. How do you feel about it? Your OTD is 3days after mine and cali's so not too long :)

Beneath- how do you feel hun? How many dpIUI are you? Xxxx
Aw Chimmi, you're having a hard time with it aren't you! I never downregged so I've never had these symptoms but just wanted to give you a big hug :hugs: xxxx
Chimmi - I'm down regging at the moment but I haven't had that bad side effects from it really. I was really moody & knackered when I first started but it all seems to have calmed down. What are you taking to down reg, I'm on nasal spray.

Cali & Jungle - I have my fingers crossed for you both

AFM I'm back to normal after Friday's little op & just want to be able to get on with this cycle but I just have this feeling that when I go Friday for my scan that there will be something else wrong.
Psalm, congrats on being PUPO! I'm doing fine thanks. On day 11 of down regging now so waiting for AF to show in a few days then I should be able to start stims, fingers crossed! I have a scan booked for Thursday morning if AF has started by then, if not it will be postponed slightly.

Chimmi, really sorry to hear you're feeling like that. I haven't had any side effects that I've really noticed. I am tired but no more than usual. I hope the lack of side effects doesn't mean my body isn't reacting properly to the drugs, although the nurse did say I shouldn't really experience side effects from the Buserelin. I hope you start to feel better soon! If you're worried, maybe call your clinic to check everything is ok.
Hi ladies! Wow! This thread moves so quickly - I go away for a few days and miss loads! Lol. I promise I have read everything, but didn't take notes, and don't remember enough for personals! I'll try to keep up better!

Congrats to everyone who is PUPO and massive hugs to everyone who hasn't had as good news as they'd hoped for. I'm sorry your cycle was changed to an iui, BMW (can't remember whether I've said that already), but I have my fingers crossed for you!!

Chimmi, I feel your pain! I am on day 13 of down reg, day 12 of buserilin and I feel awful! I feel like I could fall asleep standing up, but as soon as my head hits the pillow.... Nothing. And then when I do finally get to sleep, I wake up a couple of hours later and struggle to get back to sleep! I haven't had much trouble with night sweats, but I have had a constant headache for over a week! My baseline scan is on Thursday and I can't wait to start taking the estrogen tablets after that! I didn't have to do the down reg bit for my fresh cycle and I'm not enjoying it at all this time! Lol. Hang in there, Hun! If you're worried, call your clinic, but if think feeling rotten during down reg is pretty normal. I can't remember who said this, but it made sense to me - when women go into menopause naturally, it happens over a number of years and your hormone levels change fairly gradually. Down reg takes a perfectly healthy, hormonally balanced woman and shoves her into menopause in the space of a couple of weeks! I hope you feel better soon, Hun x

Hope everyone else is feeling well and not having too tough a time of it!!
Haha yeah I'm not worried the nurse said it would be like the menopause, maybe it's my age and coz everything else is ok with me (hormones/eggs etc) that's why it's worse..? I dunno :/
I'm injecting (didn't know you could use a nasal spray?)
I'm used to the injections now day 6 and I'm a pro!
Hope everyone else is ok :) xx
Chimmi - Yes there is nasal spray & it's horrible I would much rather inject as I have to do 2 sprays twice a day & the stuff tastes like antiseptic, I've always got to have polo mints around cos that's the only thing that takes the taste away. I'm on week 4 of this & getting fed up now.

Ostara - I like the way you described down regging 'Down reg takes a perfectly healthy, hormonally balanced woman and shoves her into menopause in the space of a couple of weeks!' It is so true I felt like killing people when I first started as everyone just seemed to be so annoying but as the weeks have gone on I have calmed down a tad lol
Chimmi - sorry you are dealing with such crazy side effects from the down reg. I never did the down reg so I don't have any helpful advice other than to offer you :hugs: and hope that you feel better soon. The things we do for a baby eh?

Ostara - glad you are getting there with the down reg, but sorry that it is also causing you a headache and trouble sleeping. Sounds like you are nearly done with it though and can move onto the next step. That must seem awesome!

Emz - Sorry it has been 4 weeks for you of the down reg, but sounds like things are starting to move forward for you now that the scan is this week.

Madonna - fingers crossed for the :witch: soon so you can start stimming!

Jungle - man oh man are those suppositories messy. And yes, the constipation is ridiculous. Ever since ER I basically have had it. It went away for maybe a couple of days before the ET and then obviously the side effects from the progesterone started to kick in and here it is again with avengance. I don't really know what to think about the fact we had only two left and so that's what we transferred. I think the realist/pessimistic side of me assumed that that would happen, and then the optimistic side of me really thought we might have something else to rely on for FET if this didn't work. Part of me is just trying to take each day as it comes now and face whatever fate we have in store for us next week when we test! :kiss:
Chimmi - I downregged in spring for fresh and in Oct for FET with Lupron and didn't have any side effects except, maybe, for being extra tired. So sorry to hear you having a hard time with it

Everyone PUPO - FXd for all of you! I hope it's all good news soon! :) BMW, same goes for you

AFM - went to baseline appt for the new fresh cycle today. So turns out our lab also closes for two weeks in Dec, so everything needs to happen before Dec 12! So it's only 15 days of BCP for me and if baseline goes well, on to stimms starting Dec 1. The nurse said they are not starting anyone on BCP after today so I got lucky! I'll count it as a good sign for this cycle :)
They also changed my protocol to antagonist, so less injections this time around, yay for that!
Psalm, great news on being pupo! Another one for a bfp very soon :)

Morana, thats great news and about the short protocol so less injections, definitely a good sign

Hope everyone down regging is soon ready to start stimming

Emz, hope all is well Fri and there arent any set backs for you

Beneath, are you testing soon?
Emz- I really hope that there are no more surprises for you on friday. Did they drain the cysts under ultrasound guidance? If there was anything to see, I'm sure they would've spotted it then

Madonna- just a couple more days and you can start stimming :happydance:

Ostara- good luck for your baseline on Thursday!

Psalm- taking it day by day is definitely the best way. Almost as soon as I wrote it my constipation disappeared and I went to the bathroom twice! Weird body.....

Morana- I would definitely take that as a positive lucky sign :)

Hi, I'm ok thank you, just plodding along waiting for time to pass lol
I just want to be pupo now but I cant get impatient already!

Have you tested out the trigger yet? Xxx
Morana - great news! Definitely take it as a positive sign!
I'd like to say the trigger has gone from my system but i'm still getting the faintest of lines! Only when I tilt the test slightly. Hopefully it's gone 100% by tomorrow so I can start genuine BFP-spotting!

My chin has all of a sudden erupted in spots! My skin is generally quite good but if I get a breakout it tends to be on my chin but this is a different level, hormones!

How do you feel Psalm? Are you bed resting or carrying on as normal? xxx
One thing I wanted to ask, after a stimming etc even though ive had af too does it take a while for hormones to leave your system? Just cos sometimes during the day I'll be fine and then suddenly I get a feeling I cant really describe but it's like a feeling of sadness washes over me or like anxious about something,nits hard to describe but it will last for a minute or two and then I'll be fine, strange, just wondering if subconsciously im a bit down about not having an embie transferred or if it's still hormones lurking

Sorry for the essay there! Xxx

Hope the spots are a good sign jungle and bfp spotting starts tomorrow, although it may never completely go away and just get darker! Xx
I reckon it's a bit of both Star, you've been through an emotionally charged life changing experience, which is the same for all of us whether or not it ends in a delayed transfer, bfn, bfp, cancelled cycle or any other outcome. If you think back 5weeks you never would've thought you'd be in the position you are now, it's totally normal that you'd feel disappointed that you didn't get to transfer as planned :hugs: xxxx
Psalm - congratulations on being PUPO! Hope the 2ww flies by for you!

Jungle - Good luck with testing out the trigger. It's something I've always done before for the same reasons! Not sure whether I'll have a trigger with a FET though?

Star - not sure about hormone levels but I find I keep having weird moments where I just don't know how to feel. I feel excited that we have 3 strong embies on ice but then get quite down that I can't have them back yet, especially after going thru so much to have them. It's hard thinking that we would know by now how it turned out...but equally at least we're not dealing with a bfn and still have hope at the mo x
Thank you ladies, your the best, I think your right it's a lot to go through and the weird moments are probably best how to describe it bumpsparkle, like something is not yet complete and I'm excited but a bit down at times too, I have a weekend in Brighton this weekend for my sisters 30th so Im sure my mind we be occupied! Xx
Bumpsparkle- I'm not sure if you have a trigger for FET hun, I wouldn't have thought so because I always thought the purpose of it was to mature the eggs ready for collection and you've already done that bit :happydance: but I might be wrong

Star- you'll have an amazing time in brighton I'm sure! I have lots of fun memories from Brighton as I've been to a couple of conferences there :) xxxx

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