ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Great report plex, stay positive for Monday, your embies will be beautiful xx

Jungle, you've been so strong your bound to have feelings of ups and downs, take the time off work if you can or need to, this is more important xx
I definitely don't think it's easier for you to say cali, far from it, you've been through a tremendous amount of heartache on your journey and the last thing I want to do is take focus away from your news and happiness :hugs: I feel a kinship with you particularly because I've donated 9 eggs previously and you're a reminder of the happiness that a total stranger may have experienced if my eggs have given other ladies their miracle bfps <3 xxxx
Ladies, I have had some crazy cramping the past two days.. I cramp during my tww, but not usually this early and not this strong. Twice today I had to bend over out of no where because I got such a bad cramp. Could this be the progesterone also? I didn't cramp like this either when I was on the Crinone last time. I am 8dpiu today and I started cramping like two days ago.
How strange Beneath, I've not suffered cramps that bad on the creamy progesterone pessaries. It could be a good sign for you, I really hope it is xxxx
Well, got 'the' phone call and its better than we expected :)

All 7 of the eggs collected were mature and injected, 5 fertilized so they want to go to day 5 - completely new territory for me so bricking it!! Im so very aware that they may not even make it that far :( one day at a time i suppose - i will get a call 2moro and Sat to update, but then a veeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy long wait till monday for transfer. Really dont want to think in advance, ie 'ooo now i can transfer a blast' - cos knowing my luck they will all arrest on day 4 when no-one is looking only for them to call me with the horrible news the day of transfer :(

Sorry for being pessimistic its just typical of my luck in this ivf game....im gunna slope off now to wallow in my very own pity party.

love to u all xxx

Try and stay positive 5 is a good number :thumbup:
Plex, great news about the 5, I hope come Monday they will still be going strong.

Jungle, I hope you're doing ok and you feel more positive again tomorrow. Sometimes we just need these meltdowns.

Afm, I didn't go for my scan today and won't be going tomorrow either as still waiting for AF to show. Fingers crossed that will be tomorrow, which will be day 14 of down regulation, then I can go in for my baseline and really get this show on the road!
Beneath - hope it's a positive sign for you!!

Madonna - hope that the :witch: shows her face soon. You must be getting so annoyed waiting. Crossing my fingers she shows up tomorrow.

Emz - good luck at the scan tomorrow!

Jungle - hope you feel better tomorrow lovely. :hugs: Do whatever it takes to try to relax and feel happy.

Madonna- copious amounts of orange juice and squats are on the menu for you to induce AF! I hope today is the day xxxx
Not long now then Madonna! Cant believe I'm
Going to be on the waiting game again for af by end of next month hoping it arrives not too early or not too late!
Plex - Fab news about your 5 fertilised eggies, you must be so pleased with that.

Jungle - Hope your feeling a bit more positive today. It is natural to have a few meltdowns as we do put ourselves through so much on this journey, sending :hugs:

AFM well i went for my scan & the cyst has re-filled & my lining still isn't as thin as they would like, so I've got to wait for the phone call later to see what the blood results were & so they can tell me what the plan of action is. I did get to work & just cried cos i'm just getting fed up, i know we will get there in the end but it's so draining. :cry:
Aw Emz, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can sympathise with the tears at work, that was me yesterday! Big :hugs: I hope the update call brings better news

hiya plex, how are you feeling during your wait? Did you get a day2 update or do your clinic omly do day3 phonecall? xxxx
Emz- sorry to hear your scan didn't go to well. I had a scan today to check my follicles. They are a bit on the small side so I've to keep taking the global - f injections and the nasal spray for a few more days and back again on Sunday for another scan. Hard not to feel disappointed but I'm staying positive.
Emz - so sorry sweetheart! You must be so irritated with all this waiting around. Praying for good news for you on the call later today, or at least a plan of action to get you kickstarted! :hugs:

Jungle - how are you feeling today lovely? Thinking of you xoxo

Star - love that you are still here cheering us on! I am hoping that you get AF perfectly on time for your schedule!

Keri - keep the faith on the growing follies! Some times they just take a little bit longer. I know it means more injections (ugh) but it's better that they get this part right!

Hi Plex!! Hope you're doing ok today. Are you resting or back at work? Grow embies grow!

AFM - nothing really going on. I am getting a few twinges in my abdomen and a bit of cramping yesterday. Trying to will these embies to stick!! This wait seems like the longest of my life. Does anyone else feel like they should be doing something but there is just nothing to do except wait? It makes my mind wander and I am afraid of that.
AF arrived today.. Bang on time, doesn't really mean anything just no hold ups now as I should start stimming next Friday.. :)
Hopefully be my last AF for a while..? Fingers crossed!!!
Hope everyone else is ok? X
Emz, sorry to hear about the setback, I hope you good news in the phonecall!

Jungle, thanks for the tips, I had completely forgotten about the orange juice etc that I read on here a few weeks ago. Annoyingly I'm still waiting for AF, I phoned the clinic this afternoon and my baseline scan has now been postponed until Monday morning! AF had better show by then! The clinic only opens on Sat if needed, and it is unlikely tomorrow will be day 2, there is no point the staff coming in and the clinic does not open at all on Sundays. I just need to keep taking the Buserelin until Monday. It's annoying that it has been delayed, but it has actually worked out quite well as ER was likely to be on DH's 30th birthday, but now it should be about 4 days later.

Chimmi, my cycle is likely to be even closer to yours now. Are you feeling any better now? Have your symptoms disappeared?
Chimmi, you posted whilst I was writing my message! I wonder why you start stimming so long after AF arrives. Do you know why? Do you still continue with the Buserelin? I am supposed to start stimming quite soon after AF.
Madonna, I feel better these days thanks maybe im getting used to it..?
No idea why it's so long after AF, they didn't ask when AF is due or anything just said to go for scan on Friday 21st "as long as I have had my period before then" and if it doesn't come then to phone them?
Are you waiting for AF to come to start stimming? It seems everyone is doing it different to me :/ hope they know what they are doing (ha!)
They said to take the buserelin until they tell me to stop...?!

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