ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!

Seriously Plex - WTF!! Maybe we aren't supposed to say that but that's what I want to say. It's ridiculous that they haven't told you anything. This is such a stressful experience without them making it worse. I sincerely hope that they call you first thing Monday morning and if they don't you should march yourself down there and give them a piece of your mind. It's totally outrageous that they haven't told you anything. Could they call you tomorrow or are they shut? Worst thing is they are probably operating under the premise that "no news is good news" - that's what my DH tried to soothe me with when I was losing my mind over not hearing anything. Honestly in this process, we need information. Not silence.

Seriously sending everyone :hug: today. All I want to do is sit on the couch and eat chocolate :haha:

At least Pretty Woman is on WeTV so I am enjoying a bit of 1990s Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.

I'm cramping tonight, thinking the witch is close. In my last 2 cycles AF arrived the day after otd. I'm told the progesterone discourages early AF psalm, so I hope it's not that for you xxxx

Jungle I really hope it isn't AF for you - sending up a prayer. xoxo
Hi ladies :) again, I come back to pages of posts to catch up on!

I'm about to go to bed (so sleepy) so apologies for the lack of personals...

I see we've had a bfp! Congratulations! The first of many, I hope! Good luck to everyone who has OTD coming up or transfer day :) I hope you get good news on Monday, plex :) I have my fingers crossed for you :)

Hope what you're feeling are good signs BMW! When is test day for you? I forget how many days post iui you are?

I hope everyone is having a good weekend :) I'm rubbish at keeping up with this thread, but I am reading every post and sending lots of luck to everyone :)

AFM, I had my baseline scan on Thursday morning. I came out with mixed feelings. My lining is very very thin - 1.6mm - which is good from the view that it needed to be thin so that I could start taking the progynova, but it was 3.5mm at baseline during my fresh cycle and then had trouble in terms of thickness... So now I'm worried that starting off even thinner will mean that it doesn't get thick enough. The nurse pretty much said I'll probably have to stim for another week after my scan on the 26th, so it doesn't sound like she's confident my lining will do what it needs to in the next two weeks either! I'm doing all the old wives tales - pomegranate juice, kiwi fruits, yoga, spinach, raspberry leaf tea etc etc... Just have to wait and see!

They also told me that I have an acutely anteverted uterus. I'm not sure why they didn't pick this up during my last cycle, but it explains why my transfer was so painful last time and pretty much guarantees that it'll be painful this time too! Joy!

I've started my progynova now - 1 tablet, 3 times a day - still feeling quite rough. They said the side effects of the buserilin would go away when I started taking the estrogen, so I'm just waiting for that to happen! Lol.
Good to hear from you, Ostara!

My cramping has gone away today.. so that's odd. Three days of cramping, one day it was very intense and then goes away! We shall see if this means anything. I decided I am not testing until Thursday if AF isn't here yet. I am 10dpiui today.

Hope your lining thickens up, hun!!! Keep us posted. Weird, they didn't tell you about your uterus before now. Praying you start to feel better once you start the estrogen. :hugs:
Sorry to ask such a silly thing when you are all going through so much more important stuff.. But my pot of buserelin says it's 5.5ml and I've been injecting 0.5ml a day for 11 days now so my calculations the pot should be empty.. But it's not? Do they always put more than the written amount in there? I was given 3 pots by the clinic and am still on my first(!) got an appointment with them on 5 days.. I will never use all 3 pots.. Do they always over prescribe? Am so worried I've gone wrong somewhere..! :/
Hi Chimmi- sorry i've not ever taken buserelin so im not sure how it works, but my gonal f pen did always have 900 total written on it and that was exactly what was in there. It had a see through glass pane on it with a measuring stick and everytime I injected 200 dose i wrote down what the starting and finishing totals were so I could keep track. If the 5.5 is printed on the packaging I would say that's the precise amount in there due to pharmacy rules. Can you read or estimate how much is left or is it blind? Xxxx
Plex. Hope you get a call today. I got a 9 am Sunday call forms day transfer. It's so disappointing they having been in touch. They have no idea of the emotional strain. Xxxxx
Sorry to ask such a silly thing when you are all going through so much more important stuff.. But my pot of buserelin says it's 5.5ml and I've been injecting 0.5ml a day for 11 days now so my calculations the pot should be empty.. But it's not? Do they always put more than the written amount in there? I was given 3 pots by the clinic and am still on my first(!) got an appointment with them on 5 days.. I will never use all 3 pots.. Do they always over prescribe? Am so worried I've gone wrong somewhere..! :/

Hi chimmi! Don't worry - my clinic told me they sometimes put more in the buserilin than it states on the bottle. I'm on 0.5ml per day too and my first bottle lasted almost 14 days (needed a drop or two from the second bottle to make up the dose on the last day).
Sorry cant catch up properly now but sending hugs and hoping for good news for you all xxx
Hi everyone

Star- did you enjoy your weekend? Cocktails sounded amazing!

Madonna- are you still waiting for AF hun?

Emz- how are your injections going?

Chimmi- have you AF cramps subsided?

Keri- how did today's scan go?

Ostara- it sounds like you're doing everything you can to help your lining. It's strange they didnt mention your uterus in previous appointments. I hope it means they'll increase your pain meds automatically for your EC!

Beneath- fingers crossed your cramping was a really good sign

Psalm- I hope you enjoyed your 90's throwback night last night. How's your bleeding today?

Plex - how are you feeling today? Have you worked out a strategy for tomorrow?

Cali- how are you feeling? Hoping you get a nice high reassuring beta tomorrow

Lazydaisys- I'm so sorry to hear your bfn news :( is there any sign of AF? Have you given up hope?I think I gave up hope around Thursday last week. I just know now that this cycle hasn't worked. So painful :hugs:

Please forgive me girls if I don't post straight away tomorrow lunchtime. I'm expecting confirmation of bfn but I'm in no way prepared to hear it. Just burying my head in the sand

Love and :dust: to all xxxx
I don't know why they didn't mention it in my previous scan either! It didn't affect my egg collection at all, but my embryo transfer was very uncomfortable and there's nothing they can really do about that :(

Good luck for tomorrow. I really hope you get good news, but we're all here if/when you need us if you don't xx
Jungle my cramps have gone thank god but still heavy flow :( just hoping it's a good sign f a good clear out lol!

Ostara thanks for answer about buserelin (I was worrying about how I was going to manage getting the last 0.5ml out exactly it seems impossible, I would say there's a few more doses in there..! But am not worried now, I have definitely injected the right amount each day, I suppose they put more in the pot coz you can't ever empty it completely not by using a needle you would have to open the top or something and they aren't made like that..!
Jungleland -I'm sorry to hear your expecting a bfn it must be heartbreaking for you:hugs:
My scan went well today although they did confirm I have endometriosis which I expected anyway. My egg collection is booked for Tuesday.
Jungleland -- i'm so sorry, hun. Take as much time as you need but please know that we are all here for you if you want to vent and just let your heart out tomorrow. :hugs:
Jungle - just wanted to pop in and wish you lots of luck and baby dust for 2mrw's beta! I know you've been testing thru the 2ww and I fully understand how that both helps and doesn't. We'll all be here for you either way x
Jungle, will be thinking of you tomorrow. I was still waiting for the witch, but she finally showed up about an hour ago, CD37 and day 16 of down regging! This means i can finally go in for my scan tomorrow and hopefully get started with stimming if all goes well.
Good luck tomorrow jungle xx

Madonna yay for AF finally arriving I shouldn't be too far behind you with stimming... Eek!!
Jungle - thinking of you and praying for you. I am so sorry to hear this. Take all the time you need and we are here for you no matter what. :hugs: xoxo
Jungle - Sending lots of :hugs: :hugs: I don't really know what else to say but we are all here for you xx

Psalm23 - How are you, has the bleeding stopped?

Keri - Good luck for Tuesday

BMW - Fingers crossed that the cramping was a good sign :thumbup:

AFM I started my injections Friday night & the first one really hurt but i think it because they have upped my dose so it takes longer for it all to go in. It's been 3 days now & thankfully it doesn't hurt as much as the first but still not nice. Me & Hubby decided to just have a weekend to ourselves which was lovely as we are usually running around seeing family.

I hope everyone else is ok x

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