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ICSI/IVF/FET October/November Buddies wanted!!


How are you doing?

I'm just waiting for af to arrive in 8 days to ring clinic to see if I can get in for a teach session xx hope all ok xxx
Hi Kaye,

Is that when you'll be starting your cycle or will you be waiting for the cycle after?
My AF is also due in 8 days and I'll hopefully be ringing clinic to arrange baseline that day.
Hoping this week passes quickly for us both (although bit anxious about scratch on thurs).

Is there anyone else starting in early Oct? x x

No unfortunately if they say yes this month then I have bloods and a teach ready to start the month after but apparently they can say no 3 times.

Good luck for the scratch and think that it's all for a good cause and hopefully you get that BFP xx
That must be frustrating but I've got my fingers crossed for a yes for you! x
Hi all
AF is due tomorrow so I've been drinking lots of orange juice ;)
I'll be having an endo scratch on this cycle then ICSI the following cycle
Time's flying!
That's awful kaye, I'd hate to be let down and turned away once never mind 3 times! I really hope you're not in that position. Getting emotionally ready to start is so important.
I'm waiting anxiously for details of your scratch experience bumpsparkle! Good luck!
How are you psalm/plex/lizzie? Xxxx
How about you morana and ilovetomatoes? Did you find out whether you needed the op morana? Have you been on your holiday ilovetoms? Xxxx
Hi ladies, we just got back from vacation on saturday. I had my tubal ligation yesterday and recovering right now. Good news is that I have good liver & uterus. I only needed two small cuts, one through my belly button and the other is on the right side of my lower ab. The belly button one is pretty sore but overall not too bad.

We have IVF class this friday and hopefully I'll have enough energy to order my meds. Almost finish with my first box of BCP! AF shoukd arrive by the end of this week. Syim starts end of next month. Things are moving along slowly.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I noticed that Plex took some time off BnB. Hope everything is ok Plex!

Jungle, are you starting at the end of October also? Who's starting soon?
Jungle, yes, I had my surgery last week. Thanks for asking, I just checked in today after a week of staying away
Turns out I did need it, she ended up cleaning out a polyp, some scar tissue and yet another fibroid. I didn't get to talk to her after the surgery, only my OH did (and the follow up is not until Oct 16th!). From what my OH told me, doc said the surgery shouldn't affect the timeline for my FET. Almost done with the first pack of BCP and onto the next since I will be extending the timeline until the end of Oct.
Having a bit of a meltdown today too... My BIL passed by today to tell us they are pregnant. Hope I faked enough happiness while he was here, tbh I can't feel that happy for them right now. :(
Skimmed the thread and all seems to be still quiet... FX'd for everyone who needs to get accepted, get their AF and start on time!
Ah glad your surgeries went well girls.
Morana, my best friend was telling me last night that one of her friends told her that she was pregnant (12weeks) on exactly the same day as their other friend had her 5th+ miscarriage. They havent told her and dont know how because it's so raw, but it's left a situation where everyone in the friendship group knows except her :( I've always told people that I'd rather know if friends/family is pregnant but that I will almost certainly have a private meltdown after they've gone! :hugs: it's so hard and she will always be sad about the other friends pregnancy but every milestone that the child ever has will reminded her of what could've been too so I think she needs to know sooner rather than later...horrible reminder that some have it so easy and others have it so hard. How unfair.
I should be starting around 22 Oct ilovetoms (day1) stimming would start 23rd Oct xxxx
Hi ladies

Kaye - not long until your teaching session now hopefully. Sorry to be stupid but on what grounds wold they say that you can't start?? Just the usual scenarios with Cysts etc or is there something else that they worry about?

Bumpsparkle - are you starting on CD21 after your next AF? Hope AF arrives on time for you next week.

Jungleland - ha ha about the orange juice ;) hope AF arrives right on time tomorrow! So sad about your friend's friends. It just highlights how different all of our paths are when it comes to fertility. I'd definitely want to know rather than find out later that I'm the only one in a group that was unaware of such a loss for a friend but equally I can understand the friend who has suffered the loss not wanting to share that news with someone celebrating happy news whether it's because she doesn't want to sadden her when she is happy and/or because it's just too hard for her when dealing with her own situation.

ILT glad the Op went well although I don't envy you at all!! At least it's done and you're a step further along now.

Plex's mum is really ill (she posted in her journal) so she is taking some time away from the boards at the moment although I'm sure that if she is lurking she will be pleased that we are all thinking about her.

Morana, glad your surgery went well too. It sounds like a good job that they went ahead and did all that to give you the best possible chance of a successful cycle. I'm sure you faked happy well enough for your BIL, I think we end up being netter actresses than we give ourselves credit for through this journey. Hugs :hugs:

Psalm - how are you?

AFM not much to report. Diet still going well, lost 9 1/2 lbs now so trying to stay focussed. Going to ring the clinic and chase my protocol this morning but nothing much doing until CD1 of my October AF when I start injections so probably another 4 weeks or so.
Jungle, I start stim on the 24th! Looks like we have a similar schedule.

Lizzie, thanks for the news. I hope everything is well with Plex. I'm starting my diet this week. Although, it's a bit harder with my current surgery. Fx I can loose 10lbs before I start stim.

Morana, I understand how you feel regarding BIL pregnancy. But you'll follow soon! My RE actually told me that frozen FET works better for some and he is not sure why. Hang in there. Only a month to go then you'll have your own good news to share. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well.
AF has just arrived*:happydance: so I got straight on the phone and booked my endo scratch for 16th October. Feels soooo good to be doing something! Scratch will be done on day23 of my cycle

Yes ILT, we should be starting stimms within days of each other! :hugs:

Lizzie -the orange juice worked! Haha! Bang on time, this last cycle has been 28 sweet days long Xxxx
Hi all. Great to hear from everyone and how they are doing.

Jungle - Great that you got your AF to come on time :) You and I are on a very similar track. I got mine yesterday and will likely start stimming around Oct 20th (depending on how October cycle goes).

Morana - hope you are getting some much needed rest from the surgery and that you start to feel better soon. It's hard to get news about other people's pregnancies (I feel like every day is another family member or friend who is telling me news) but I know we have to visualize that it will be us soon and I always hope we will be sensitive to those who may also be struggling to conceive.

Ilovetom - hope you get some time to recover too. The teach class will be great this Friday. when I had mine a couple of weeks ago that was when this all started to seem real. They let us take home the needles to practice with - which reminds me I need to buy some oranges to practice on! :)

Lizzie - Well done on the weight loss! Sounds like you have your plan mapped out and we might be stimming around the same time too. I have a feeling this thread will get a lot more active around the end of October!

Bumpsparkle - sounds like you're starting soon. Hope you are feeling good about everything. Keep us updated!

Kaye - fingers crossed that they say yes and that it's all a go for you soon.

Plex - if you are looking, we are all thinking of you and your family.

AFM - I am counting down the days until DH comes back home for a week (Oct 10th) yay! But it's a busy week. We have the IVF consent forms appointment the day he lands, then Oct 13th and 15th he is giving his samples so that we can do the ICSI when he is back overseas (my cycle starts right after he leaves). Currently battling with billing pre-authorization folks not returning phone calls (which is frustrating) and determining which credit card I am going to put the $2000 of meds on (eeek!). Things are moving though. Also trying to decide how long I can stand being at my current job. I have another job which is meant to start Dec 3rd and I am wondering whether to just take most of the month of November off so I am actually in the right frame of mind and not totally stressed out for this whole process!
What does your hubby do overseas Psalm?
Will you be self injecting when your cycle starts? I don't know where I'd be if my other half wasnt there to inject me, he's done all mine in previous cycles, you're so brave going ahead while he's away.
I had my new credit card approved a few days ago and it's having this round of ICSI on it and nothing else.... it's interest free for 16months which is a massive benefit, so painful to hand over the card though! Soo expensive!
I'm having 3 weeks off in oct/nov so fully understand your thoughts about taking some time out of work. I'm looking forward to not having any work stress during the process xxxx
Hey ladies :) Starting IVF soon too. Could I join the discussion? :) How are you all doing? I am having my first consultation on the 2nd October. I am hoping my luteal phase is miraculously 14 days long (hormones after the January birth messed up my cycles but all going back to normal after I stopped breastfeeding.. Husband works abroad..and consultant has agreed to a videoconference as they had already met my husband when he froze some samples and signed consent forms. Really hoping my period holds out so that I can be 2 days into my cycle on the day of the consultation and somehow have the option of starting earlier in October for a short protocol. Any ideas how I can lengthen my luteal phase and keep the spotting at bay? (The clinic has no earlier appointments available..) Otherwise the options would be either a long protocol starting later in October or a short protocol starting in November... I have a phobia from needles and I will have to inject myself... Do you have any tips? Are the injection pens easy enough to handle? Am terrified about the egg retrieval and am not able to find someone to join me if it's a workday.. Did you find the egg retrieval procedure straightforward enough? Any tips? Anyway, really excited about things moving :) fingers crossed we all get the results we want, and as soon as possible at that! :)
Hi to all! I am hoping it's ok to jump onto this thread.

I just learned that my first IVF failed. I did a 5 day transfer. The blastocyst was not very good quality.. a 1bb I think.
I had a phone consult with my Dr. today and the good news is that the two blastocysts that made it to freeze are actually both 4AA. I guess they didn't make it to that until day 6 so a lesser quality blast got transferred. I know quality isn't everything. The embryo did not even attach though as my hcg level was only 2.
So... I am gearing up for a FET at the beginning of November. I am going to transfer both embryos if they both survive thaw.
I look forward to following along with you ladies!
Good Luck!
Hi ecarroll! Hi DoxieLove.

Sorry to hear about your first cucle fail Doxie. I was silently stalking the September 2014 thread and saw you on there. Glad that you got better news about your frosties and hope and pray that your FET will be super successful.

ecarroll - I don't have any tips on the injections (this is my first IVF) though I think a couple of ladies on this thread have been through it before. I am not crazy excited about self-injecting but don't have much choice. I hear from others that the first couple of days it is a bit scary but that you get used to it.

Jungle - my DH and I are both lawyers (boring) but he is working overseas because he talents are more useful over there. It's just so tough being so far away. Everyone here is wondering when he is coming back and the reality is my new job is over where he is!! Arrrgh. So not only are we going through IVF but we are moving countries. I must be mad. Glad to hear you got 16 months interest free credit on the card. That's a great savings. If you are disciplined you can absolutely pay that off over the next 16 months and never get charged any interest. Perfect.
Jungle, Lizzie, ILT, Psalm - thanks for your support, ladies! I guess I'm just a bit tired from being happy for everyone else. I kinda feel better about it today, my OH yesterday helped a lot then I got to thinking that if this October FET works, these cousins will be pretty close in age :)

ecarroll - self injecting is not that scary, subq needles are tiny and don't hurt much. First injection is the hardest, it gets easier after that.

Psalm - I hope you have a good reunion week with your hubby :) Taking time off work might be a double edged sword: on one hand you don't have to stress about work. On the other, here's so much less to distract you from all the waiting we have to do during the cycles! I'm sure you'll make the best decision though. Are you fully prepared for moving already or will you have to do some preparations while doing the cycle?

ILT - hope you're recovering well. That scar in the bellybutton is a pain! Those in my previous surgeries hurt the most out of all incisions.

Lizzie - great job on the weight loss!

Jungle - Whoo-hoo for moving forward, the date will be here soon
I agree with Morana. The injections are not bad...especially the pens. I used the Gonal F pen and it was painless. Menopur burned like hell going in but icing beforehand helped. Not sure what meds you are going to be using.
I freaked out like a big baby with the first shot and told my husband tthat I wasn't going to go through with it. It gets much easier.
Hi ladies,

It looks like a few of us are starting around the same time. Yaaayy. I'm really glad to have some of the experience ladies on this thread. I think most of us don't like needles. Plus, my bos is really sensitive to drugs so I'm not looking forward to the possible side effects. I know that they can readjust the meds but I prefer not to experience the side effects :). 1 ibuprofen is enough for a whole day for me and 1 extra strength Tylenol will knock me out. Anyway, nothing much to do at this point. Trying to keep calm and take it day by day. Today, my belly button feels better. Yaaayy. Today is also my last day of my first pack of BCP.

Doxie, glad to see you decided to move forward with the FET! My RE told me that FET appears to have higher successful rate than fresh. So FX this is it!

Morana, anytime. That's why we are here for. It'll be fun to have same age cousin. My sister is planning to give it their 110% in October. Birthdays are going to be close! :)

I wish that I have more time to take off from work for the whole process. Alas, I planned our vacation at the beginning of the year and didn't know about the IVF until a couple of months ago. Oh well. It is what it is.

Psalm, which country are you moving to? Don't feel pressure to answer. I understand if you want to keep it private. Must be exciting and scary at the same time. I'd take it off and just enjoy whatever time I have left with family and friends. Travel down to memory lane as things never stay the same :).

Hi Ecarroll! Unfortunately, I have nothing to share since October will be my first IVF ever. Did you conceived your daughter through IVF also?

Jungle, my credit card company just raised my card limit. Not a good sign since that means that I've been using my CC a lot. I am not one who likes to use CC. I use it to pay regular expenses to get travel points then paid it off. Got into some CC trouble when I was young and naive :).

Hi to everyone else :wave:

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