If your around 5 weeks join to share symptoms all the way to POPPING!

Thanks ladies!

Well last night i thought i would wear bright white big granny knickers so when i woke up i could see if i had any more brown blood.....i woke up and there wsnt anything there but when i stood up i did leak some brown discharge but it was rather watered down! Im hoping this is a good sign and i am very releived to be having an early scan tomorow! i wont be able to sleep tonight! My doppler came as well today (i didnt expect it to be here untill i was 8 weeks) i was very naughty and had a go but couldnt find anything but i am not worried or suprised at im only 7 weeks! I do feel sick tho again today so fingers and toes crossed my little bean is ok and snug as a bug!

Hope all the other lovely ladies are grand!
I may have counted my chickens a bit too early. Felt rotten this morning!
I'm sure your scan will go great! Ive had brown/pink spotting here and there too. Mostly after bm's. Turned out to be nothing.

Fingers crossed! Let us know how it went, Im sure you'll get to see the HB too!
They had to do my ultrasound vaginally to see and hear it because they couldnt see nothing from on top.It was too early yet.
Hey ladies!

Soo....went for an ultrasound! she saw a heartbeat which she said was healthy but she did say we are back week im only 6 weeks pregnant cos of my irregular period! so me and Trin are really close ! Anyway i did manager to get some pictures of my little baba! (or should i say dot!) but i am really happy!

Dave was soooo funny he kept asking the ultra sound lady "whats that black thing?" "whats that?" "is that....?" hahah she told him off for looking cos she warned us not to panic as it can take her a while to find the baby and dave shouldnt be looking!! hahah ! but she found it straight away which was fab!

Dave then kept saying "wheres the baby? It's gone?" so me and the ultrasound lady had to keep pointing out to him where it was !!!!!! hahahahhaha

Sending my love girlies!


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Thats brilliant news Cassie : )

I can't wait for my scan... one more week..
Great news! Now breathe that sigh of relief and enjoy this time with you and the baby :)
Hi ladies I made a thread for leap year babies to be I would like to see how many of us give birth on the lucky day! The thread is in pregnancy groups and discussions forum.
Thanks Ladies!

I actually am in love with my little dot! hahah!

Howss everyone feeling today!?!?

I didnt actually get to hear the heartbeat we could just see it fluttering away....i asked did she know the rate or anything and the ultrasound lady said she is trained in being able to tell by looking at it everything is ok and mine looks healthy so reallllly good news! however i must admit i am a little bit sad to have gone back a week! :( stupid irregular periods!!!!
Awesome scan!

Be thankful for MS ladies.. When I got preg, that was the only thing I was deathly afraid of and now I get none :( .. We are back to trying again though and next time around, even if I hate it, I will take it and be content with it!! Good luck on your journeys!!
Hows everyone doing lately? I have my 1st official appt on July 25th. I am excited.
I am feeling....not much really.
I just pee alot during the night. i got up 5 times last night! and my boobs are still sore.
Almost onto wk 9! I cant wait to have a bump!!!!
awwww Kita i am sooo sorry to hear about your news....however least you have managed to get a BFP which is an awesome thing! now you know its possible and the symptoms with how pregnancy effects your body! sending my love :hugs:

ArmyWife- i am ridiculously jealous about your nearly 9 weeks! since my early scan i have been gutted to have been setback a week and a half! it feels like i have been 6-7 weeks for ageeeessss! my boobs arent as sore i just keep geting t
he waves of sickness and the getting up in the middle of the night to pee!

Sooooo i was playing with my doppler and i know im still early but you see those around the same time on youtube flaunting there early heartbeats and i just think well i can do that too!

soooo i cant actually hear anything but my own heartbeat! however this was all i picked up when i have tried it in the past! When i tried it last night it was showing me a faster heart rate! usually the heart symbol in the top left flashes to the beat of my heart but when the hearate numbers go up it goes mad flickering in the corner so i wonder if it is picking up the babies heartbeat! Im probably deluded! and its probably some stupid gas or something!

Anyway take a look and see what you think...

The first video i try and get my heart beat and then move it to where i think baby is to show it goes up and changes!

i can definitly only hear my heartbeat! i just dont know why the display is flashing 130+

heres the second video
--- https://www.flickr.com/photos/6551595...in/photostream
How is everyone doing, getting close now to 2nd tri!

Sorry cassie I cant be of help, lol....I have no idea what a doppler is or how it works.

I ended up telling my employer yesterday im expecting. I wasnt going to share until past 2nd tri but with all the office painting going on, I couldnt let myself breathe it in for 8hrs.

Only thing i am experiencing lately is peeing 5-6 times a night!

All okay this end and very excited to be creeping towards 12 weeks. I am finding the excitement overtaking the anxiety. Sickness/tiredness hit me big time at week 9 and did make me physically sick but I found eating helped : )

I am also peeing a lot in the night. Some nights worse than others but i'm up at least three times.

Had my midwife appt this week which was fine. Bit of a non event. Looking forward to my first official scan on 17th (i had a private one at 8 weeks)
Finally starting to pop out a bit!! I love it!! How is everyone doing?!?

Whats everyone experiencing so far?? I had the worst cramps of my life last week. I had to miss work for a week! Doctors just said its due to constipation/ligaments.
So glad thats behind me.

ANyone feel movement yet??
hello ladies!

Yes this morning i thought i would take a picture as i seem more round and hard down in my lower belly! I made sure i took the photo before seating as when i eat something i seem to bloat up like a wale!:haha:

No movement....i was told if its your first it can be quite a while 18-22 weeks i think my midwife said!

Hows everyone else?!?!?

OHHHHH and i have horrible stretch marks :growlmad:


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Your bump looks very similar to mine. I am lovingit but also can't wait until it gets a bit bigger. I heard the same re.movements.
Found out im team blue!!
I cant believe how slow 1st trimester went because 2nd trimester is just flying by!

how is everyone feeling? Ive been having tons of heartburn/indigestion. Other than that, its been pretty good. Just feeling lots of movements.

We are over half way there ladies!!!
Congrats on team blue. We are team pink!!! All good here and bumpmcoming along nicely. Can't believe it's over half way. Can't wait t meet her! X

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