I'm looking for a buddy!

Glad to hear the pregnancy is going well Ann. I found that a warm compress really helped with back pain, maybe you could try that.

Tella - sorry the injection sites are painful, but it will all be worth it in the end!

My little man is good... currently asleep on my shoulder right now, which is making typing with one hand very hard. He was a good boy today when we had to attend a funeral, he slept right through thankfully. My mom's best friend passed away last week after loosing a 2 year battle with cancer.
Oh yes it will definitely be worth it. I just made arrangements for a doctor to give me my intramuscular injections for the next 2 weeks, im to scared.

Aw sweet man, you must be having so much fun with him!

Sorry to hear about your moms friend, cancer is awful!
Hi ladies, how are things going? Tella - when are you going to be able to test?

Just wanted to post some pictures. Kieran has started to smile, its amazing! Although he keeps me up at night and can be a bit of a handful at times, its all sooo worth it when you see that little smile :)

Edit: so I cant upload the picture I wanted lol, I'll try again later.
My Beta is on Tuesday, but i have a digi save for that special morning. Gonna test in the morning. And then i have anohter beta 2 days after before i can set my scan date :winkwink:

Cant wait to see the photos
Hey Tella, anymore news on how the testing is going? I'm crossing my fingers for you!! And sending you lots of :dust:

Ann - hows the pregnancy going, not much longer to go!
Hi, Yes unfortunately the beta blood test came back negative on Tuesday. So now im a months break, only seeing my FS in 2 weeks time to find out what is our next course of action and what he wants to change on #2.

I have egg quality issues apparently, so we need to work on that.

But it was so sweet yesterday, my step sister came and visited me for the afternoon and we where just discussing the IVF, donor eggs (if it comes to that) and all the costs.
So last night i get a text from her saying that she has thought about it and she is willing to be my egg donor if i need one instead of some stranger. She would like to be the one helping us and needless to say i was in tears all over again.
Oh wow Tella, your sister is amazing! What a wonderful gift that would be for you and your family. But lets home it doesnt come to that in the end, maybe next month will be it for you. Keep up that positive attitude, no matter what you'll be a mommy one day.

AFM - Yesterday was my first Mother's Day. DH and Kieran got me a hanging basket, which is beautiful and is hanging on our front porch. Kieran is officially 8 weeks old today and he is quickly growing out of his 10lb clothing, so I'm guessing he's around 10 - 12lbs now! I've got a picture of him smiling, something he's only been doing for the last 2 weeks...


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Hey guys. I know I have been MIA for quiteeee a while... And I apologize completely for that... Was just having a really tough time with TTC and everyone around me popping out BFP's. Most recently was a girl who already has 2 kids - which have been taken from her since she didn't look after them, I found out she is now preggo again... with twins. :( Yesterday I started cycle 2 of clomid, 100mg/day. Hoping that it works, after 26 mths DF & I are sooo ready for this.

Congrats Joanna on your beautiful baby. How was the delivery? Kieran is an adorable name!! :)

Tella: I am very sorry to hear that you still haven't gotten your BFP, and your step sisters offer to be an egg donor is heart warming. That is a great bond you have with her. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at least you have that comfort in knowing that she is willing to do that for you. :)
WOW it is great to hear from you. Yeah girl we still TTC buddies no bfp here yet :cry:

I hope the Clomid works for you, maybe you should ask if you can try Femara, it seems to have a better result and less side effects.

My step sister is amazing for offering to do that for me, i couldnt stop crying when i read the message and yes i do pray it doesnt come to that but it is great to know i have the option and dont have to pay the exuberant fees for egg donor.

Our BFP's will come we must just be patient! :hugs:
Femara? I have never heard of that before. Luckily *knock on wood* so far the only side affect I have gotton from the clomid is some nasty hot flashes. I was in Wal-Mart one day with my Momma and she thought I was getting ready to strip off right there. It was insanely too hot under my skin. haha.

Yeah, I would imagine that an egg donor would be a ridiculous amount of money. I haven't had any of my sisters offer but I have 2 friends who said they would be more than happy to help in whatever way they could. It's nice and a little stress reliever to have people like that around.

Patience & :dust: Your way ... I don't know about you, but I lack in the patience department where TTC is concerned. :haha:
Wow Cara so nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear that TTC hasn't been going well for you and sorry to hear about your friend who is pregnant with twins and had her other children taken away. A friend of mine just announced she is pregnant with twins and her daughter is not even two (she also had an abortion back last August)... her and her boyfriend are not very responsible because I think all her pregnancies were 'accidents'.

The birth for me went pretty well. My water broke at midnight on March 19th and about 20 mins later contractions started and they were about 4 mins apart. We went to the hospital around 2am and Kieran was born at 6:27am! So it went really fast and I didnt even have time for any pain meds, so I did everything naturally! I had a 2nd degree tear so I had some stitches but other than that the recovery was pretty fast... minus the fact that I'm still suffering from some hemorrhoids but i've got some medicine that is helping lol. Its amazing what our bodies go through to have/make a baby!
Those 'oopsie' babies to the parents who are very immature/irresponsible drive me crazy.

Wow Joanna! It sounds like your birth went pretty good. I am glad that things were easy-ish for you! And woohoo for a natural! :) I cannot wait to experience all of that on my own ! Haha.
Cara > Femara is a alternative to Clomid, even if you O on it the quality of eggs might not be great and Femara can change that. Have a chatt o your FS and see what alternative you have seeing that you have used Clomid so much without success.

JOanna > How the little man doing? Load some pics :)
Tella: Thanks for the suggestion, I will def have to look into. Hopefully it's not too pricey or, like clomid, it's covered under DF's drug plan. This is only my second cycle of clomid, and I am really hoping it works. If not, when my next appointment comes around I will have to try and rememeber Femara. :)

Still have to get DF into his Dr to get a referral to a Urologist... My OBGYN wants him to have another SA but said it would be better if he went through his family Dr - would look 'less suspicious' that way, instead of having an OBGYN requesting it when they are supposed to just deal with the ladies. lol.
Afternoon ladies, how are things on the TTC front going. Ann - hows the baby doing, how far along are you now, not much time left now!

Kieran and I are doing well. He went for his 2 month check up on Wednesday and now weighs 10lbs 11oz, he also got 2 needles! Poor little guy screamed when he got pricked, it broke my heart... he was very cranky that night, probably because he was sore but he seems to be over it now.

So its been very hot and humid here so last night Kieran was hanging out in just his diaper and was very happy/excited to be practically naked haha. He was kicking his feet about, smiling and making some cute little 'talking' noises haha.


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Hello ladies!

It's been awhile. I'm always on here but I could never find this forum because it never popped back in my "user cp" since it hasn't been active.

How is everyone?

I'm being induced on the 17th!
Today is the big day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear how you and Ari is doing!!! and see some photos

Unfortunately for me, im still TTC. Both my IVF's has failed and me and DH has decided to go back to natural TTC for the rest of the year. I pray we will catch the eggy and not have to go through anymore treatments.

Joanna > How you and little man doing?

Cara > Any news girl?
Congratulations Ann! I see you've named her Ari, what a beautiful name! Post some pics please. How did the induction go?

Tella - I'm sorry the treatments have not turned out for you, you deserve so much to have your baby. Keep up the positive attitude, you will get a baby one day I am sure.

Well we have been very busy, Kieran is growing and discovering new things everyday. He is now 4 months old and i've just this week started introducing baby cereal, which he seems to enjoy. He is also almost sitting up on his own but is still a little unsteady so it wont be long, pulling himself into a sitting position will be a little away still though. He is also rolling over all the time and laughing lots :) Today he discovered our kitty and loves watching him in the room, hopefully tail pulling will be awhile from now lol. I will try and post some pics but I find the pictures from my camera are usually too big to post on here so I'll do my best. Talk to you all soon.


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OMW Joanna Kieran is soooooo adorable!!! Im so glad your enjoying him and that is he growing up so well and learning things so quickly! Soon you will be running after him in the house and wish he would just stay still for a moment :lol:

Thanks for the kind words, but strangely enough im doing ok not to heartbroken. Having a motnh off is awesome, have some good fun with the friends that is majorly overdue and having a few drinks every now and then.

Any news from your yet Anna???

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