Injectables with IUI or Timed Intercourse Club!

So I did my first set of injections for this cycle tonight, I'd almost forgotten how much fun that was! No bruises though so I must be getting better! 125ius of FSH (Puregon) and 0.3ml Buserilin. Scan date is next Tuesday, really hoping I have a good response this time.

AF this time is absolute hell! Still a light flow as usual but the cramps are insane, that's what you get for holding back mother nature I guess!

Good luck for your appointment tomorrow Isi and hope things are going well for you Bernina!

Nikki, not sure if you are still dropping by but am thinking of you. Hope that you are able to get back on the bike soon, it will all be worth it in the end!
Hey ladies, I'm still around checking on you. I'm just really bummed, and in some pain. It's almost like every time you have a setback like this you feel like it's just not going to happen ever. Trying trying trying to stay positive.

I hope you all are doing well though, I'm thinking of you guys!
Hi ladies. Just had my first consult with the new FS. It was a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!! However, he pointed out that, because of my tube situation and stuff, IUI might only marginally increase my chances. He believes IVF is the best way to go. And to be honest, I think I'm impatient enough to agree.........
Hi Isi, I guess it depends if they can force ovulation from the correct ovary! At least if you were medicated and monitored they would know before ovulation whether or not you were going to release an egg from the right side. I guess it comes down to the cost of the meds and the lost time if the cycles have to be abandoned cos you don't respond on the right side....

So glad to hear that you had a positive consult, I know I am keen to get to IVF as quickly as possible as I don't feel IUI is likely to work for me after all this time. In my case though it's kinda scary as my IVF will be funded by the NHS and we only get one go. If it doesn't work, that will be the end of our journey as we can't afford to go private, I'm terrified to think of getting to that point.

Good luck with whatever you decide *hugs*

Nikki - sorry to hear you're still hurting but glad that you are able to start feeling a little positive again.
Thanks MarsMaiden. At least you get one go funded! Ours will have to be privately paid for from the start. Scary thought, I tell you! But sending you lots of :dust: and hoping IUI does work for you :hugs:

Sending lots of :hugs: to you too, Nina!! This journey of ours can be an emotionally draining one!! Have you decided what your next step will be?
Hi I posted on this thread last week but now fully ready to join in...

Nikki, firstly sorry to hear your cycle was a bust..this journey we're all on is such a tough one.
Isi, really helps to have an FS you feel comfortable with and if IVF is where you're headed then I wish you every success as you head down that road.
Mrs Maiden...hope the injections continue to go well, you remain bruise free and, above all else, you get your BFP at the end of it!!

My story....
I have PCOS(ovulation is a rarity) & a lap in May revealed Endo too. Tried Clomid, 50mg followed by 100mg and last resort 150mg. My body turned out to be clomid resistant and follicles didn't budge.

FS decided next course of treatment would be Gonal-F injections with TSI.
Started on 75iu per day on CD2. can on CD 10 revealed dominant follicle at 14mm. Injected for another 4 days and then triggered on Day 15. Lots of :sex: over that few days and two weeks later my dreams came true and I got my :bfp:
Sadly my joy was shortlived and I lost my little Pip at 6wks. Miscarried naturally and FS scanned me and is happy that things are passing as they should although am still spotting 2 wks later:growlmad:

Seeing as I don't ovulate or get regular periods I'll be taking a 10 day course of provera starting next week and will be injecting again from mid-August. Hoping I'll fall as quickly again next time:shrug: It's such a traumatic journey we're all on but I'm confident we'll all find our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow sooner rather that later.:hugs:

Sending lots of :dust::dust:
Welcome Nikki and Isi!!

Mars Maiden, glad to hear your injections are going well. Sorry to hear that AF was so awful to you this cycle.

Nikki, I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I hope your pain is starting to ease. My FS put me on a round of birth control pills prior to the injections to minimize cysts and basically suppress the ovaries. Has your doctor suggested a round of bcp to help with the cysts? I was very against wasting a month on pills, but I read up on it a bit and found that there were very good reasons for what he did. You're in my thoughts and I totally know how hard this journey is. I've had some very down times in the past 6 months. What has helped me this cycle is basically anytime I'm feeling down or doubtful that this could work, in my head I ask God for the strength and courage to handle whatever may come, whether it's miscarriage, a difficult pregnancy, or a BFN. I used to always sit there and beg the little egg to implant, but I found myself getting too desperate repeating that over and over again, so this really seems to calm me and I can only hope that if it is a BFN that I do have the strength to deal with it and continue to try.

Isi, when I went in for my ultrasounds this cycle (medicated with injectables) I had large follicles developing in both ovaries and I'm pretty sure I did ovulate from both sides. So while IUI may only marginally up the chances of the swimmers reaching the egg(s), I would definitely think the injections would up the chances of producing eggs in both ovaries. I hear you on being impatient enough to where the cost and hassle of IVF is starting to sound worth it. If this go doesn't work our next step will be another injectable cycle with IUI (which DH and I like to call the turkey baster approach). If that doesn't do the trick, then either adoption or IVF.

I have to run to a meeting, but will finish catching up soon.
Isi - Oh really I am truly grateful that we are getting help with the costs of assisted conception and didnt mean to sound any other way. For me it is just that it seems there is an X marked on a calender for about this time next year that signifies the end of this journey and a liife without my own child and I am careering towards it at the speed of sound. Its a terrifying feeling. Have you made any decisions about IUI or IVF for yourself yet?

Fitzy - again so sorry for your loss, I really can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be. I'm glad to hear that things seem to be resolving relatively quickly though and that you are so positive, that sounds like a great way to be taking things on again. Fingers crossed the provera works to regulate your cycle again and that you can get started. *hugs*

bernina - great to see you again! You have a wonderful positive outlook that is very inspiring, thank you. I see you have had a faint BFP??! That is so exciting! I really hope that you get a darker line tomorrow and that spotting is just some early pregnancy bleeding! Crossing everything for you!

The injections are stil going OK and still no bruises which honestly after last time is a miracle! It's the little victories that count, right?? :-P I am starting to react a little to the Buserilin again which I did last time, my leg gets really raised and itchy and red around the injection site. The ciinic say this is nothing to worry about so its just irritating! I am feeling incredibly tired, more so than llast time so guess that's down to the higher doses - I actually left work early yesterday to come home and sleep and didn't get up til this morning!! I also had the most awful nightmare. Oh well, eyes on the prize, it'll all be over soon!

Do you ladies inject in the tummy or the thigh? Does anyone know if there's a difference?
Have to run but wanted to post that I did my injections in my stomach. After months of acupuncture I have learned that my stomach is actually one of the least sensitive areas (and hands and feet are the most sensitive!) If it wasn't for acu I would have been totally afraid to do the stomach and gone straight for the thigh, but I'm glad I went with stomach as I could barely feel it. Did have some bruising, but it was minimal and really no pain at all during and after injections. Guess that nice fat pad helps to keep the pain down :)
Thanks Bernina! I was never offered a choice and was just told to do it in my leg so have been following orders! I have heard lots say though that the stomach is better so I might query whether I can with my clinic if I have to do this again!

My work computer isn't showing signatures properly so I can't see what your FRER was today!! really hope that that says positive and that the blood test confirms!

I have had some pink/brown discharge last night and this morning which I've never had before. cd6 and four nights of injections down, I don't know what to think about this! AF finished on cd3 so don't think it's that but can't help worrying as if my lining doesn't thicken up, I don't think I have much chance of this cycle working...
I did my injections for the most part in my tummy although a couple of days had done them in thigh just to alternate! MrsMaiden...Bernina's sig has a beautiful, flashing :bfp:...great news!
Thanks lovely ladies :hugs:. I'm pretty much almost certain that I won't bother with IUI, and go straight to IVF instead. Hopefully, we'll be able to pull the cash together when I get back home.

I'm on vacation now, so giving this ttc thing a rest until I get back in about 2 weeks.

So sorry about the early loss, fitzy :hugs:. Wishing you all the very very best for this cycle. Will you be getting a trigger shot before your IUI or you'll use opks?

Wow, congrats bernina :yipee:. That is fantastic news!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! :happydance: :dance:'re next :winkwink:
Thanks Isi!!!! I hope you have a wonderful vacation and can't wait to follow your journey when you return.
Hi MarsMaiden

I would let your dr know about the spotting at your next appointment. Mid cycle spotting can be caused by many things, it could be that they need to adjust your doseage or it could just be from an irritated cervix or a cervical polyp (I struggled with one of those for nearly 6 mos!). Did you do the BD recently?

If (a big fat IF!) you have to do the injections again, I would definitely ask about the stomach. Both the stomach and thighs were listed in the medication literature from the manufacturer (for Follistim) so I think it's probably perfectly safe to use either area. Always best to check with dr or nurse first though like you said.

I'm eagerly watching your progress!!!
oh my goodness Bernina, that is such amazing news!! you must be bouncing off the walls! it gives me so much hope too! wheeeeeeee!!!! Here's to a H&H 9 months for you *clink*

Isi - thankyou, I really hope so! enjoy your vacation and wishing you loads of luck on your IVF journey!

I am feeling so so full in my tummy, I could practically explode! hoping this means that my scan tomorrow will show some good sized follies! will ask about the spotting then too.... *fingers crossed*
Ooooh good luck at the scan tomorrow!! Full feeling in tummy...such a good sign!
Thanks Fitzy! I can't wait to find out! (haha, you know you've been ttc too long when you are more excited than nervous about an internal u/s!!) Have you started your Provera yet?
Best of luck at your scan tomorrow MarsMaiden!! A heavy bloated feeling is a super good sign.

Thanks for the congrats and well wishes!
I know....imagine being excited about internal u/sound...:haha:

Starting my provera later on this week. Have to time it right as OH is going to be away with work for while and there's no point starting injections if there's a chance he's not going to be here around ovulation!!!
ARGH!!! My dh left the fridge door open last night and so this morning I come down to find my drugs have been fried! The FSH and my HCG trigger both have to be kept refridgerated so now I have nothing to inject myself with tonight and nothing to trigger with!! The drugs are normally sent through from a private company and I have no idea if the hospital keep any there that they can give me. So no idea if I can get anything in time to keep this cycle going!! Why can't life ever be easy?? I really don't need to be stressing right now....

Can't wait for the hospital to open in half an hour, I hope I'm worrying about nothing!

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