Hi Ladies!
Hope you don't mind if I join in on this thread!
I am currently 2 DPO. I had my trigger injection on Wednesday morning and IUI Thursday afternoon - approximately 34 hours post trigger. I was on Gonal F/Menopur and now on Estrace and Endometrin Progesterone. My last u/s on Tuesday showed 4 good sized follies at 19mm/17.5mm/16mm/14mm. I was given one more day of injections to boost them just a little more before the trigger on Wednesday morning.
This is my first injectible cycle (after unsuccessful 3 rounds on Clomid), and I really don't know what to expect!
Currently my boobs are very tender and sore. Today had some mild cramping in lower abdomen - not to one side or the other, but just across the middle. I know that these symptoms are probably just the progesterone as too early for implantation cramping, but it really does drive your mind crazy doesn't it???
Anyway....sending u all loads of BABY DUST AND STICKY VIBES!
Good Luck Ladies and thank you so much for the thread!