Injectables with IUI or Timed Intercourse Club!

So I am back from my scan but not feeling great. I had lots of follies but all very small. The only half decent size ones were on the left, one at 14mm and one at 15mm. Because they don't want the smaller ones to catch up, I have to trigger tomorrow and will have the IUI on Thursday. I just don't understand how they think it will work when last time I had two 14mm follies on the Monday and had the IUI four days later how the same size follies are going to be big enough for an IUI in only two days now??!

I have just given up all hope of this cycle working now, what's the point? And when I asked them if it was enough time, I got what seems to be the standard response now to any questions I ask - 'It should be OK'. Well that's so reassuring!

As for the drugs getting fried, they gave me some more pregnyl (HCG) so I should be good for that but they said that the Puregon (FSH) 'should be OK' so I have to just carry on with the warmed up version. I honestly just think it is that the Puregon is too expensive to replace but that could just be me being cynical. I only have one more dose to do anyway but again this doesn't add to my lack of optimism.

rubbish :(

About the drugs being warm, try not to worry. DH and I went on a camping trip and I had to bring my shots with me (just the FSH). We had put them in a bag with ice but it melted and the pen sat at probably 80 degrees for 12 hours. I asked the nurse at my FS and also did a lot of reading online and found that it really wasn't a big deal. And obviously the medicine still worked for me, so I really think yours will be fine :)

As for the follie size, I was really worried about mine as well. From what I've read follies don't need to be as large on a injectables cycle as Dr's normally like on Clomid. The aim is more for quality than for size. Honestly I think your 15mm has a great shot.

I was told you ovulate 36 hours from the time of your injection and the follies continue to grow until they are actually realeased. So it's 15 today, 17 on Wednesday, and 19 or 20 by the time you ovulate. I think that is a perfectly good size.

I totally understand your worries, and of course nothing but a BFP is going to reassure you. But try to remain positive for this cycle, you definitely do have a chance!! :hugs:
thanks bernina. i am trying not to to be too pessimistic especially after the lovely positiveness of this thread so far but everything I have read says that they look for the follicle to be at least 17mm BEFORE trigger. Having had two 14mm follies last cycle that had an extra day to grow than these ones will, I really don't hold out much hope. my womb lining was also only 6.5mm so really everything seems to be against me, it may be possible but it is certainly at the margins of what is feasible and so our chances really aren't that great.

I'll play out the two weeks anyway and hope that I'm wrong! If this cycle is a bust I am going to try and push to see the FS again (I wouldn't normally see him until I've had 3 failed IUIs) as the clinics protocol just doesn't seem to be working for me and I would hope that would warrant some more investigations before they waste any more time or money.
This thread is here so we can all rant to each other if need be. No matter how positive we try to remain, LTTC is a battle and has it's down days to say the least.

Thinking of you!! :flower:
MrsMaiden...sorry things didn't go as well as you hoped at the scan today. It is so disheartening and soul-destroying. have you ever thought of trying accupuncture...good for balancing the body and also supposed to be great for uterine lining.I use it as a support and Bernina had too!
hey fitzy, thanks for the tip! Tbh I am not that sure about acupuncture and I think that belief is part of the key to its success. I have heard lots of good things about it though and might consider it in the future!

Had my IUI this morning, all went well and the whole thing only took about a minute which is about the same as last time, at least I have some things to be thankful for! DHs sperm was 41million and 92% motility post wash which is really good and def better than the last time.

And after all my talk of not getting my hopes up, I may have spent the car journey back telling my egg off and to get it's butt moving and mature already!! I guess a little PMA never hurt anybody hahahahaha! Oh well here's to the tww!

Hope things are still going well for you Bernina - any symptoms yet?

Are things still on schedule for you Fitzy for a mid august start?
Hi MarsMaiden, glad that your IUI went well. Bring on the tww!! Do you and DH plan to do the BD a few more times, just in case you ovulate later or twice?

Doing well thank you, not many symptoms, sore boobs, ocassional pressure in abdomen and very very mild nausea but I think if I wasn't preg that I probably would just think I ate something that didn't agree with me. Still feels so unreal at the moment!

Hope everyone is doing well!! MarsMaiden, do you have a ttc journal or a fertility friend page?
Glad your IUI went well, MarsMaiden! Wishing you all the very best in your 2ww. And remember......only positive thoughts, okay?

Bernina....glad you're progressing well. Totally loving your tickers!!!, I never knew that about acupuncture. Very interesting stuff. How are you hun?

As for me, I'm still having a great time on holiday. Just got a downer on a BnB thread.....about increased chance of ectopic pregnancies with IVF. I'm certainly not saving any money for any additional tubal removal surgery, so that isn't an option. I guess we just have to pray for the best!
MrsMaiden.....fingers crossed those eggies listened to your "talking to" today!!

Isi....don't worry too much about the stats re ectopics with IVF...for all the negative stats there's plenty of positive stories too so keep believing you'll be one of those successes!

As for me..I start my provera tonight for 10 days in order to bring on a bleed. Gonal-F is in the fridge all ready to go. I feel really good, still have a few tears every now nd then but I'm in a positive frame of mind to start all over again. Fingers crossed FSH round 2 will be as successful:thumbup:
Oh Fitzy, so excited for you!!! I think the best thing is knowing that it worked before and it WILL work again. Honestly when I first got my BFP I think I was more excited just to know I could still get a BFP!!

So excited, are you going to continue temping this cycle?
Have been pretty sporadic with the temps this cycle Bernina..only really doing it so don't get out of the habit for next month. I'll prob continue but won't lose a night's sleep if miss a few days!
That's the approach I took this cycle. I had stopped temping all together the cycle before since I was on BCP's and nothing exciting was going on. Took me a few days to get back into the swing and then with vacation there were times where I just didn't feel like rolling over for the thermo. I don't think it hurt my chart any, I could still see when I ov'd and had enough to estimate a cover line since I had to use override mode due to the hcg shot.
bernina - I managed to convince dh to bd that same night and the night after so hopefully that will be enough (why is that when they know you want their sperm they suddenly become all difficult about doing the deed?? :-P )I have always been concerned that my clinic does the IUI too early at 27hours ish post trigger but hopefully if I did O we will have covered the window. So glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well so far, it must be wonderful to know that your little bean is in there growing away.

Fitzy - yay for getting underway and even more yay for your PMA. As Bernina says, it has worked before and it will again!

isi - thanks for the good thoughts. *hugs*

4dpiui for me now and totally sucked into the tww!! Hoping even though I said I wouldn't! So far have sore bb's (down to the HCG I think) and cramping on my left side which is the same as last time so I guess down to the progesterone support. Is it next week yet??
4dpiui for me now and totally sucked into the tww!! Hoping even though I said I wouldn't! So far have sore bb's (down to the HCG I think) and cramping on my left side which is the same as last time so I guess down to the progesterone support. Is it next week yet??

Feel your pain hun...the TWW is a killer...counting down the days!!!! Fingers crossed for you:hugs:

As for me..I'm halfway through course of provera...expecting AF next Tues/Wed so only about 10 days until I start injecting again!!:happydance:
Good luck this 2ww, MarsMaiden! I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Yay, Fitzy :happydance:. 10 more days to get the party started!!!! Wishing you all the very best, hun!
MarsMaiden the 2ww after injections is even harder than a regular 2ww. I swear between the FSH and HCG your body acts like it's already preg and gives you every symptom in the book (although I guess since I did fall preg I can't say that with 100% accuracy although I highly doubt at 2 dpo I was having preg signs!)

I totally hear you on DH's acting all funny when they know it's the important times. DH suddenly gets stage fright and it's a chore to get things to work properly. The rest of the time he's ready to jump me the second he sees a boob or hint of skin. I don't even want to tell you all what I had to do to get him to perform on the morning I ovulated. Lets just say it was something I was told I wouldn't have to do after I got the ring! Men!
Fitzy - have you started your cycle yet? Thinking of you...

bernina - haha, that gave me a giggle and I so know what you mean! My DH just seems to get on the defensive when he knows that its *the* time, like he just has to be obstinate about it. I think it is just that they don't like not being in control and instigating things when they feel like it!

Halfway through the tww and it's killing me! Feeling a bit down at the moment like I just can't cope with having so much going on in my head, the slightest thing stresses me out, I just don't feel like I have the mental capacity to fit it all in! I also have the strangest feeling around my left ovary which is so hard to describe! It's almost like there's cold water around it. You know when you drink something really hot, sometimes you feel the heat in your stomach, this is a bit like that but with cold instead and really deep inside and just on the lower left side of my tummy. It's been like it a couple days now and I have no idea what to make of it!

Ah well, back to some more obsessive symptom spotting!!
MM...hope the coldness around the ovary is a good(albeit unusual!) sign!! Keeping everything crossed for you!

I've 3 more nights of provera and expecting to be injecting again next Tues/Wed/Thurs...depending when my fake AF pland on showing up!! Bring it on....:happydance:
Fitzy - it's a strange thing to say but I hope that AF has made her appearance for you!

I'm now 11dpiui and still symptoms all over because of the meds, continuous cramping and really sore bbs. Got a bit excited on Friday (9dpiui) when I got a bfp but it must have been the last of the trigger in my system as yesterday and this morning were both bfn's. Thinking that is it for me this cycle which is no surprise really, my next battle is to try and speak to the FS before they railroad me into another cycle!
Well I started my Gonal-F on Tuesday so 5 days of injections down. I have a scan on Tuesday so fingers crossed there'll be some lovely follies growing!

MarsM...hoping you get some good news in a few's not over until the stupid witch rocks up BUT hope she stays well and truly away..

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